Papers by Dr. Tgk. I S M A I L , S.Sy., M.A

Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2020
When Muslims have settled on the earth, one of the problems which become a focus of attention is ... more When Muslims have settled on the earth, one of the problems which become a focus of attention is the Kiblah direction. For Muslims, the Kiblah direction is not only the need for prayer which is one of the legitimate conditions of prayer, but also includes other needs related to Kiblah such as the position of burying the body, establishing a mosque and musalla. This paper explains the position of the MPU Aceh’s fatwa Number 3 of 2018 concerning the determination of the direction of the MUI of the fatwa of MUI number 3 and 5 of 2010 concerning the direction of Kiblah and explaining its relevance to the context. With the approach of astronomy, the position of the MPU Aceh fatwa Number 3 of 2018 concerning the determination of the direction of Kiblah is complementary to the MUI fatwa Number 3 and 5 of 2010 concerning the Kiblah direction. Improvements to the integrity and intensity of fatwas are responsive, proactive and anticipatory. The presence of the MPU Aceh’s fatwa on Kiblah direc...
Anggota IKAPI Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang memplagiasi atau memperbanyak seluruh ... more Anggota IKAPI Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang memplagiasi atau memperbanyak seluruh isi buku ini tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit.

Information Retrieval, 2021
This paper aims to explain the actualization of one of the prayer schedules that are still guided... more This paper aims to explain the actualization of one of the prayer schedules that are still guided by the people of Aceh. Prayer schedules circulating in the community are of various types and forms, patterns of preparation and accuracy also vary. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with the documentation method as a data collection technique The all-time prayer schedule of Abu Muhammad Isa work compiled in 1984 was very contemporary in his time and included in the type of conversion prayer schedule for the surrounding area and guided by the West Indonesia Time zone 105 ° (GMT + 7) in accordance with the Indonesian Presidential Decree. No. 243 of 1963. When compared with the results of the computational calculation, the prayer schedule is slower around 2 minutes than it should. This prayer schedule can be guided within a radius of 55.4 kilometers from the point of calculation, because it uses the value of ihktiyat 2 minutes and can still be used for all time because unt...

Syarah, 2023
Signs for entering prayer times are still hotly discussed in Indonesia, especially the sign for e... more Signs for entering prayer times are still hotly discussed in Indonesia, especially the sign for entering the time for the Fajr prayer. This paper tries to describe the signs of prayer times from the point of view of Islamic law and astronomy. With a normative descriptive approach, it is hoped that this paper can find answers to the problem of entering prayer times in Indonesia. Signs of entering pure prayer times are based on the apparent circulation of the sun. There are three kinds of daily phenomena of the sun which are used as a sign of entering the prayer time. The shadow of the sun for the sign of entering the time for the Zuhur and Asar prayers. The sun disk is a sign of entering the time for the Maghrib prayer. The bias of sunlight for the sign of entering the time of Isha and Fajr prayers. The sun sign is changed in the form of the height of the sun which is adjusted to the daily time angle of the sun, so that each entry in the sign can be easily translated in the standard form of time in the respective area.

In the performance of prayer services, a person is required to face towards the Qibla as a valid ... more In the performance of prayer services, a person is required to face towards the Qibla as a valid condition of prayer. The understanding of facing the Qibla must be understood properly and optimally so that efforts to face the Qibla can be done properly and precisely. but for people who are far from Mecca and cannot see the Kaaba directly, the majority of scholars only require facing towards the Kaaba. However, when reviewed, the scholars actually have an agreement that for the person who can see the Kaaba, and the person who cannot see the Kaaba but in fact he can have faith to know the direction to the Kaaba. This research tried to find the opinion of jungka Gajah scholars about the law of observing the qibla for those far from the Kaaba and the limits of tolerance for the direction of qibla for people far from the Kaaba. This research tried to find the opinion of jungka Gajah scholars about the law of observing the qibla for those far from the Kaaba and the limits of tolerance for the direction of qibla for people far from the Kaaba. This research is empirical research using a qualitative approach. With data obtained from interviews with religious leaders Jungka Gajah North Aceh. The data obtained using interview techniques and literature studies, then descriptive analysis with stages of reduction and verification. The results of the research obtained showed: Religious leader Jungka Gajah said that the law confronts the direction of the Qibla when the legal prayer is mandatory, if the person can see the kaaba directly, it is mandatory to face the 'ainul Kaaba when praying. And for the person who cannot see the kaaba then the person must have faith in determining the correct direction of the Qibla. And can make the mosque as a benchmark for the direction of the Qibla, if the mosque has been calculated the direction of the Qibla by people who are experts in the field. The direction of the Qibla that can still be tolerated is that if the shift is below 2 degrees, it can still be forgiven. Because the shift of 2 degrees when people perform prayers cannot be clearly seen with the naked eye the shift in the body of the person who performs the prayer.

