This study examines the shame that drives the rite of confession of guilt and sin in the Toraja t... more This study examines the shame that drives the rite of confession of guilt and sin in the Toraja tradition and then dialogues with the Christian faith. In this study, a qualitative research method was used with an ethnographic approach. Observations and interviews were conducted with figures who knew the topic. The results show that Toraja people experience collective shame when community members commit moral violations. A sense of shame before others or social shame is felt. However, spiritual shame is an aspect that cannot be ignored. Behind the social violations, there are efforts to interpret the relationship with God (Toraja language, Puang Matua), which needs to be brought back to lead people to repentance.Contribution: This article combines tradition and theology, particularly missional and contextual theology. The results of this study are expected to increase the efforts of each respondent to interpret God in every social violation committed to lead people to repentance.
A patriarchal culture, discrimination, and reading texts from a man's point of view are hampering... more A patriarchal culture, discrimination, and reading texts from a man's point of view are hampering women's involvement in the gospel message (as well as other social changes). This condition raises concerns and encourages the emergence of feminist movements. The feminist movement has a spirit of liberation theology. Women must be allowed to be involved in religious and social life like men. It was this thought that appeared in the theological struggle of the Toraja Church when it decided to appoint female priests. But long before that, women were actually involved in the mission movement especially the missionary wives. Both perspectives will be reviewed in this article using historical studies.
Pemilihan seorang pemimpin masih dipengaruhi pembedaan gender. Umumnya lakilaki dipilih karena me... more Pemilihan seorang pemimpin masih dipengaruhi pembedaan gender. Umumnya lakilaki dipilih karena mereka dianggap memiliki kompetensi yang lebih baik dari kaum perempuan. Persoalan itulah yang hendak dibuktikan dalam penelitian ini, melalui penelusuruan terhadap kepemimpinan perempuan dalam gereja dan sekolah tinggi teologia. Secara khusus akan dibahas kepemimpinan Agustina Lumentut, Mery L. Y. Kolimon, Hendritte Hutabarat-Lebang dan Septemmy Lakawa. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif jenis kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan para pemimpin perempuan memiliki kemampuan manajerial yang cukup baik. Mereka menjalankan fungsi sebagai penata, pengarah, serta berani mengeluarkan berbagai terobosan dalam rangka membela hak-hak asasi manusia, sekalipun hal tersebut diluar kelaziman
Artikel ini berbicara tentang penghiburan dalam kedukaan berdasarkan Kitab Ayub. Ayub tidak menda... more Artikel ini berbicara tentang penghiburan dalam kedukaan berdasarkan Kitab Ayub. Ayub tidak mendapatkan penghiburan dari sahabat-sahabatnya. Penghiburan Ayub justru didapatkan dari Allah yang justru diam disepanjang dialog Ayub dengan ketiga sahabatnya. Penghiburan datang ketika ia sadar akan kehadiran Allah dalam pergumulannya. Orang percaya masa kini hendaknya menjadi orang yang lebih banyak mendengarkan ketika orang disekelilingnya mengalami kedukaan, seperi halnya Allah yang mendengar di tengah duka yang dialami.
Krisis ekologi terjadi akibat perilaku manusia yang tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap alam. Salah ... more Krisis ekologi terjadi akibat perilaku manusia yang tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap alam. Salah satunya dengan mengalihfungsikan hutan secara besar-besaran menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit. Alih fungsi hutan telah menyebabkan terganggunya keseimbangan ekosistem, meskipun pada aspek lain meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dua sisi ini menghadapkan kita pada pilihan untuk mengambil keputusan secara etis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan sebagai alat bantu dalam pengumpulan data dan analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembukaan lahan baru kelapa sawit harus dihentikan karena efek kerusakannya berdampak bagi semua makhluk. Petani dan perusahaan kelapa sawit sebaiknya diarahkan pada peremajaan tanaman bukan pada pembukaan lahan baru.
