Dedi Irwansyah
Dedi Irwansyah is an English lecturer at State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Metro, formerly known as STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro, Lampung, Indonesia.
Address: Lampung, Sumatera, Indonesia
Address: Lampung, Sumatera, Indonesia
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Papers by Dedi Irwansyah
Betul, Handout berikut terlihat 'dangkal' dan 'lemah'. Karena, memang, kepakan pertama hampir selalu lemah dan perlahan. Tapi ia diperlukan untuk bisa mengangkasa.
Jika ada kebaikan dari Handout ini, kami hadiahkan kepada al-Mustofa, habibuna, Muhammad saw dan keluarganya. Semoga Allah swt berkenan mengalirkan sedikit kebaikannya untuk kedua orangtua kami, guru-guru kami, dan keluarga kecil kami.
Betul, Handout berikut terlihat 'dangkal' dan 'lemah'. Karena, memang, kepakan pertama hampir selalu lemah dan perlahan. Tapi ia diperlukan untuk bisa mengangkasa.
Jika ada kebaikan dari Handout ini, kami hadiahkan kepada al-Mustofa, habibuna, Muhammad saw dan keluarganya. Semoga Allah swt berkenan mengalirkan sedikit kebaikannya untuk kedua orangtua kami, guru-guru kami, dan keluarga kecil kami.
consists of three stories which are arranged on the basis of
language complexity. The less complex story is presented prior
to the more complex ones. Each story is supported with relevant
qur’anic verses, visual aids, and learning outcomes of reading.
The stories within this prototype are not literally derived from
the English translation qur’an. Rather, they are taken from the
paraphrased versions. As most of students at Islamic universities
might have been familiar with the overview of the qur’anic
stories, the English paraphrased versions or the English
translated versions of the stories are assumed to enrich their
understanding on the stories as well as to enhance their English
reading skills.
In order for this prototype to measure the students’ English
reading comprehension, a reading taxonomy, namely Barrett’s
taxonomy, is integrated within the developed units. The levels of
Barrett’s taxonomy to be achieved by the students are presented
through the learning outcomes available in each unit.
May this prototype become a source of goodness and a means
of integrating Islamic values into English language teaching
(ELT) in Indonesia.