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This paper explores the benefits of design thinking training to enhance doctoral student problem-solving ability, creative confidence, and emotional well-being. Our team adapted the design thinking curriculum taught by Stanford... more
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      CreativityDesign thinkingDoctoral educationSocial and Emotional Wellbeing
Producing quality original research requires advanced analytic skills, but also the creative intelligence to design a project as well as the ability to handle the inevitably ambiguous research process. This study unveils important aspects... more
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      CreativityMentoringDoctoral SupervisionDoctoral education
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Producing quality original research requires advanced analytic skills, but also the creative intelligence to design a project as well as the ability to handle the inevitably ambiguous research process. This study unveils important aspects... more
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      CreativityMentoringDoctoral SupervisionReflection
Environmental managers and planners have become increasingly enthusiastic about the potential of decision support tools (DSTs) to improve environmental decision-making processes as information technology transforms many aspects of daily... more
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      Marine Protected AreasEnvironmental PlanningCollaboration TechnologyCoastal and Marine Spatial Planning
Environmental agencies designate certain datasets as "authoritative," or official datasets for use in decision making. Although this is a common administrative term, the notion of certain sources being authoritative has received minimal... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
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      MultidisciplinaryHuman dimensions of wildlife
This thesis tells two intertwined stories about stories about nature. One, theoretical, asks what stories and histories do and why storytelling matters in place-making and policy-making. The second questions the effect of narratives of... more
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      TextHistoriesPlace Making
Environmental agencies designate certain datasets as "authoritative," or official datasets for use in decision making. Although this is a common administrative term, the notion of certain sources being authoritative has received minimal... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
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Water laws and drought plans are used to prioritize and allocate scarce water resources. Both have historically been human-centric, failing to account for non-human water needs. In this paper, we examine the development of instream flow... more
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    • Resources
Additional storage of water is a potential option to meet future water supply goals. Financial comparisons are needed to improve decision making about whether to store water in surface reservoirs or below ground, using managed aquifer... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWaterWater resources
Ecological transformation creates many challenges for public natural resource management and requires managers to grapple with new relationships to change and new ways to manage it. In the context of unfamiliar trajectories of ecological... more
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      BioscienceBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
, publishes a range of reports that address natural resource topics. These reports are of interest and applicability to a broad audience in the National Park Service and others in natural resource management, including scientists,... more
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    • Business
Producing quality original research requires advanced analytic skills, but also the creative intelligence to design a project as well as the ability to handle the inevitably ambiguous research process. This study unveils important aspects... more
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      CreativityMentoringDoctoral SupervisionReflection
Natural resource managers worldwide face a growing challenge: Intensifying global change increasingly propels ecosystems toward irreversible ecological transformations. This nonstationarity challenges traditional conservation goals and... more
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      BioscienceBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Environmental confl ict resolution practitioners have become increasingly interested in using information technology to work collaboratively across sectors. Discussions to date, however, have focused on specifi c tools rather than the... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCollaborative TechnologyPolitical ScienceConflict Resolution
Environmental managers and planners have become increasingly enthusiastic about the potential of decision support tools (DSTs) to improve environmental decision-making processes as information technology transforms many aspects of daily... more
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      CommunicationDecision MakingMarine Protected AreasEnvironmental Management
This paper explores the benefits of design thinking training to enhance doctoral student problemsolving ability, creative confidence, and emotional well-being. Our team adapted the design thinking curriculum taught by Stanford... more
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      PsychologyCreativityDesign thinkingDoctoral education
Changing climate conditions can make water management planning and drought preparedness decisions more complicated than ever before. Federal and State natural resource managers can no longer rely solely on historical trends as a baseline... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeochemistryGeomorphology