Papers by Claudio Emma

In this paper we analyze the high gain, high efficiency tapered free-electron laser amplifier wit... more In this paper we analyze the high gain, high efficiency tapered free-electron laser amplifier with a prebunched electron beam. Simple scaling laws are derived for the peak output power and extraction efficiency and verified using 1D simulations. These studies provide useful analytical expressions which highlight the benefits resulting from fine control of the initial conditions of the system, namely the initial electron beam bunching and input seed radiation. When time-dependent effects are included, the sideband instability is known to limit the radiation amplification due to particle detrapping. We discuss two different approaches to mitigate the sideband growth via 1-D time dependent simulations. We find that a more aggressive taper enabled by strong prebunching and a modulation of the resonance condition are both effective methods for suppressing the sideband instability growth rate.

We report the generation of ultrahigh brightness X-ray pulses using the Fresh Bunch Self-Seeding ... more We report the generation of ultrahigh brightness X-ray pulses using the Fresh Bunch Self-Seeding (FBSS) method in an X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL). The FBSS method uses two different electron slices or bunches, one to generate the seed and the other to amplify it after the monochromator. This method circumvents the trade-off between the seed power and electron slice energy spread, which limits the efficiency of regular self-seeded FELs. The experiment, the performance of which is limited by existing hardware, shows FBSS feasibility, generating 5.5 keV photon pulses which are 9 fs long and of 7.3 ×10−5×10−5 bandwidth and 50 GW power. FBSS performance is compared with Self Amplified Spontaneous Emission/self-seeding performance, measuring a brightness increase of twelve/two times, respectively. In an optimized XFEL, FBSS can increase the peak power a hundred times more than state-of-the-art to multi-TW, opening new research areas for nonlinear science and single molecule imaging.
This paper presents a novel method to improve the longitudinal coherence, efficiency and maximum ... more This paper presents a novel method to improve the longitudinal coherence, efficiency and maximum photon energy of x-ray free electron lasers (XFELs). The method is equivalent to having two separate concatenated XFELs. The first uses one bunch of electrons to reach the saturation regime, generating a high power self-amplified spontaneous emission x-ray pulse at the fundamental and third harmonic. The x-ray pulse is filtered through an attenuator/monochromator and seeds a different electron bunch in the second FEL, using the fundamental and/or third harmonic as an input signal. In our method we combine the two XFELs operating with two bunches, separated by one or more rf cycles, in the same linear accelerator. We discuss the advantages and applications of the proposed system for present and future XFELs.

In this paper we present undulator magnet tapering methods for obtaining high efficiency and mult... more In this paper we present undulator magnet tapering methods for obtaining high efficiency and multiterawatt peak powers in x-ray free electron lasers (XFELs), a key requirement for enabling 3D atomic resolution single molecule imaging and nonlinear x-ray science. The peak power and efficiency of tapered XFELs is sensitive to time dependent effects, like synchrotron sideband growth. To analyze this dependence in detail we perform a comparative numerical optimization for the undulator magnetic field tapering profile including and intentionally disabling these effects. We show that the solution for the magnetic field taper profile obtained from time independent optimization does not yield the highest extraction efficiency when time dependent effects are included. Our comparative optimization is performed for a novel undulator designed specifically to obtain TW power x-ray pulses in the shortest distance: superconducting, helical, with short period and built-in strong focusing. This design reduces the length of the breaks between modules, decreasing diffraction effects, and allows using a stronger transverse electron focusing. Both effects reduce the gain length and the overall undulator length. We determine that after a fully time dependent optimization of a 100 m long Linac coherent light source-like XFEL we can obtain a maximum efficiency of 7%, corresponding to 3.7 TW peak radiation power. Possible methods to suppress the synchrotron sidebands, and further enhance the FEL peak power, up to about 6 TW by increasing the seed power and reducing the electron beam energy spread, are also discussed.

We study the dependence of the peak power of a 1.5 Å Terawatt (TW), tapered x-ray free-electron l... more We study the dependence of the peak power of a 1.5 Å Terawatt (TW), tapered x-ray free-electron laser (FEL) on the transverse electron density distribution. Multidimensional optimization schemes for TW hard x-ray free-electron lasers are applied to the cases of transversely uniform and parabolic electron beam distributions and compared to a Gaussian distribution. The optimizations are performed for a 200 m undulator and a resonant wavelength of λ r ¼ 1.5 Å using the fully three-dimensional FEL particle code GENESIS. The study shows that the flatter transverse electron distributions enhance optical guiding in the tapered section of the undulator and increase the maximum radiation power from a maximum of 1.56 TW for a transversely Gaussian beam to 2.26 TW for the parabolic case and 2.63 TW for the uniform case. Spectral data also shows a 30%–70% reduction in energy deposited in the sidebands for the uniform and parabolic beams compared with a Gaussian. An analysis of the transverse coherence of the radiation shows the coherence area to be much larger than the beam spotsize for all three distributions, making coherent diffraction imaging experiments possible.

