Papers by Mansur Hidayat

Community Development: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam, 2024
This article explores the transformative influence of social media in shaping global n... more This article explores the transformative influence of social media in shaping global narratives and rallying support during humanitarian crises, focusing on the case of the ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ campaign. Sparked by Israeli strikes on Rafah refugee camps, this campaign leveraged striking visuals and celebrity endorsements to achieve widespread visibility. Through an analysis of viral social media content, the study identifies critical factors driving the campaign’s success, such as the emotional impact of imagery and the heightened credibility brought by influential public figures. The findings demonstrate that these elements not only shifted global perceptions but also inspired tangible actions, including financial contributions and advocacy efforts. While no single factor can fully account for the campaign’s effectiveness, the synergy between compelling visuals, celebrity advocacy, and rapid information sharing emerges as central to advancing humanitarian narratives. These insights contribute to the understanding of effective crisis communication strategies and offer new directions for examining the intersection of media, mobilization, and humanitarian outcomes.

AT-TABSYIR: Jurnal Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, 2024
Artikel ini menyoroti peran film sebagai jembatan antara keyakinan religius dan realitas sosial, ... more Artikel ini menyoroti peran film sebagai jembatan antara keyakinan religius dan realitas sosial, menggunakan Model Analisis Isi Krippendorff pada film Siksa Kubur karya Joko Anwar. Melalui delapan tahap, penelitian ini mengeksplorasi simbolisme visual, struktur narasi, dan pengembangan karakter yang memadukan horor psikologis dengan kritik sosial-agama. Wawancara dengan penonton menemukan bahwa kuburan dan ritual keagamaan tidak hanya memancing respons estetika, melainkan juga memunculkan diskusi reflektif tentang benturan antara doktrin religius dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Genre horor psikologis berperan memperkuat makna, mengungkap trauma individu dan konflik moral secara mendalam. Pergulatan batin protagonis, yang meragukan ajaran agama karena luka pribadi, menonjolkan relevansi iman dalam situasi modern. Dengan demikian, Siksa Kubur bukan sekadar tontonan, melainkan katalis diskursus mengenai cara agama merespons tantangan sosial. Studi ini menekankan potensi film sebagai mediator penting antara keyakinan religius dan dinamika masyarakat. Rekomendasi penelitian lanjutan difokuskan pada pendalaman penggunaan horor sebagai sarana kritik sosial yang lebih luas dan beragam konteks

This essay discusses the construction of the news about implementing school entry rules for Senio... more This essay discusses the construction of the news about implementing school entry rules for Senior High Schools (SMA), issued by the Governor of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Viktor Laiskodat, on This study uses a descriptive-qualitative approach with Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis model. To conclude from the research that has been conducted, highlights the controversy arising due to such a policy implemented by the Governor of NTT regarding school entry time rules. In addition, also compiles its news neutrally by presenting various viewpoints with pros and cons. The problem context highlighted by is processed through a text writing strategy that uses a light and short language structure appropriate to social reality and accessible for the public to understand. also describes assorted realities that emerge with various titles but retain the same theme about the reported problem.

This study aims to elucidate the role of the state as the primary actor in managing the extensive... more This study aims to elucidate the role of the state as the primary actor in managing the extensive use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realm of da'wah (calling others to practice the teachings of Islam), which has both positive and negative consequences. The identified negative impacts include the delegitimization of religious teachings and the authority of religious figures. This research utilizes a literature review approach, collecting and analyzing data from various sources such as books, websites, articles, and newspapers related to the application of AI in da'wah. The findings indicate that state intervention is crucial in regulating AI use through three main mechanisms: first, regulation; second, strengthening the roles of relevant actors; and third, supervision. Without proper regulation, the use of AI in da'wah can become unmanageable, leading to disinformation and the erosion of authoritative references. Therefore, this study underscores the importance of state involvement in ensuring that AI is employed ethically and effectively to support da'wah activities in Indonesia. These findings affirm that the state must actively regulate AI to maintain the integrity of religious teachings and the authority of religious figures, as well as to fully harness the positive potential of AI in the context of da'wah.

Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies, 2023
This article delves into the adaptation of Islamic eco-theology as an analytical lens to dissect ... more This article delves into the adaptation of Islamic eco-theology as an analytical lens to dissect religious narratives surrounding the climate crisis in Indonesia. With insights derived from a spectrum of interpretations and diverse affiliations, this eco-theology provides a foundation for varied understandings and reactions to environmental challenges. The study is designed to synthesize theory and hermeneutics within a critical-qualitative framework, exploring the interplay between theology and ecology. Ecological and theological behavioural theories are employed to elucidate the data. The findings reveal two main aspects: Firstly, the representation of eco-theology in Islam has undergone a metamorphosis, expanding from its role as a catalyst for uniform responses to environmental issues to a factor enriching the dynamics of understanding and response. Secondly, although the network of Islamic eco-theology influences the perspectives of the Muslim community, its capacity to reach a broader spectrum is still limited. The study underscores that Islamic eco-theology plays a pivotal role as a subsystem in navigating responses to environmental crises, particularly in responding to the climate crisis increasingly integrated within the framework of religious thought and practice in Indonesia.
AT-TABSYIR: Jurnal Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam

Bulletin of Indonesian Islamic Studies, 2023
The digital era encourages Kiai to convey da'wah messages through Instagram. This study describes... more The digital era encourages Kiai to convey da'wah messages through Instagram. This study describes the symbolic interactionism that occurs in the moderation of KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri's da'wah on Instagram. The study was conducted on the Instagram account of @s.kakung managed by KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri. The analytical method uses qualitative data collection techniques utilizing observation, notes, and documentation. The results of this study show that: First, the concept of moderation of da'wah uploaded by KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri consists of three symbols, namely: the display of pictures, the display of videos, and the display of writing related to national commitment, respect for local culture, love of the motherland, faith in Allah, love of peace, and being forgiving. Second, in general, the symbolic interactionism that occurs between KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri and his followers can be divided into three parts, namely: Mind occurs when KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri and his followers understand each other what they are talking about. Self occurs when followers respond by liking posts or leaving comments. Meanwhile, society occurs when followers can actualize the influence gained daily.
AT-TABSYIR: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, 2022

J-KIs: Jurnal Komunikasi Islam
Kajian ini menjelaskan mengenai pengemasan konten ceramah kiai di new media: Studi Kasus pada You... more Kajian ini menjelaskan mengenai pengemasan konten ceramah kiai di new media: Studi Kasus pada Youtuber Milenial Gus Baha pada channel El-Yeka Kudus. Adapun tujuan daripada penelitian yakni untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengemasan konten ceramah kiai di new media: studi kasus pada youtuber milenial Gus Baha di Kudus. Selain itu, studi juga berguna dalam memahami peranan media sosial dalam kegiatan dakwah kiai. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pengemasan konten ceramah kiai di new media: studi kasus pada youtuber milenial Gus Baha pada channel El-Yeka Kudus bertumpu pada: pertama, pengemasan judul yang dibuat menarik dan penyertaan thumbnail yang relevan pada video ceramah yang diunggah sebelum ditayangkan. Kedua, setelah video ditayangkan, hal-hal yang dilakukan antara lain: admin secara teratur dan aktif menyematkan respon dari para audiens yang berkomentar. Selanjutnya, penyebaran konten dilakukan melalui fanspage, grup-grup Facebook dan status WhatsApp dengan menyertakan rujukannya.
AT-TABSYIR: Jurnal Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, 2021
Krisis merupakan suatu kejadian yang tidak bisa dihindarkan dan tidak dapat dengan pasti dipredik... more Krisis merupakan suatu kejadian yang tidak bisa dihindarkan dan tidak dapat dengan pasti diprediksi kemunculannya. Strategi komunikasi pemimpin di masa krisis menentukan ketahanan dan keamanan suatu Negara. Riset menggunakan studi kasus dengan pendekatan komunikasi krisis. Objek kajian terhadap karakteristik pemimpin yang aktual di Indonesia, dalam hal ini Terawan Agus Putranto. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa strategi komunikasi pemerintah di masa krisis amat diperlukan guna menampilkan informasi yang valid dan transparan kepada publik. Peran pemimpin yang berkarakter kuat dibutuhkan dalam menanggulangi krisis yang terjadi, terutama pada krisis yang tejadi secara global dan berpotensi mengganggu ketahanan Nasional seperti halnya dalam penanganan Covid-19.

Jurnal ASPIKOM, 2017
The existence of Islamic boarding school (pesantren) can’t be separated from the figure of a cler... more The existence of Islamic boarding school (pesantren) can’t be separated from the figure of a clerics (kyai) and the communication between clerics and students (santri). Using qualitative research approach, this study aims to to prepare, understand and analyze communication models between clerics and students in Pesantren Raudhatul Qur’an An-Nasimiyyah. Communication Model between clerics and students in Islamic boarding school is influenced by the concept of Morals, status and charisma of clerics. Moral education is a way to establish communication that facilitates management of transfer of knowledge to students. Status and charisma of clerics are enhancer factor communicator legitimacy in the context of Islamic boarding school. The research concludes that the construction of communications models of clerics and students was formed by high-intensity interactions between clerics and students.

