Papers by Mariana Panji Ramadan

Jurnal El-Audi, Aug 11, 2022
Reading from an early age can have a positive impact on children's language development for the n... more Reading from an early age can have a positive impact on children's language development for the next level of education. Early reading is reading that is taught in the program to preschool children. The purpose of this study was to determine the early reading ability of children in the experimental group and the control group at Kartini 3 Nagrak Sukabumi Kindergarten and the implementation of early reading skills. Children through cantol roudhoh as well as supporting factors and inhibiting the implementation of children's early reading skills through cantol roudhoh. This study uses a quantitative approach, the method used is a quasi-experimental method. This research shows that there is a significant effect on the use of the cantol roudhoh method in early reading learning at TK Kartini 3 Nagrak. This is evident from the increased early reading ability of children before and after treatment. In other words, the use of the cantol roudhoh method is effective and can improve children's early reading skills.

Pastabiq : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Since Covid-19 entered Indonesia in 2020, many problems have arisen, including health problems, e... more Since Covid-19 entered Indonesia in 2020, many problems have arisen, including health problems, economic problems, and education problems. The spread of covid-19 can be avoid implementing personal hygiene, One of them applying the 3M health protocol, using mask, washing hands with soap and keeping a distance. Partners are the people of Bojongkalong Village, Nyalindung District. The problems that faced by partners are the lack of public awareness how important personal hygiene, and not many public facilities that provide a place for washing hands. Hand sanitizer can be used as an alternative to washing hands with soap. used with the use of cases of transmission of covid-19, a lot of alcohol-based hand sanitizer. However, alcohol-based hand sanitizers cause irritation and burning, and they are not affordable. Betel leaf (piper betle linn) can be used as an alternative as a basic ingredient for herbal hand sanitizers, because it contains phenolic compounds and their derivatives so that...

Jurnal El-Audi, Aug 11, 2022
This study aims to determine the management of learning in TK Dahlia Nagrak which implements an i... more This study aims to determine the management of learning in TK Dahlia Nagrak which implements an integrated education system between general education, religious education, and life skills education with a semi-private. This research uses a qualitative approach and is a case study. The research subjects were the principal and the teachers. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. checking the validity of the data by checking the source of the data obtained and the method of data acquisition so that the data is truly valid as a basis and material for giving meaning to the data which is a determining process in understanding the context of the research being studied. The results of the study indicate that the management of learning in DahliaNagrak Kindergarten is structured according to the vision and mission of the institution by carrying out management functions, including; planning, implementation, monitoring and assessment. Planning is carried out by strategic planning, preparation of learning plans starting from annual and semi-annual planning, weekly activity units and daily activity units. Organizing is done by coordinating tasks, opportunities, experiences and insights with open communication, holding regular meetings that discuss efforts to improve the achievement of learning objectives. The action of learning begins with welcoming children or shaking hands with the teacher, introduction (morning exercise and marching, praying), core activities, eating and resting, closing. Assessment is carried out by making portfolios, assessing work, evaluating performance, evaluating actions and observing daily to ensure students' absorption of the lessons given.

Jurnal El-Audi
Social development is one of the key aspects of development used in PAUD learning. This is shown ... more Social development is one of the key aspects of development used in PAUD learning. This is shown through playing with peers, collaborative action with friends, and a sense of responsibility. The problem with this research is: “The movement of children's social emotional development by playing gymnastics and songs at RANurul Mu'minin Bojonggenteng Sukabumi?. The purpose of this study was to apply gymnastic games and songs to the social and emotional development of children by RA Nurul Mu'minin Bojonggenteng Sukabumi. the decision was to use a qualitative descriptive type and focus on teachers and students. The data acquisition tools used by the author in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. Socio-emotional development of class B1 students RA Nurul Mu'minin Bojonggenteng, based on the data in the table above, based on the results of RANurul Mu'minin Bojonggenteng Sukabumi the percentage of up to 10 students 20% has not developed, 50% is start...

Jurnal El-Audi
Learning in early childhood education is carried out with the concept of playing while learning. ... more Learning in early childhood education is carried out with the concept of playing while learning. Learning is packaged in such a way that it can provide an atmosphere of active, innovative, creative, effective, fun, happy and meaningful learning. In this case the teacher designs learning with the aim of providing stimulation and helping develop potential as optimally as possible. Because at this age according to experts call it the golden age (golden age). This research is generally aimed at planning, implementing, evaluating the level of success, and supporting inhibiting factors in managing the development of kinesthetic intelligence programs through outbound games at PAUD Fathurrohim Balekambang Nagrak, Sukabumi Regency. The method used in this study is a non-experimental method with a case study approach that aims to obtain an overview of the development of kinesthetic intelligence for early childhood through outbound games with the research location at PAUD Fathurrohim Balekamba...

Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Saat ini multikulturalisme menjadi isu penting, terutama setelah serangkaian konflik yang sering ... more Saat ini multikulturalisme menjadi isu penting, terutama setelah serangkaian konflik yang sering terjadi di negara ini dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Beranjak dari masalah tersebut, maka memulai pemahaman yang lebih tentang inklusif, pluralistik, dan toleran menjadi keharusan; berharap kasus-kasus seperti konflik sosial yang mengarah pada anarki atas nama SARA (Suku, Agama, Ras, Kelas), dan kepentingan lain yang menyelinap di belakangnya, tidak terulang di masa depan. Masalah-masalah ini tentu saja tidak hanya berkaitan dengan masalah bagaimana kita mengelola konflik, keragaman, dan pengakuan politis tentang perbedaan. Namun, lebih dari itu, multikulturalisme itu dapat dipahami sebagai "kepercayaan" terhadap normalitas dan penerimaan keanekaragaman. Untuk itu, salah satu cara paling efektif untuk menumbuhkan pemahaman yang lebih inklusif, pluralis, dan toleran adalah melalui proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini diberi judul Aktualisasi nilai-nilai multikultural dalam pembel...

HubunganAntaraPenerimaanPerkembanganFisikdenganKematanganEmosiPadaRemajaAwal (StudiKorelasionalpa... more HubunganAntaraPenerimaanPerkembanganFisikdenganKematanganEmosiPadaRemajaAwal (StudiKorelasionalpadaSiswaKelas VII SekolahMenengahPertamaNegeri 7 Tahun Ajaran 2011-2012 di Kota Sukabumi)”.Skripsi.JurusanPsikologiFakultasIlmuPendidikanUniversitasPendidikan Indonesia.Bandung (2013). Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahui (1) gambaranpenerimaanperkembanganfisikremajaawalpadasiswa SMP Negeri 7 Kota SukabumiTahunajaran 2011-2012, (2) gambarankematanganemosiremajaawalpadasiswa SMP Negeri 7 Kota SukabumiTahunajaran 2011-2012 dan (3) hubunganantarapenerimaanperkembanganfisikdengankematanganemosisiswa SMP Negeri 7 Kota SukabumiTahunajaran 2011-2012. Pendekatan yang digunakanadalahpendekatankuantitatifdenganmetodedeskriptifkorelasional.Sampelpenelitianadalah 100 orang siswakelas VII di SMP Negeri 7 Kota SukabumiTahunajaran 2011-2012 yang diambildenganteknikpengambilansampelyaitusimple random sampling.Alatukur yang digunakanberupakuisionerpenerimaanperkembanganfisikberdasarkanteoriJersild (1958)...

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya motivasi berprestasi yang ditunjukkan siswa SMK Ya... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya motivasi berprestasi yang ditunjukkan siswa SMK Yadika Soreang Kab.Bandung. Motivasi berprestasi merupakan salah satu komponen pembelajaran terpenting karena merupakan penyebab utama siswa melibatkan diri atau tidak dalam aktifitas belajarnya. Siswa yang memiliki motivasi berprestasi yang tinggi akan memiliki kepuasan yang tinggi pula terhadap aktivitas belajar yang dapat meningkatkan prestasi. Tujuan utama yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat peningkatan motivasi berprestasi yang signifikan pada siswa yang telah menggunakan model pembelajaran Roleplaying. Kajian teori motivasi berprestasi dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan dari teori motivasi berprestasi (achievement motivation) David Mc Clelland (1952) dan teori model pembelajaran Role playing dikembangkan dari teori George Shaftel (1967). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen kuasi dengan desain penelitian non...

This study aimed to determine the ability of take care themselves in children with autism. Resear... more This study aimed to determine the ability of take care themselves in children with autism. Research method used was qualitative.Subjects in this study were three children who had been diagnosed with autism between 16-20 years. Data collection techniques in this study was conducted using semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation based guideline development task in the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS). The results showed that the ability of daily living skills more quickly controlled by the child on a personal subdomain drinking, wearing shoes, using utensils, dress according to the weather, the beginning of health care, and hair neatness. For domestic subdomain is using a tool, clean up and set the table. For subdomain communities are ordering food in a restaurant. For master developmental tasks in accordance with age VABS developmental tasks in the personal subdomain is eating, playing taps, wash hands, and put some clothes on. In domestic subdomain is cleaning house. To slow development tasks mastered by children in the personal subdomain undress, brush teeth, shower affairs, nasal hygiene, bathing without help, keeping the nails, and skilled health care. For domestic subdomains of moving something, use basic tools, using kitchen utensils, household cleaning tools, cleaning the house, repairing equipment and home appliances, cooking, and sewing clothes. For communities that subdomain safety in the home, the use of telephone or HP, safety on the road, meaning the money, right-left orientation, skills in the diner, calling time: day, date, year, calling time: hours and minutes, giving change, skilled use of the phone, spending money, planning spending, job skills, and manage money. The process of formation of daily living skills influenced by the acceptance of the parents, the ability of the children, the demands of the environment in which the child lives, the child's chronological age, the typical environment in which the task will be done, teaching and instruction loud and clear, and consistent in giving instruction.
Papers by Mariana Panji Ramadan