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Journal created:
on 28 May 2009 (#20340953)
on 17 December 2011
Crossed Paths - Multiverse Storyline RP
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
This Com's for writing and RP. A place for people to get into long storylines.
Welcome to Star Crossed Path
A place for you to enjoy story lines, as well as stories. It's a place where you can mix things up as much as you want.

The rules are simple.

1. The opening post must be the start of a story. At least three hundred words. Every reply can be as long or short as you want. But we want some meat to play off of.

2. Be considerate to other players. I don't want to be booting people because of fights.

3. Tag with your character's name, journal account, and fandom (If you're not playing a fandom based character just write Original)

4. If your post is adult in nature, please mark it as such in the subject line. I know some characters can't help it, and I'm not going to refuse them just because of that fact. Just please try to keep it a little clean. Anything over pg13 place behind a cut9, not saying you can't have it, we just don't want in your face smut okay.

5. Have fun! Don't be afraid to try anything new.