Pondok Pesantren Raudhatul Ma'arif Cot Trueng is one of the islamic boarding schools in North Ace... more Pondok Pesantren Raudhatul Ma'arif Cot Trueng is one of the islamic boarding schools in North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province that has organized a muadalah islamic boarding school curriculum system as regulated in PMA. No. 18 of 2014, where the subject of falak science is one of the subjects of the Islamic family that must be taught for the Aliyah level. Limitations in the availability of falak science teaching materials and teaching staff for falak science subjects are the main obstacles in implementing the muadalah curriculum in the Islamic boarding school. This community service program is aimed at aliyah teachers at the Raudhatul Ma'arif Cot Trueng Islamic Boarding School, which teaches falak science subjects, because several problems include: 1) the teachers who teach falak science subjects have not been able to master the falak science material optimally; 2) teachers are not used to compiling teaching materials that are in accordance with the existing curriculum; 3) The lack of falak science literature in Islamic boarding schools causes teachers to be unable to compile teaching materials optimally. From these problems, assistance activities will be sought, especially in compiling teaching materials in accordance with the muadalah curriculum which is a guideline in the implementation of the curriculum at the Raudhatul Ma'arif Islamic boarding school. This assistance aims to allow teachers to teach falak science independently and falak science material can be taught comprehensively based on the teaching materials they have compiled. The result obtained from this assistance is that teachers have been able to understand mastering falak science so that they can produce falak science teaching materials in the form of textbooks that are in accordance with the competencies in the muadalah curriculum. These results are obtained from the results of mentoring starting from the planning stage, action stage, observation and ending with reflection.

The determination of the mandatory time to issue zakat fitrah has been dominated by the perspecti... more The determination of the mandatory time to issue zakat fitrah has been dominated by the perspective of jurisprudence, even though the time of issuing zakat fitrah is closely related to the Hijri calendar system. Currently, the criteria in the preparation of the Hijri calendar system have varied, in Indonesia alone, there are criteria for the true hisab of the hilal title, there are also the criteria for the true hisab of imkan rukyat, and there are also the criteria for the rukyah hilal. In the perspective of jurisprudence, the mandatory time to issue zakat fitrah is the night of 1 Shawwal for people who live from Ramadan to enter Shawwal, if one of the months is not found, then it is not mandatory to issue zakat fitrah for him. In terms of science, the beginning of the Hijri month is greatly influenced by the criteria used, there are hisab criteria and there are rukyat criteria. It is very likely that there is a difference in the determination of 1 Shawwal between the two criteria. This difference will have an impact on the mandatory time to issue zakat fitrah. This study concluded that the mandatory time to issue zakat fitrah depends on the criteria for determining the beginning of the Hijri month that he believes, so the difference in determining the mandatory time to issue zakat fitrah is very wide open as long as the criteria for the Hijri calendar have not been uniform.

Jurusan Ilmu Falak di Indonesia masih tergolong baru dan masih kurang familiar di kalangan masyar... more Jurusan Ilmu Falak di Indonesia masih tergolong baru dan masih kurang familiar di kalangan masyarakat, terutama di kalangan pelajar pada jenjang terakhir yang akan melanjutkan kuliah, hal ini dibuktikan hampir seluruh jurusan ilmu falak di Indonesia menjadi jurusan langka peminat. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini berupa sosialisasi dan edukasi yang menggunakan alat peraga berupa teleskop pada santri kelas VI Dayah Jabal Nur Aceh Utara. Materi yang disampaikan berupa pengenalan ilmu falak dan penggunaan teleskop. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan ilmu falak dalam bentuk sebuah profesi dan studi lanjut yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hasil pengabdian ini terlihat para santri sangat antusias dalam mengikuti acara dan adanya perubahan dalam memahami tentang ilmu falak dan teleskop. Diharapkan acara pengabdian seperti ini terus berlanjut dengan alat peraga yang berbeda-beda di sekolah dan dayah agar peminat melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang sarjana di jurusan ilmu falak.

This research is entitled Analysis of Prayer Time Schedules in the Highlands, Bebesen District, C... more This research is entitled Analysis of Prayer Time Schedules in the Highlands, Bebesen District, Central Aceh Regency and has 2 problem formulations, namely; how is the system of calculating the prayer time schedule and how is the accuracy of the prayer schedule in the highlands of Bebesen District, Central Aceh Regency. This paper aims to examine the method of calculating the prayer time schedule and the accuracy of the prayer time schedule in the highlands. This study was conducted in Bebesen District, Central Aceh Regency with a site survey. To answer research questions, this research uses field research with a qualitative approach. The data collection method used is documentation and location survey to obtain prayer schedules and calculation location data for the purposes of analyzing prayer times in the highlands of Bebesen District, Central Aceh Regency. The results showed that the calculation of prayer schedules in Bebesen Subdistrict of the height data of places was not used, variations in prayer schedules there were digital and manual schedules (print out), several prayer schedules including using religious social coordinates and using conversion. In the preparation of the prayer schedule, it is necessary to pay attention to the completeness of the data used, because the preparation data is a guarantee of credibility for the accuracy of the prayer schedule. The calculation of prayer time based on real field data obtains results different from the schedule applicable at the location, the results of field real calculations are prioritized (more accurate), because the calculation process uses latitude, longitude and solar data according to the location and time of calculation.

