? ?
06 March 2009 @ 07:30 pm
thanks to thatdirtywater for the headshots.

Usual rules apply:
No hotlinking because it's bad.
Textless icons can be customize.
Can use all the graphics on other sites.
Credit is completely optional.
Comments make me a happy girl.

Icons/ bases
[ 01 - 28 ] Harley Quinn
[ 29 - 86 ] Boston Red Sox

I found the Joker's psyche disturbing, his dementia alarming, and his charm irresistible!Collapse )
Current Music: Heavens - Counting | Powered by
14 January 2009 @ 11:46 pm
The request post is still up! Put it to good use guys. :D

Usual rules apply:
No hotlinking because it's bad.
Textless icons can be customize.
Can use all the graphics on other sites.
Credit is completely optional.
Comments make me a happy girl.

Icons/ bases
[ 01 - 48 ] Paramore

[ 01 ] Sandy Koufax
[ 02 ] Ted Williams
[ 03 ] Jim Rice
[ 04 ] Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio

For a pessimist, I'm pretty optimistic.Collapse )
Current Music: the rachel maddow show
28 December 2008 @ 11:30 pm
It's been almost two months since my last post and I still have no idea what to even post. I figure this might be the best time to create a request post. There is no limit to the amount of icons you can request and anyone who comes across this post can make a request.

I will also be posting a few tutorials in the up coming weeks. The ones I'll be posting I've used a few times over the past few months and are also the psd's that have gotten the most compliments.
05 November 2008 @ 06:39 pm
One picture, four banners. Take, share, edit. I don't care what you do with them, just enjoy them and let me know if you like it. Hell, I'll even go ahead and put a different quote on the blank one if that's what you want!

Also, a request post should be up in a few days.

[ 01 - 04 ] President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden

It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.Collapse )
Current Mood: jubilantjubilant
20 October 2008 @ 02:58 pm
Usual rules apply:
No hotlinking because it's bad.
Textless icons can be customize.
Can use all the graphics on other sites.
Credit is completely optional.
Comments make me a happy girl.

Icons/ bases
[ 01 - 11 ] Boston Bruins
[ 12 - 22 ] Washington Capitals
[ 23 - 33 ] Calgary Flames
[ 34 - 44 ] Tampa Bay Lightning
[ 45 - 55 ] Pittsburgh Penguins
[ 56 - 74 ] Katy Perry
[ 75 - 95 ] M.I.A.

How many tequilas in the place? How many beers are in the case?Collapse )
Current Mood: goodgood
Current Music: Gym Class Heroes - Kissin' Ears
04 October 2008 @ 07:17 pm
Usual rules apply:
No hotlinking because it's bad.
Textless icons can be customize.
Can use all the graphics on other sites.
Credit is completely optional.
Comments make me a happy girl.

Icons/ bases
[ 01 - 09 ] Barack Obama
[ 10 - 50 ] Post-Season Celebrations
[ 51 - 60 ] David Wright
[ 61 - 80 ] Florida Marlins
[ 81 - 99 ] Alexander Ovechkin

Change is coming to Washington this fall.Collapse )
20 September 2008 @ 05:14 pm
Hey everyone! Keep an eye out cause I have some Entourage, Joe Biden, Rachael Maddow, David Wright and Marlins icons waiting to get done. I'm sick so it's looking like it'll be sooner rather than later. Also, I'm going to be making a special NCAA football post, so give me the teams you want to see or it may just be all Top 25. haha As far as MLB play-offs goes: Once all berths are clinched I will make one big old posts of celebrating. After that I'll try to have three play-offposts (one for each round). So it's looking like big things a head!

Oh and finally, for my right of center friends, if you guys want some McCain-Palin love for your journals give me links to where I can find good pictures of you ticket and it will get done. The dirty journalism major in me hates when things are bias. haha

Usual rules apply:
No hotlinking because it's bad.
Textless icons can be customize.
Can use all the graphics on other sites.
Credit is completely optional.
Comments make me a happy girl.

Icons/ bases
[ 01 - 36 ] Boston Celtics
[ 37 - 61 ] Barack Obama
[ 62 - 74 ] The Obamas
[ 75 - 85 ] O'Biden!

'Anyone need a ride?' [Biden] asked some people standing nearby. 'I’ve got a nice bus.'Collapse )
Current Mood: hungryhungry
Current Music: USF @ FIU (Go Bulls!)
15 August 2008 @ 03:37 am
Usual rules apply:
No hotlinking because it's bad.
Textless icons can be customize.
Can use all the graphics on other sites.
Credit is completely optional.
Comments make me a happy girl.

Icons/ bases
[ 01 - 53 ] Entourage

You know that your man has broken out of the Oompa-Loompa factory and is up to no good?Collapse )
Current Mood: sleepysleepy
16 July 2008 @ 01:24 pm
I have not forgotten about the Celtics icons, I just have so many of them that I've had to take a break and make icons of other subjects so I don't go insane. My birthday is this weekend and I have a paper and final the week after so they may not be up until the beginning of August.

Usual rules apply:
No hotlinking because it's bad.
Textless icons can be customize.
Can use all the graphics on other sites.
Please credit me for 6-8 since they are from my Warped Tour pictures, everything else is optional.
Comments make me a happy girl.

Icons/ bases
[ 01 - 24 ] Travis McCoy

6'5, 200 plus and so sexy.Collapse )
06 July 2008 @ 05:00 pm
Usual rules apply:
No hotlinking because it's bad.
Textless icons can be customize.
Can use all the graphics on other sites.
Credit is completely optional.
Comments make me a happy girl.

Icons/ bases
[ 01 - 15 ] Los Angeles Agels of Anaheim
[ 16 - 30 ] Oakland Athletics
[ 31 - 45 ] Milwaukee Brewers
[ 46 - 60 ] Chicago Cubs
[ 61 - 75 ] Arizona Diamondbacks
[ 76 - 90 ] Florida Marlins
[ 91 - 105 ] Tampa Bay Devil Rays
[ 106 - 120 ] Boston Red Sox

It seems like when he gets hits, it’s not just one. It’s two or more.Collapse )