AbstrakBudaya menulis karya ilmiah di Indonesia memiliki tren yang positif. Pada Tahun 2018, Ind... more AbstrakBudaya menulis karya ilmiah di Indonesia memiliki tren yang positif. Pada Tahun 2018, Indonesia menempati urutan ke-2 negara di ASEAN yang memiliki jumlah publikasi terindeks scopus. Publikasi karya ilmiah ini menentukan kualitas akademisi dalam mengembangkan ilmunya. Berdasarkan tren ini IAKN Toraja perlu secara aktif untuk mengambil bagian dalam meningkatkan publikasi karya ilmiah nasional.Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan publikasi karya ilmiah IAKN Toraja. Metode pengabdian dengan menggunakan pembelajaran aktif, kreatif, dan inovatif dengan prinsip kolaborasi antara dosen dan mahasiswa dalam menulis karya ilmiah. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah abstrak naskah penelitian yang siap diteruskan untuk menjadi artikel ilmiah. Artikel ilmiah yang sudah selesai dilakukan proses submisi ke open journal system yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Kata kunci: Karya Ilmiah, Penulisan, IAKN Toraja, Cultural write scientific articles in Indonesia have a positive...
Mitra Sriwijaya: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2022
Abstract: This paper aims to examine the story of Abimelech and God by using narrative interpreta... more Abstract: This paper aims to examine the story of Abimelech and God by using narrative interpretation as a model approach to answer the question of how is the hospitality shown by Abimelech? Does a good host deserve a warning for the fault of the guest's carelessness? Does the host need to resort to violence against a stranger who harms him? From this article, we will explore what is the background of God's stern warning to Abimelech through dreams. The approach used is the approach approach. The results of the study show that God Abimelech strictly when he was not married Sarah was already married, namely (1) the possibility of Abimelech from the danger of committing sins. (2) the punishment, preventing "all the women in Abimelech's house from becoming pregnant", lasted only so long as Abimelech was in danger of sleeping with Sarah. it was to change the situation, not for Abimelech. (3) the punishment clearly shows that Abraham was in fellowship with Almighty ...
Does sin cause suffering? Why do the righteous suffer? That is the general picture of the book of... more Does sin cause suffering? Why do the righteous suffer? That is the general picture of the book of Job. To answer this problem, the author wants to examine the epilogue section of the book of Job (42: 7-17). The interpretation method used in this paper is the narrative approach. In the epilogue of the book of Job, it appears that God restored Job's suffering, forgiven his mistakes and also forgave friends who had acted as if defending God. Some of the findings of this study include: (1) Suffering is not always a punishment from God. (2) God sided with and defended those who suffered. (3) Pastoral assistance becomes bland if the victims are placed on the guilty side, without trying to get them out of life's difficulties. (4) God uses those who suffer to ask forgiveness for those who feel themselves as righteous people. Apakah dosa mengakibatkan penderitaan? Mengapa orang benar menderita? Itulah gambaran umum dari kitab Ayub. Untuk menjawab persoalan tersebut, maka penulis hend...
The 1965 Presidential Decree on the blasphemy and abuse of religion law is bad news for tribal re... more The 1965 Presidential Decree on the blasphemy and abuse of religion law is bad news for tribal religions. Therefore they try to maintain their existence by taking refuge in Hinduism. Some things to consider include, the similarity of elements of local beliefs and the freedom to exercise trust. Nevertheless, they still feel the government treats them discriminatively because there is no freedom to display their identity. The problem is further complicated because other religious communities tend to regard them as infidels who need to be “converted” into believing in Allah and embracing one of the official religions. The desire of adherents of tribal religions to be treated fairly gets a fresh breeze through a 2016 constitutional court ruling that allows them to empty the religious column on their electronic identity card (KTP) or other identity cards, or allow them to write their identity as “believers”; But this decision raises the question: How the relationship between adherents of...
Frans Paillin Rumbi, Conflict Management in The Early Church: Interpretation of the Acts 2:41-47.... more Frans Paillin Rumbi, Conflict Management in The Early Church: Interpretation of the Acts 2:41-47. The main question put forward in this study is that in the early church there was no conflict? On that basis, the writer tries to find answers by using library research methods with the reader response interpretation approach. The result seems to be that the congregation was originally formed in the midst of conflict. Furthermore, in the early days they were confronted with internal and external conflicts. Internal conflicts include inner conflicts related to their waiting for the Kingdom of God and inner conflicts of individualistic and materialistic. The choice between prioritizing one's own welfare or having to share with others. To overcome the various conflicts that arise, they try to process it by first consistently building alliances on the basis of the work of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, they developed a lifestyle based on the spirit of repentance and desire to renew the w...
