Stanford University
The study of institutions has a long history, but recent efforts stress the significance of symbolic elements in shaping social life. Although institutional processes and structures operate from the most micro interpersonal level to the... more
The study of institutions has a long history, but recent efforts stress the significance of symbolic elements in shaping social life. Although institutional processes and structures operate from the most micro interpersonal level to the... more
This report investigates how administrative complexity in funding and personnel of American public school districts varies depending on local, state, and federal funding environments. The analysec are based on a data set integrated from... more
Organizations and Movements Doug McAdam and W. Richard Scott Introduction There is little question that two of the most active and creative arenas of scholarly activity in the social sciences during the past four decades have been... more
Note: We wish to thank John McNutt, Mary Bourdette, and anonymous reviewers for helpful comments, and the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund and the Spencer Foundation for their gen- erous support of this project. Correspondence concerning... more
For the past half-century, the study of organizations has been an active area within sociology. I provide an overview of the emergence of this specialty during the second half of the twentieth century, its relation to the larger field of... more
More so than other types of social actors, the professions in modern society have assumed leading roles in the creation and tending of institutions. They are the preeminent institutional agents of our time. Different professions work in... more
The present research concerns the study of a new structure that exists in US cities. This structure is composed of institutions that have traditionally been called civil society. They are primarily voluntary, primarily concerned with the... more
Extensive literature supports the correlation between surgical volume and improved clinical outcome in the management of various cancers. It is this evidence that has catalysed the creation of centres of excellence. However, on closer... more
The paper begins with a summary of Alberts and Hayes's concept of edge organizations, noting its distinguishing features. Limitations and shortcoming are identified. The critique broadens to include a discussion of the limited perspective... more
The use of public-private partnerships (PPPs) for infrastructure development has received significant scholarly attention of late, but there remains a need for more work at the programme level. Specifically, there is a need for work that... more
Late in the 1950s an important transition occurred in sociological research on organizations. Prior to that time, studies had been predominantly of two types. First, many studies were conducted in which organizations were treated as... more
Integrated project delivery (IPD), an emerging form of project organization for North American construction projects, offers a compelling case study to understand how new innovative infrastructure project delivery models can emerge and... more
Globally, public-private partnerships (PPPs) have increased in popularity as an alternative procurement model for infrastructure development projects. While PPPs have been widely researched and remain subject to extensive debate, the... more
Beyond analyzing the institutional and political challenges of global projects, this book demonstrates academic skill in theory building and development-transporting one established, dominant framework (institutional theory) in... more