We study the generation of short (sub 10 fs) pulses in the X-ray spectral region using an energy ... more We study the generation of short (sub 10 fs) pulses in the X-ray spectral region using an energy chirped electron beam in a Self Amplified Spontaneous Emission Free Electron Laser (SASE FEL) and a self-seeding monochromator [1-4]. The monochromator filters a small bandwidth, short duration pulse from the frequency chirped SASE spectrum. This pulse is used to seed a small fraction of the long chirped beam, hence a short pulse with narrow bandwidth is amplified in the following undulators. We present start-to-end simulation results for LCLS operating in the soft X-ray self-seeded mode with an energy chirp of 1% over 30 fs and a bunch charge of 150 pC. We show the possibility to generate 5 fs pulses with a bandwidth 0.3 eV. We also assess the possibility of further shortening the pulse by utilizing one more chicane after the self-seeding stage and shifting the radiation pulse to a " fresh " part of the electron beam. Experimental study on this short pulse seeding mode has bee...
We study the tapering optimization scheme for a short period, less than two cm, superconducting u... more We study the tapering optimization scheme for a short period, less than two cm, superconducting undulator, and show that it can generate 4 keV X-ray pulses with peak power in excess of 1 terawatt, using LCLS electron beam parameters. We study the effect of undulator module length relative to the FEL gain length for continous and step-wise taper profiles. For the optimal section length of 1.5m we study the evolution of the FEL process for two different superconducting technologies NbTi and Nb3Sn. We discuss the major factors limiting the maximum output power, particle detrapping around the saturation location and time dependent detrapping due to generation and amplification of sideband modes.

Tapering optimization schemes for TeraWatt (TW) level X-ray Free Electron Lasers (FELs) are criti... more Tapering optimization schemes for TeraWatt (TW) level X-ray Free Electron Lasers (FELs) are critically sensitive to the length of individual undulator and break sections. Break sections can be considerably shortened if the focusing quadrupole field is superimposed on the undulator field, increasing the filling factor and the overall extraction efficiency of the tapered FEL. Furthermore, distributed focusing reduces the FODO length and allows one to use smaller beta functions, reducing particle de-trapping due to betatron motion from the radial tails of the electron beam. We present numerical calculations of the tapering optimization for such an undulator using the three dimensional time dependent code GENESIS. Time dependent simulations show that 8 keV photons can be produced with over 3 TW peak power in a 100m long undulator. We also analyze in detail the time dependent effects leading to power saturation in the taper region. The impact of the synchrotron sideband growth on particle detrapping and taper saturation is discussed. We show that the optimal taper profile obtained from time independent simulation does not yield the maximum extraction efficiency when multi-frequency effects are included. A discussion of how to incorporate these effects in a revised model is presented.

For the ultimate use for the scientific experiments, the free electron laser (FEL) will propagate... more For the ultimate use for the scientific experiments, the free electron laser (FEL) will propagate for long distance, much longer than the Rayleigh range, after exiting the undu-lator. To characterize the FEL for this purpose, we study the electromagnetic field mode components of the FEL photon beam. With the mode decomposition, the transverse coherence can be analyzed all along. The FEL here in this paper is a highly tapered one evolving through the exponential growth and then the post-saturation taper. Modes contents are analyzed for electron bunch with three different types of transverse distribution: flattop, Gaussian, and parabolic. The tapered FEL simulation is performed with Genesis code. The FEL photon beam transverse electric field is decomposed with Gaussian-Laguerre polynomials. The evolutions of spot size, source location, and the portion of the power in the fundamental mode are discussed here. The approach can be applicable to various kind scheme of FEL.
Improved Self Amplified Spontaneous Emission (iSASE) is a scheme that reduces FEL bandwidth by in... more Improved Self Amplified Spontaneous Emission (iSASE) is a scheme that reduces FEL bandwidth by increasing phase slippage between the electron bunch and radiation field. This is achieved by repeatedly delaying electrons using phase shifters between undulator sections. Genesis 1.3 [1] is modified to facilitate this simulation. With this simulation code, the iSASE bandwidth reduction mechanism is studied in detail. A Temporal correlation function is introduced to describe the similarity between the new grown field from bunching factor and the amplified shifted field. This correlation function indicates the efficiency of iSASE process.
A fast and robust algorithm is developed to decompose FEL radiation field transverse distribution... more A fast and robust algorithm is developed to decompose FEL radiation field transverse distribution into a set of or-thonormal basis. Laguerre Gaussian and Hermite Gaus-sian can be used in the analysis. The information of mode components strength and Gaussian beam parameters allows users in downstream better utilize FEL. With this method, physics of mode components evolution from starting stage, to linear regime and post saturation are studied with detail. With these decomposed modes, correlation function can be computed with less complexity. Eigenmodes of the FEL system can be solved using this method.