This article elucidates the utilization of elevation and coordinat point to arrange the imsakiah ... more This article elucidates the utilization of elevation and coordinat point to arrange the imsakiah schedule issued by Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Aceh Province. The method used is qualitative with an astronomy approach, this study used the data of imsikiah schedules issued by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Aceh Province and interview result with compilers. The results of the study can be explained that the elevation data that used to arrange the Imsakiah schedule for the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Aceh Province is fixed, there is no difference elevation data in the highland and lowland. The coordinate point of location that used to arrange the imsakiah schedule are socioreligious coordinates, these coordinates are not correlated with the radius of enforcement location, with the result that the enforcement conversion isunavoidable and the iḥtiyāṭ value is only serves as safety.
IAIN Lhokseumawe, 2022
Materi Orasi Ilmiah saat Yudisium mahasiswa Fakultas Syariah IAIN Lhokseumawe
Jurisprudensi, 2021
This article aims to explain the tendency to prepare digital prayer schedules and offer the ideal... more This article aims to explain the tendency to prepare digital prayer schedules and offer the ideal form in compiling digital prayer schedules in Indonesia. The results showed that digital prayer schedules in Indonesia today tend to be arranged in the form of one area with a geographical boundary of the district or city. Currently, there is no digital prayer schedule in one geographic area due to differences in choosing coordinate points as the base of calculation and not the same in using the value of iḥtiyāṭ. The ideal form in compiling a digital prayer schedule is to use the midpoint of the district or city in making the calculation headquarters, the value of the iḥtiyāṭ is adjusted to the area which is used, and astronomical data is taken at a time close to the time of prayer to be known.
Imsakiyah Ramadhan 1443 H/2022 ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk wilayah Kabupaten Bireuen.
Imsakiah ini hanya berlaku untuk wilayah Kota Lhokseumawe dan Kabupaten Aceh Utara.
Imsakiah ini hanya berlaku dalam wilayah Kabupaten Aceh Selatan

Al Manahij, 2020
When Muslims have settled on the earth, one of the problems which become a focus of attention is ... more When Muslims have settled on the earth, one of the problems which become a focus of attention is the Kiblah direction. For Muslims, the Kiblah direction is not only the need for prayer which is one of the legitimate conditions of prayer, but also includes other needs related to Kiblah such as the position of burying the body, establishing a mosque and musalla. This paper explains the position of the MPU Aceh’s fatwa Number 3 of 2018 concerning the determination of the direction of the MUI of the fatwa of MUI number 3 and 5 of 2010 concerning the direction of Kiblah and explaining its relevance to the context. With the approach of astronomy, the position of the MPU Aceh fatwa Number 3 of 2018 concerning the determination of the direction of Kiblah is complementary to the MUI fatwa Number 3 and 5 of 2010 concerning the Kiblah direction. Improvements to the integrity and intensity of fatwas are responsive, proactive and anticipatory. The presence of the MPU Aceh’s fatwa on Kiblah direc...

Al-Mizan, 2021
This study discusses the limits of deviation of the direction of qibla that is allowed in facing ... more This study discusses the limits of deviation of the direction of qibla that is allowed in facing the direction of qibla in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative descriptive analysis with an astronomical approach and Islamic law approach. The results show that there are two types of tolerance towards the qibla, namely mathematical tolerance, and sociological tolerance. Mathematically, tolerance lies in the ability to face three directions, namely the direction of the Ka'bah, the direction of the holy mosque, and the direction of the forbidden land. Sociologically, the deflection tolerance of the direction of qibla 6 ° bows to the left of the Ka'bah or the right of the Ka'bah. Mathematical qibla direction tolerance is provided for the construction of places of worship such as mosques and small mosques, while sociological of Islamic Law, qibla tolerance is allocated for people who perform prayers.

Islamic Review: Jurnal Riset dan Kajian Keislaman, 2021
This paper aims to explain the actualization of one of the prayer schedules that are still guided... more This paper aims to explain the actualization of one of the prayer schedules that are still guided by the people of Aceh. Prayer schedules circulating in the community are of various types and forms, patterns of preparation and accuracy also vary. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with the documentation method as a data collection technique The all-time prayer schedule of Abu Muhammad Isa work compiled in 1984 was very contemporary in his time and included in the type of conversion prayer schedule for the surrounding area and guided by the West Indonesia Time zone 105 ° (GMT + 7) in accordance with the Indonesian Presidential Decree. No. 243 of 1963. When compared with the results of the computational calculation, the prayer schedule is slower around 2 minutes than it should. This prayer schedule can be guided within a radius of 55.4 kilometers from the point of calculation, because it uses the value of ihktiyat 2 minutes and can still be used for all time because until now the resulting difference is only in seconds.
Papers by Dr. Tgk. I S M A I L , S.Sy., M.A