Generally, Christian education focuses on biblical preaching and church tradition. This method is... more Generally, Christian education focuses on biblical preaching and church tradition. This method is correct, but it doesn't close the way for other approaches. Christian education can use different strategies to teach the Christian faith. This research focuses on the massarak marriage ritual. The researcher wants to find the cultural values contained in it. The focus of this research is the Mamasa people who live in the Nosu District, Kabupaten Mamasa. Furthermore, the researcher wants to see it from the aspect of Christian education. The authors used qualitative methods to answer the research objectives, namely data collected from observations and interviews, then the data were presented descriptively. The results showed positive values in massarak rituals, namely respect, independence, love, and solidarity. These values can be used in Christian education, of course, in dialogue with the Christian faith. AbstrakUmumnya pendidikan Kristen fokus pada pemberitaan alkitabiah dan trad...
The issue to be examined is identity politics by Torajanese in Kolaka Regency and how to highligh... more The issue to be examined is identity politics by Torajanese in Kolaka Regency and how to highlight it in terms of Christian political theology. To obtain the data, the writer uses a grounded theory type of qualitative research method. From the results of the research, it appears that identity politics is used to: First, to cultivate compassion or solidarity. Second, realizing the interests of certain elements in the realm of practical politics, especially related to the position in the system of government. Those research show that there is a gap in vision among the community, this situation also triggered internal conflicts between them. The problem needs to be addressed immediately, specifically the author highlights it from the perspective of political theology. Conflict can be overcome if the conflicting parties hold a dialogue to prioritize life values such as love, justice and peace. Abstrak Masalah yang hendak dikaji dalam artikel ini ialah politik identitas orang Toraja di K...
KINAA: Jurnal Kepemimpinan Kristen dan Pemberdayaan Jemaat
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internati... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual
This paper juxtaposes two models of wrong forgiveness and sin. Massuru 'in Toraja culture and... more This paper juxtaposes two models of wrong forgiveness and sin. Massuru 'in Toraja culture and repentance in the gospel. This research study is explanatory in order to explain the concept of masu suru and repentance from the theological roots that shape it. The materials used are sourced from the literature but in dialogue with the observations or experiences that the author has encountered in the field, both when observing the way the Toraja interpret their traditions and interpret liturgical confessions in the congregation. The results of this study found that massuru and repentance had a more or less the same basic pattern, which was initiated by false recognition or sin, forgiveness and finally peace. Another similarity is improving behavior, reestablishing relations with God and fellow creatures. But there are differences in terms of initiative, targets in the visible and inner aspects, atonement victims. Massuru 'can be used as a model for confession in congregations an...
BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual
This paper juxtaposes two models of wrong forgiveness and sin. Massuru 'in Toraja culture and... more This paper juxtaposes two models of wrong forgiveness and sin. Massuru 'in Toraja culture and repentance in the gospel. This research study is explanatory in order to explain the concept of masu suru and repentance from the theological roots that shape it. The materials used are sourced from the literature but in dialogue with the observations or experiences that the author has encountered in the field, both when observing the way the Toraja interpret their traditions and interpret liturgical confessions in the congregation. The results of this study found that massuru and repentance had a more or less the same basic pattern, which was initiated by false recognition or sin, forgiveness and finally peace. Another similarity is improving behavior, reestablishing relations with God and fellow creatures. But there are differences in terms of initiative, targets in the visible and inner aspects, atonement victims. Massuru 'can be used as a model for confession in congregations an...
Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan c... more Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apa pun, termasuk fotokopi, tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit.
Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan c... more Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apa pun, termasuk fotokopi, tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit.
This study examines the shame that drives the rite of confession of guilt and sin in the Toraja t... more This study examines the shame that drives the rite of confession of guilt and sin in the Toraja tradition and then dialogues with the Christian faith. In this study, a qualitative research method was used with an ethnographic approach. Observations and interviews were conducted with figures who knew the topic. The results show that Toraja people experience collective shame when community members commit moral violations. A sense of shame before others or social shame is felt. However, spiritual shame is an aspect that cannot be ignored. Behind the social violations, there are efforts to interpret the relationship with God (Toraja language, Puang Matua), which needs to be brought back to lead people to repentance.Contribution: This article combines tradition and theology, particularly missional and contextual theology. The results of this study are expected to increase the efforts of each respondent to interpret God in every social violation committed to lead people to repentance.
