When discovering smoke or fire your role is to:
Staff Response to Fire Alarm:
Horizontal or Vertical Evacuation may be ordered. Begin evacuation of all patients only under the direction of the Fire Marshall
Code Delta Level 3 may be initiated
Report suspicious package, letter or email immediately by calling 57-5555 using a landline phone
Code “Active Shooter/Assailant” – Requested when an incident in the clinic or on the clinic grounds involves an individual or group that is using a weapon, brandishing a weapon, or is suspected of having a weapon.
Call The Logistics Center at 57-5555 and provide the following information:
1. RUN - if there is an accessible escape path, attempt to escape the premises.
2. HIDE - If escape is not possible, find a place where the shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should:
To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place:
3. FIGHT – If the first two options are not available fight as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger
If an active shooter is outside the building:
When Law Enforcement Arrives:
Emergency Operations Plan
The Emergency Operations Plan is designed to ensure appropriate, effective response to a variety of emergency situations that could affect the safety of patients, associates and visitors or the environment, or adversely impact our ability to provide healthcare services to the community based on the Hazard Vulnerability Analysis. The organization’s Emergency Operations Plan is organized around the National Incident Management System/Hospital Incident Command System (NIMS/HICS). When the need for a Code Green Delta is identified:
Initial associate’s response when you hear the Code Green Delta announcement:
Code Green Delta Room Assignments:
All associates are responsible for helping ensure the safety of patients, families and visitors.
Severe weather is defined as any meteorological condition that may cause damage to human life or property. This may include but is not limited to: Severe thunderstorm, Tornado, High wind advisory, Hail, Lightening, or Flooding
If there is a chemical spill, you have a responsibility to know proper procedures:
Many Associates work with or come into contact with chemical products in order to do our jobs. You have a right to know the hazards involved with these products and how to protect yourself. The best source of information is the Safety Data Sheet SDS. The SDS contain product, safety, hazard, first aid and other information. You can access SDS information three ways:
Workplace Violence is defined as: Any behaviors, including overt acts of violence, threats of violence, physical and verbal intimidation, and verbal abuse, which cause a person to feel a reasonable concern for his or her safety while at NCH, should call 57-5555 and ask for a “Security Alert” to the specific location where the incident is occurring.
Examples of workplace violence may include, but are not limited to:
In a violence/security alert incident:
To initiate a Security Alertstrong>, call The Logistics Center (TLC) at 57-5555 or activate panic button if department is equipped with one. Then: