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As human life expectancy continues to rise, financial decisions of aging investors may have an increasing impact on the global economy. In this study, we examined age differences in financial decisions across the adult life span by... more
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With the recent growth of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), scientists across a range of disciplines are comparing neural activity between groups of interest, such as healthy controls and clinical patients, children and young... more
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Although global declines in structure have been documented in the aging human brain, little is known about the functional integrity of the striatum and prefrontal cortex in older adults during incentive processing. We used event-related... more
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Background Everyday life demands continuous flexibility in thought and behavior. We examined whether individual differences in dopamine function are related to variability in the effects of amphetamine on one aspect of flexibility: task... more
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ABSTRACT As the proportion of older adults continues to grow rapidly here in the US and across the globe, aging adults may be required to make increasingly more independent health-related and financial decisions. Thus, it is increasingly... more
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Emerging findings imply that distinct neurobehavioral systems process gains and losses. This study investigated whether individual differences in gain learning and loss learning might contribute to different life financial outcomes (ie,... more
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Abstract The anterior insula has been implicated in both the experience and the anticipation of negative outcomes. Although individual differences in insular sensitivity have been associated with self-report measures of chronic anxiety,... more
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Abstract Life financial outcomes carry a significant heritable component, but the mechanisms by which genes influence financial choices remain unclear. Focusing on a polymorphism in the promoter region of the serotonin transporter gene... more
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Effective social and emotional functioning is1 essential to healthy relationships at any age. Although the understanding of socioemotional functioning in late life has increased in recent decades, most of the existing research relies on... more
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Abstract Some people find it more difficult to delay rewards than others. In three experiments, we tested a “future self-continuity” hypothesis that individual differences in the perception of one's present self as continuous with a... more
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Abstract: In this chapter, we summarize recent findings in neuroeconomics suggesting that emotion (specifically,“anticipatory affect”) can influence financial decisions, and then discuss how individual differences in anticipatory affect... more
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How do people perceive routine events such as making a bed as they unfold in time? Research on knowledge structures suggests that people conceive of events as goal-directed partonomic hierarchies. Here, participants segmented videos of... more
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Events can be understood in terms of their temporal structure. Here, we draw on several bodies of research to construct an analysis of how people use event structure in perception, understanding, planning, and action. Philosophy provides... more
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Graphics have been used since ancient times to portray things that are inherently spatiovisual, like maps and building plans. More recently, graphics have been used to portray things that are metaphorically spatiovisual, like graphs and... more
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      HumanComplex System
Subjects read narratives describing directions of objects around a standing or reclimng observer, who was periodically reoriented. RTs were measured to identify which object was currently located beyond the observer's head, feet, front,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceExperimental PsychologyMental Representation
Events can be understood in terms of their temporal structure. Here, we draw on several bodies of research to construct an analysis of how people use event structure in perception, understanding, planning, and action. Philosophy provides... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePerception
Although cognitive map is a popular metaphor for people's mental representations of environments, as it is typically conceived, it is often too restrictive. Two other metaphors for mental representations are proposed and supported.... more
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      Mental RepresentationPerspective TakingCognitive MapMENTAL MODEL