A patriarchal culture, discrimination, and reading texts from a man's point of view are hampering... more A patriarchal culture, discrimination, and reading texts from a man's point of view are hampering women's involvement in the gospel message (as well as other social changes). This condition raises concerns and encourages the emergence of feminist movements. The feminist movement has a spirit of liberation theology. Women must be allowed to be involved in religious and social life like men. It was this thought that appeared in the theological struggle of the Toraja Church when it decided to appoint female priests. But long before that, women were actually involved in the mission movement especially the missionary wives. Both perspectives will be reviewed in this article using historical studies.
Pemilihan seorang pemimpin masih dipengaruhi pembedaan gender. Umumnya lakilaki dipilih karena me... more Pemilihan seorang pemimpin masih dipengaruhi pembedaan gender. Umumnya lakilaki dipilih karena mereka dianggap memiliki kompetensi yang lebih baik dari kaum perempuan. Persoalan itulah yang hendak dibuktikan dalam penelitian ini, melalui penelusuruan terhadap kepemimpinan perempuan dalam gereja dan sekolah tinggi teologia. Secara khusus akan dibahas kepemimpinan Agustina Lumentut, Mery L. Y. Kolimon, Hendritte Hutabarat-Lebang dan Septemmy Lakawa. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif jenis kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan para pemimpin perempuan memiliki kemampuan manajerial yang cukup baik. Mereka menjalankan fungsi sebagai penata, pengarah, serta berani mengeluarkan berbagai terobosan dalam rangka membela hak-hak asasi manusia, sekalipun hal tersebut diluar kelaziman
Artikel ini berbicara tentang penghiburan dalam kedukaan berdasarkan Kitab Ayub. Ayub tidak menda... more Artikel ini berbicara tentang penghiburan dalam kedukaan berdasarkan Kitab Ayub. Ayub tidak mendapatkan penghiburan dari sahabat-sahabatnya. Penghiburan Ayub justru didapatkan dari Allah yang justru diam disepanjang dialog Ayub dengan ketiga sahabatnya. Penghiburan datang ketika ia sadar akan kehadiran Allah dalam pergumulannya. Orang percaya masa kini hendaknya menjadi orang yang lebih banyak mendengarkan ketika orang disekelilingnya mengalami kedukaan, seperi halnya Allah yang mendengar di tengah duka yang dialami.
Krisis ekologi terjadi akibat perilaku manusia yang tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap alam. Salah ... more Krisis ekologi terjadi akibat perilaku manusia yang tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap alam. Salah satunya dengan mengalihfungsikan hutan secara besar-besaran menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit. Alih fungsi hutan telah menyebabkan terganggunya keseimbangan ekosistem, meskipun pada aspek lain meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dua sisi ini menghadapkan kita pada pilihan untuk mengambil keputusan secara etis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan sebagai alat bantu dalam pengumpulan data dan analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembukaan lahan baru kelapa sawit harus dihentikan karena efek kerusakannya berdampak bagi semua makhluk. Petani dan perusahaan kelapa sawit sebaiknya diarahkan pada peremajaan tanaman bukan pada pembukaan lahan baru.
AbstrakBudaya menulis karya ilmiah di Indonesia memiliki tren yang positif. Pada Tahun 2018, Ind... more AbstrakBudaya menulis karya ilmiah di Indonesia memiliki tren yang positif. Pada Tahun 2018, Indonesia menempati urutan ke-2 negara di ASEAN yang memiliki jumlah publikasi terindeks scopus. Publikasi karya ilmiah ini menentukan kualitas akademisi dalam mengembangkan ilmunya. Berdasarkan tren ini IAKN Toraja perlu secara aktif untuk mengambil bagian dalam meningkatkan publikasi karya ilmiah nasional.Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan publikasi karya ilmiah IAKN Toraja. Metode pengabdian dengan menggunakan pembelajaran aktif, kreatif, dan inovatif dengan prinsip kolaborasi antara dosen dan mahasiswa dalam menulis karya ilmiah. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah abstrak naskah penelitian yang siap diteruskan untuk menjadi artikel ilmiah. Artikel ilmiah yang sudah selesai dilakukan proses submisi ke open journal system yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Kata kunci: Karya Ilmiah, Penulisan, IAKN Toraja, Cultural write scientific articles in Indonesia have a positive...