Multidimensional optimization schemes for TW hard X-Ray free electron lasers are applied to the c... more Multidimensional optimization schemes for TW hard X-Ray free electron lasers are applied to the cases of transversely uniform and parabolic electron beam distributions and compared to examples of transversely Gaussian beams. The optimizations are performed for a $200$m undulator and a resonant wavelength of $\lambda_r=1.5\AA $ using the fully 3-dimensional FEL particle code GENESIS. Time dependent simulations showed that the maximum radiation power is larger for flatter transverse distributions due to enhanced optical guiding in the tapered section of the undulator. For a transversely Gaussian beam the maximum output power was found to be $\text{P}_{max}$=$1.56$ TW compared to $2.26$ TW for the parabolic case and $2.63$ TW for the uniform case. Spectral data also showed a 30-70$\%$ reduction in energy deposited in the sidebands for the uniform and parabolic beams compared with a Gaussian. An analysis of the maximum power as a function of detuning from resonance shows that redshiftin...
We perform an analysis of the transverse coherence of the radiation from a TW level tapered hard ... more We perform an analysis of the transverse coherence of the radiation from a TW level tapered hard X-ray Free Electron Laser (FEL). The radiation properties of the FEL are studied for a Gaussian, parabolic and uniform transverse electron beam density profile in a 200 m undulator at a resonant wavelength of 1.5 ˚ A. Simulations performed using the 3-D FEL particle code GENESIS show that diffraction of the radiation occurs due to a reduction in optical guiding in the tapered section of the undulator. This results in an increasing transverse coherence for all three transverse electron beam profiles. We determine that for each case considered the radiation coherence area is much larger than the electron beam spot size, making coherent diffraction imaging experiments possible for TW X-ray FELs.
We study the tapering optimization scheme for a short period, less than two cm, superconducting u... more We study the tapering optimization scheme for a short period, less than two cm, superconducting undulator, and show that it can generate 4 keV X-ray pulses with peak power in excess of 1 terawatt, using LCLS electron beam parameters. We study the effect of undulator module length relative to the FEL gain length for continous and step-wise taper profiles. For the optimal section length of 1.5m we study the evolution of the FEL process for two different superconducting technologies NbTi and Nb3Sn. We discuss the major factors limiting the maximum output power, particle detrapping around the saturation location and time dependent detrapping due to generation and amplification of sideband modes.
Conference Presentations by Claudio Emma

We discuss the first demonstration of fresh slice self seed-ing, or Enhanced Self-Seeding (ESS) i... more We discuss the first demonstration of fresh slice self seed-ing, or Enhanced Self-Seeding (ESS) in a hard X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL). The ESS method utilizes a single electron beam to generate a strong seed pulse and amplify it with a small energy spread electron slice. This extends the capability of self seeded XFELs by producing short pulses, not limited by the duration set by the self-seeding monochro-mator system, with high peak intensity. The scheme relies on using a parallel plate dechirper to impart a spatial chirp on the beam, and appropriate orbit control to lase with different electron beam slices before and after the self-seeding monochromator. The performance of the ESS method is analyzed with start-to-end simulations for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The simulations include the effect of the parallel plate dechirper and propagation of the radiation field through the monochromator. We also present results of the first successful demonstration of ESS at LCLS. The radiation properties of ESS X-ray pulses are compared with the Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) mode of FEL operation for the same electron beam parameters.

High efficiency, terawatt peak power X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs) are a promising tool for ... more High efficiency, terawatt peak power X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs) are a promising tool for enabling 3D atomic resolution single molecule imaging and nonlinear science using X-ray beams. Increasing the efficiency of XFELs while maintaining good longitudinal coherence can be achieved via self-seeding and tapering the undulator magnetic field. The efficiency of tapered self seeded XFELs is limited by two factors: the ratio of seed power to beam energy spread and the ratio of seed power to electron beam shot noise. We present a method to overcome these limitations by producing a strong X-ray seed and amplifying it with a small energy spread electron bunch. This can be achieved by selectively suppressing lasing for part of the electron beam in the SASE section and using the rest of the bunch to generate the seed radiation. In this manner one can reach saturation with the seeding electrons and the strong seed pulse can be overlapped with the " fresh" electrons downstream of the self-seeding monochromator. Simulations of this scenario demonstrating an increased efficiency are presented for two systems, an optimal superconducting undulator design and the Linac Coherent Light Source. In the case of the LCLS we examine how the betatron oscillations leading to selective suppression can be induced by using the transverse wakefield of a parallel plate corrugated structure, a dechirper.
Papers by Claudio Emma
Conference Presentations by Claudio Emma