The appearance of the trailer for The Santri movie has sparked various responses on the internet,... more The appearance of the trailer for The Santri movie has sparked various responses on the internet, this can be observed from the existence of parties who are pro and contra with the movie trailer. This difference can be seen from the way the audience responds to and interpret the contents of the movie trailer. This study can understand the image of the student at Islamic Boarding School in the movie trailer of The Santri which can be seen through the account NU Channel on YouTube. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach model with content analysis on movie trailers. The results of the study show that the image of the student at an Islamic Boarding School in the movie trailer of The Santri can be divided into two parts, namely: first, an explicit image such as students must have self-confidence, have high dreams, love religion and their nation, have a good faith, and be a loyal friend. Second, implicit images such as students who have a simple, tough, and brave image, accept...

Penelitian ini menjelaskan otoritas agama di media sosial dengan mengeksplorasi pada dakwah sedek... more Penelitian ini menjelaskan otoritas agama di media sosial dengan mengeksplorasi pada dakwah sedekah online yang disampaikan Yusuf Mansur (YM) di media sosial. Rumusan masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian adalah bagaimanakah dakwah sedekah online Yusuf Mansur disampaikan melalui media sosial?, sejauh manakah dakwah sedekah online Yusuf Mansur memiliki otoritas untuk diikuti?. Sedangkan tujuan daripada penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana YM mengkonstruksi otoritas dan bahasa agama di media sosial dalam kegiatan dakwah sedekahnya serta untuk mempelajari sejauh mana otoritas YM diikuti oleh audiens. Selain itu, kajian juga berguna dalam memahami peran media sosial dalam kegiatan filantropi. Penelitian ini mengacu pada empat bulan kerja lapangan etnografi online dan offline terhadap aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan sedekah online YM di media sosial. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dakwah sedekah YM disampaikan dengan bertumpu pada lapisan otoritas: self presentation, switching code...

Jurnal Komunike UIN Mataram, 2020
The appearance of the trailer for The Santri movie has sparked various responses on the internet,... more The appearance of the trailer for The Santri movie has sparked various responses on the internet, this can be observed from the existence of parties who are pro and contra with the movie trailer. This difference can be seen from the way the audience responds to and interpret the contents of the movie trailer. This study can understand the image of the student at Islamic Boarding School in the movie trailer of The Santri which can be seen through the account NU Channel on YouTube. The study used a descriptive qualitative approach model with content analysis on movie trailers. The results of the study show that the image of the student at an Islamic Boarding School in the movie trailer of The Santri can be divided into two parts, namely: first, an explicit image such as students must have self-confidence, have high dreams, love religion and their nation, have a good faith, and be a loyal friend. Second, implicit images such as students who have a simple, tough, and brave image, accept differences, and are open-minded.

AT-TABSYIR: Jurnal Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, 2020
Artikel ini mengulas tentang lagu cover berjudul Aisyah Istri Rasulullah yang ‘trending’ di YouTu... more Artikel ini mengulas tentang lagu cover berjudul Aisyah Istri Rasulullah yang ‘trending’ di YouTube Indonesia dan Malaysia selama beberapa pekan. Lagu tersebut di-cover oleh banyak penyanyi dengan video yang paling banyak ditonton adalah dari Nissa Sabyan, Syakir Daulay, dan Annisa Rahman. Penelitian menghabiskan waktu selama lebih dari enam bulan kerja lapangan, yakni sejak Maret hingga Oktober 2020. Menggunakan etnografi virtual dengan pendekatan teori konvergensi simbolik Ernest Bormann, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis model dakwah milenial di YouTube. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat faktor penentu model dakwah milenial di YouTube, yakni: pertama, karakter penyanyi (character) yang disukai audiens; kedua, lirik lagu yang berisi kisah (plot line) dan memuat unsur romantisme, religius, moral, eksplorasi fisik dan keindahan, serta bahasa Inggris populer; ketiga, tampilan visual video (scene) yang mengesankan elegan nan artistik sebagai penguat pesan; dan keempat, audiens sebagai penentu apakah pesan diterima atau tidak (sanctioning agents), dalam hal ini audiens memaknai lagu dengan saling berbagi narasi yang mengeksplorasi sisi religius mereka.
model komunikasi, dakwah milenial, YouTube, konvergensi simbolik, Aisyah Istri Rasulullah

