Dakwah dan Komunikasi
Buku mempunyai banyak wajah. Ia dipahami sejauh pengetahuan, pengalaman orang yang membacanya. Kata-kata mempunyai kekuatan pengubah. Dalam lingkup konseling, buku menjadi salah satu media untuk meningkatkan psychological well-being.... more
Seberapa dan bagaimana hubungan timbal-balik budaya (culture) dan emosi (emotions)? Pertanyaan ini lah yang menjadi titik simpul dan titik kebingungan dari kajian-kajian yang mencoba menggeledah emosi termasuk antropologi, filsafat,... more
Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky menjadi sosok yang dikenal luas dalam Psikologi Amerika sejak publikasi atas monografnya pada tahun 1962, yakni Thought and Language. Lima tahun yang lalu (1973), atas desakan seorang murid Vygotsky, Alexander... more
Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky menjadi sosok yang dikenal luas dalam Psikologi Amerika sejak publikasi atas monografnya pada tahun 1962, yakni Thought and Language. Lima tahun yang lalu (1973), atas desakan seorang murid Vygotsky, Alexander... more
136 tahun silam, tepatnya tanggal 21 April 1879, lahir seorang bayi perempuan yang kelak tumbuh menjadi gadis kecil nan lincah. Ia kerap dijuluki sebagai “kuda Koree” (kuda liar), oleh karena ia enggan untuk berjalan seperti siput dan... more
Secara harafiah, biblioterapi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu: biblus (buku) dan therapy (merujuk kepada bantuan psikologis). Jika dipadu-padankan dapat diartikan sebagai penggunaan buku untuk membantu orang memecahkan masalahnya... more
This study aim was tested the Flow/ Optimal Experience in PAUD (early childhood) teachers based on Self-Regulation and Self-Efficacy in Wirobrajan sub-district of Yogyakarta. This study used a quantitative approach. The subjects were 110... more
The aims of paper is digging beneath the ontological relations between human and technology. It is handled by drawing a inspiration from Martin Heidegger's thought, specifically the period of Heidegger II. This library research... more
This paper aims to show at once critics and solutions for the logic of critical education, which has recently been sporadically appropriated by educational institutions and communities in Indonesia. This paper uses the method of library... more
This study aims to describe that the narrative power of a text has a psychological impact on its readers. Reading narrative texts can be an inexpensive and possible therapy, namely as bibliotherapy. This research uses a literature study... more
This paper aims to explore Axel Honneth's thoughts on recognition. This is considered important that today, religious moderation is expected to be a mode of living together that able to reconstructs a just and rational moral grammar,... more
This study aimed to reveal both the narrative identities of elderly masculinity and the psychological dynamics that accompanied the journey of life as an older man. Five older men, who live in a geriatric house in Yogyakarta, were... more
Selamat Datang, Mari Memulai Selamat datang dan tiba ke “rumah” Psychosophia: Journal of Psychology, Religion, and Humanity—sebuah jurnal peer-review—terbitan pertama. Edisi perdana ini mengambil judul “Psychology, Islam & Global Issues:... more
Today, the world is languishing in a patriarchal structure. This patriarchal domination not only harms women, but also men, children, the elderly, and marginalized groups. Gender mainstreaming extends its studies not only to femininity... more
Today, we live in social and religious life that it was undergoing rapid changes. This drastic change in the transformation era affects people's thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior in harmonizing their lives. Psychosophia:... more
This article aims to explore various literature on spiritual-existential development in the elderly. Initial exploration of this issue is considered important given the increasing structure of the aging population in Indonesia. This... more