Mitra Sriwijaya: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2022
Abstract: This paper aims to examine the story of Abimelech and God by using narrative interpreta... more Abstract: This paper aims to examine the story of Abimelech and God by using narrative interpretation as a model approach to answer the question of how is the hospitality shown by Abimelech? Does a good host deserve a warning for the fault of the guest's carelessness? Does the host need to resort to violence against a stranger who harms him? From this article, we will explore what is the background of God's stern warning to Abimelech through dreams. The approach used is the approach approach. The results of the study show that God Abimelech strictly when he was not married Sarah was already married, namely (1) the possibility of Abimelech from the danger of committing sins. (2) the punishment, preventing "all the women in Abimelech's house from becoming pregnant", lasted only so long as Abimelech was in danger of sleeping with Sarah. it was to change the situation, not for Abimelech. (3) the punishment clearly shows that Abraham was in fellowship with Almighty ...
Does sin cause suffering? Why do the righteous suffer? That is the general picture of the book of... more Does sin cause suffering? Why do the righteous suffer? That is the general picture of the book of Job. To answer this problem, the author wants to examine the epilogue section of the book of Job (42: 7-17). The interpretation method used in this paper is the narrative approach. In the epilogue of the book of Job, it appears that God restored Job's suffering, forgiven his mistakes and also forgave friends who had acted as if defending God. Some of the findings of this study include: (1) Suffering is not always a punishment from God. (2) God sided with and defended those who suffered. (3) Pastoral assistance becomes bland if the victims are placed on the guilty side, without trying to get them out of life's difficulties. (4) God uses those who suffer to ask forgiveness for those who feel themselves as righteous people. Apakah dosa mengakibatkan penderitaan? Mengapa orang benar menderita? Itulah gambaran umum dari kitab Ayub. Untuk menjawab persoalan tersebut, maka penulis hend...
The 1965 Presidential Decree on the blasphemy and abuse of religion law is bad news for tribal re... more The 1965 Presidential Decree on the blasphemy and abuse of religion law is bad news for tribal religions. Therefore they try to maintain their existence by taking refuge in Hinduism. Some things to consider include, the similarity of elements of local beliefs and the freedom to exercise trust. Nevertheless, they still feel the government treats them discriminatively because there is no freedom to display their identity. The problem is further complicated because other religious communities tend to regard them as infidels who need to be “converted” into believing in Allah and embracing one of the official religions. The desire of adherents of tribal religions to be treated fairly gets a fresh breeze through a 2016 constitutional court ruling that allows them to empty the religious column on their electronic identity card (KTP) or other identity cards, or allow them to write their identity as “believers”; But this decision raises the question: How the relationship between adherents of...
Frans Paillin Rumbi, Conflict Management in The Early Church: Interpretation of the Acts 2:41-47.... more Frans Paillin Rumbi, Conflict Management in The Early Church: Interpretation of the Acts 2:41-47. The main question put forward in this study is that in the early church there was no conflict? On that basis, the writer tries to find answers by using library research methods with the reader response interpretation approach. The result seems to be that the congregation was originally formed in the midst of conflict. Furthermore, in the early days they were confronted with internal and external conflicts. Internal conflicts include inner conflicts related to their waiting for the Kingdom of God and inner conflicts of individualistic and materialistic. The choice between prioritizing one's own welfare or having to share with others. To overcome the various conflicts that arise, they try to process it by first consistently building alliances on the basis of the work of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, they developed a lifestyle based on the spirit of repentance and desire to renew the w...
Generally, Christian education focuses on biblical preaching and church tradition. This method is... more Generally, Christian education focuses on biblical preaching and church tradition. This method is correct, but it doesn't close the way for other approaches. Christian education can use different strategies to teach the Christian faith. This research focuses on the massarak marriage ritual. The researcher wants to find the cultural values contained in it. The focus of this research is the Mamasa people who live in the Nosu District, Kabupaten Mamasa. Furthermore, the researcher wants to see it from the aspect of Christian education. The authors used qualitative methods to answer the research objectives, namely data collected from observations and interviews, then the data were presented descriptively. The results showed positive values in massarak rituals, namely respect, independence, love, and solidarity. These values can be used in Christian education, of course, in dialogue with the Christian faith. AbstrakUmumnya pendidikan Kristen fokus pada pemberitaan alkitabiah dan trad...