Fikrah: Jurnal Ilmu Aqidah dan Studi Keagamaan , 2018
Sedekah Online Yusuf Mansur: A Study on the Authority and the Language of Religion at Social Medi... more Sedekah Online Yusuf Mansur: A Study on the Authority and the Language of Religion at Social Media. The study explained religious authority in social media by exploring on online alms dakwah delivered by Yusuf Mansur (YM). The problems were how the alms dakwah online by Yusuf Mansur delivered through social media and how far online alms of Yusuf Mansur has the authority to be followed. The research purposed to find out the way YM constructs authority and language of religion on social media in alms dakwah and learn how far YM authority is followed by the audience. In addition, the study is used to understand the role of social media in philanthropy activities.
The study referred to four months of online and offline ethnographic fieldwork toward activity related to YM online alms on social media. Results show that the YM alms dakwah was a focus on the layer of authority: self-presentation, switching code, and textual reference. These three things were useful to reinforce the legitimacy of message of YM online alms dakwah as well as efforts to keep the existence of social media. While the message of dakwah was communicated by linked on material rewards. These efforts were able to strengthen audience believe in alms, but the audience with a different ideology tend to selective in receiving messages.

Jurnal Komunikasi ASPIKOM, 2016
The existence of Islamic boarding school (pesantren) can't be separated from the figure of a cler... more The existence of Islamic boarding school (pesantren) can't be separated from the figure of a clerics (kyai) and the communication between clerics and students (santri). Using qualitative research approach, this study aims to to prepare, understand and analyze communication models between clerics and students in Pesantren Raudhatul Qur'an An-Nasimiyyah. Communication Model between clerics and students in Islamic boarding school is influenced by the concept of Morals, status and charisma of clerics. Moral education is a way to establish communication that facilitates management of transfer of knowledge to students. Status and charisma of clerics are enhancer factor communicator legitimacy in the context of Islamic boarding school. The research concludes that the construction of communications models of clerics and students was formed by high-intensity interactions between clerics and students.
Book Reviews by Mansur Hidayat
Papers by Mansur Hidayat
model komunikasi, dakwah milenial, YouTube, konvergensi simbolik, Aisyah Istri Rasulullah
The study referred to four months of online and offline ethnographic fieldwork toward activity related to YM online alms on social media. Results show that the YM alms dakwah was a focus on the layer of authority: self-presentation, switching code, and textual reference. These three things were useful to reinforce the legitimacy of message of YM online alms dakwah as well as efforts to keep the existence of social media. While the message of dakwah was communicated by linked on material rewards. These efforts were able to strengthen audience believe in alms, but the audience with a different ideology tend to selective in receiving messages.
Book Reviews by Mansur Hidayat
model komunikasi, dakwah milenial, YouTube, konvergensi simbolik, Aisyah Istri Rasulullah
The study referred to four months of online and offline ethnographic fieldwork toward activity related to YM online alms on social media. Results show that the YM alms dakwah was a focus on the layer of authority: self-presentation, switching code, and textual reference. These three things were useful to reinforce the legitimacy of message of YM online alms dakwah as well as efforts to keep the existence of social media. While the message of dakwah was communicated by linked on material rewards. These efforts were able to strengthen audience believe in alms, but the audience with a different ideology tend to selective in receiving messages.
The study explained religious authority in social media by exploring on online alms dakwah delivered by Yusuf Mansur (YM). The problems were how the alms dakwah online by Yusuf Mansur delivered through social media and how far online alms of Yusuf Mansur has the authority to be followed.
The research purposed to find out the way YM constructs authority and language of religion on social media in alms dakwah and learn how far YM authority is followed by audience. In addition, the study is used to understand the role of Social media in philanthropy activities.
The study referred to four months of online and offline ethnographic field work toward activity related to YM online alms on social media. Results shows that the YM alms dakwah was focus on layer of authority: self-presentation, switching code, and textual reference. These three things was useful to reinforce the legitimacy of message of YM online alms dakwah as well as efforts to keep the existence on social media. While, the message of dakwah was communicated by linked on material rewards. These efforts were able to strengthen audience belief in alms, but the audience with a different ideology tend to selective in receiving messages.
Keywords: Online Alms, Yusuf Mansur, Authority, Language of religion, Social Media