The issue to be examined is identity politics by Torajanese in Kolaka Regency and how to highligh... more The issue to be examined is identity politics by Torajanese in Kolaka Regency and how to highlight it in terms of Christian political theology. To obtain the data, the writer uses a grounded theory type of qualitative research method. From the results of the research, it appears that identity politics is used to: First, to cultivate compassion or solidarity. Second, realizing the interests of certain elements in the realm of practical politics, especially related to the position in the system of government. Those research show that there is a gap in vision among the community, this situation also triggered internal conflicts between them. The problem needs to be addressed immediately, specifically the author highlights it from the perspective of political theology. Conflict can be overcome if the conflicting parties hold a dialogue to prioritize life values such as love, justice and peace. Abstrak Masalah yang hendak dikaji dalam artikel ini ialah politik identitas orang Toraja di K...
KINAA: Jurnal Kepemimpinan Kristen dan Pemberdayaan Jemaat
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internati... more This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual
This paper juxtaposes two models of wrong forgiveness and sin. Massuru 'in Toraja culture and... more This paper juxtaposes two models of wrong forgiveness and sin. Massuru 'in Toraja culture and repentance in the gospel. This research study is explanatory in order to explain the concept of masu suru and repentance from the theological roots that shape it. The materials used are sourced from the literature but in dialogue with the observations or experiences that the author has encountered in the field, both when observing the way the Toraja interpret their traditions and interpret liturgical confessions in the congregation. The results of this study found that massuru and repentance had a more or less the same basic pattern, which was initiated by false recognition or sin, forgiveness and finally peace. Another similarity is improving behavior, reestablishing relations with God and fellow creatures. But there are differences in terms of initiative, targets in the visible and inner aspects, atonement victims. Massuru 'can be used as a model for confession in congregations an...
BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual
This paper juxtaposes two models of wrong forgiveness and sin. Massuru 'in Toraja culture and... more This paper juxtaposes two models of wrong forgiveness and sin. Massuru 'in Toraja culture and repentance in the gospel. This research study is explanatory in order to explain the concept of masu suru and repentance from the theological roots that shape it. The materials used are sourced from the literature but in dialogue with the observations or experiences that the author has encountered in the field, both when observing the way the Toraja interpret their traditions and interpret liturgical confessions in the congregation. The results of this study found that massuru and repentance had a more or less the same basic pattern, which was initiated by false recognition or sin, forgiveness and finally peace. Another similarity is improving behavior, reestablishing relations with God and fellow creatures. But there are differences in terms of initiative, targets in the visible and inner aspects, atonement victims. Massuru 'can be used as a model for confession in congregations an...
Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan c... more Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apa pun, termasuk fotokopi, tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit.
Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan c... more Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apa pun, termasuk fotokopi, tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit.
Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan c... more Hak Cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apa pun, termasuk fotokopi, tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit.
Papers by Frans Rumbi
teologia. Secara khusus akan dibahas kepemimpinan Agustina Lumentut, Mery L. Y.
Kolimon, Hendritte Hutabarat-Lebang dan Septemmy Lakawa. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif jenis kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan para pemimpin perempuan memiliki kemampuan manajerial yang cukup baik. Mereka menjalankan fungsi sebagai penata, pengarah, serta berani mengeluarkan berbagai
terobosan dalam rangka membela hak-hak asasi manusia, sekalipun hal tersebut diluar kelaziman
Books by Frans Rumbi
teologia. Secara khusus akan dibahas kepemimpinan Agustina Lumentut, Mery L. Y.
Kolimon, Hendritte Hutabarat-Lebang dan Septemmy Lakawa. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif jenis kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan para pemimpin perempuan memiliki kemampuan manajerial yang cukup baik. Mereka menjalankan fungsi sebagai penata, pengarah, serta berani mengeluarkan berbagai
terobosan dalam rangka membela hak-hak asasi manusia, sekalipun hal tersebut diluar kelaziman