Papers by muhammad syaifullah

International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching (IJALT), Jul 4, 2023
There are problems related to Arabic in students' vocabulary learning abilities, namely the lack ... more There are problems related to Arabic in students' vocabulary learning abilities, namely the lack of motivation to teach female students in learning vocabulary from different educational backgrounds and because students are not able to remember vocabulary well. With some of these problems, the researcher applied the image method to understand vocabulary in Arabic among class VII students at the Raudhah al-Qur'an boarding school. The method used in this research is the quantitative research method. The result of this research is that there is an effect of the image medium on the comprehension of the vocabulary of the Arabic language. The researchers suggested to the teacher of the Arabic language at the Raudhah Al-Qur'an Islamic Institute, Metro, that the use of an educational method such as the image method, which helps train female students in the ability of vocabulary in the Arabic language. The students should strive to learn, especially in the Arabic language vocabulary, in order to obtain good learning results.

Educivilia: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
The Board of Trustees (MABIN) of the Al-Qur'an An-Nahdliyyah Education Park in Metro City was... more The Board of Trustees (MABIN) of the Al-Qur'an An-Nahdliyyah Education Park in Metro City was formed and ratified under the auspices of the Branch Management of the Ma'arif NU Educational Institution in Metro City which aims to strengthen capacity and reinforce identity, namely strengthening the capacity of TPQ under the auspices of MABIN TPQ Annahdliyah and confirming the identity that the use of the Annahdliyah method in TPQ is truly the hallmark of TPQ NU. Based on the appreciative findings through various work programs that have been carried out by the management of MABIN TPQ Annahdliyah Metro city and the discovery of problems in structural management and filling in the TPQ Emis data, there is an opportunity to provide assistance to the Management of the Board of Trustees (MABIN) Al-Qur'an An Education Park. - Nahdliyyah Metro City. With the intention that all TPQ units can carry out TPQ structural management properly and can fill in TPQ Emis data. The assistance pr...

Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab
The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of using teaching materials of re... more The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of using teaching materials of reading to improve students’ reading skills at the Institute for Islamic Studies Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama (IAIMNU) in Metro Lampung. This research used the comparative quantitative method. For data analysis, the researchers used descriptive statistical analysis to produce the effectiveness of teaching materials for reading skills with a criterion based on descriptive perception in the degree to test the responses in the questionnaire scale. T-test using SPSS with Paired Sample Test was used to find out the differences between the results of before and after the experiment. Based on the statistical analysis, the value of experimental learning model was 14.462.The result of significance was Sig. (2-tailed) 000. The pre-test of academic achievement in reading - the post-test of academic achievement of reading was 8.295. The result of significance was Sig. (2-tailed) 000.The result of this rese...

Jurnal Al-Qiyam
Penelitian ini didasarkan pada masalah adanya kesenjangan antara kecerdasan emosional, interperso... more Penelitian ini didasarkan pada masalah adanya kesenjangan antara kecerdasan emosional, interpersonal dan hasil belajar PAI. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah "Apakah ada pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap hasil belajar PAI siswaSMA Ma`arif Buni Restu Palas Lampung Selatan tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 Apakah ada pengaruh kecerdasan interpersonal terhadap hasil belajar PAI siswa SMA Ma`arif Buni Restu Palas Lampung Selatan tahun pelajaran 2020/2021? dan Apakah ada pengaruh kecerdasan emosional dan kecerdasan interpersonal terhadap hasil belajar PAI siswa SMA Ma`arif Buni Restu Palas Lampung Selatan tahun pelajaran 2020/2021? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 80 orang, dan seluruh populasi tersebut dijadikan sampel. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan rumus regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan emosional dan ...
Jurnal Ihtimam
Manajemen sumber daya manusia adalah proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengend... more Manajemen sumber daya manusia adalah proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengendalian atas pengadaan tenaga kerja, pengembangan, kompensasi, integrasi, pemeliharaan, dan pemutusan hubungan kerja dengan sumber daya manusia untuk mencapai sasaran perorangan, organisasi, dan masyarakat. Dengan memperhatikan peranan manajemen, maka pengertian manajemen adalah ilmu tentang upaya manusia untuk memanfaatkan semua sumber daya yang dimilikinya untuk mencapai tujuan secara efektif dan efisien. Sedangkan pelaksanaan fungsi sumber daya manusia seperti kompensasi, perlindungan dan hubungan tenaga kerja yang baik akan dapat menimbulkan stimulus yang mendorong meningkatnya motivasi kerja sumber daya manusia. Proses manajemen sumber daya manusia bahasa Arab dapat dilakukan dengan cara:

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di 5 kecamatan yang ada di kota Metro dan dalam penelitian ini dikhus... more Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di 5 kecamatan yang ada di kota Metro dan dalam penelitian ini dikhususkan pada Guru TPA NU dari 5 Kecamatan yang ada di kota Metro dengan 5 TPA mewakili tiap Kecamatan sebagai responden. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data pendekatan kualitatif bersifat deskriptif analitik, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat dan status kesejahteraan guru TPA dan upaya-upaya guna meningkatkan kesejahteraannya, adapun sampel penelitian ini yang diambil sebanyak 5 TPA NU tiap Kecamatan sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, (1) Berdasarkan data-data yang terdapat pada 6 indikator kesejahteraan menurut Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), maka tingkat kesejahteraan rumah tangga guru TPA NU kota Metro termasuk dalam tingkat kesejahteraan sedang., (2) Menurut Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasioanal (BKKBN) tahun 2009 dalam petunjuk teknis pemutakhiran data keluarga, maka tingkat keseja...
International Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, 2021
The lack of method and means in the educational process of the Arabic language. It made the stude... more The lack of method and means in the educational process of the Arabic language. It made the students difficult to understand the material and feel bored and they think that the Arabic language is a difficult study and makes them bored especially in the skill of writing. With some of these problems, the researchers are applying online crossword puzzles to raise the writing skill of the tenth class students in the First Islamic State Secondary School Lampung Oriental, with the expectations that they can be fixed and the writing skill of the students will be raised. The method used in this research is the qualitative descriptive method. The result of this research is that the students can write the letters of the Arabic language well. They are able to form letters when the letters are at the beginning, middle or end of a word.
Maqashid al-syari’ah menjadi hal yang penting dalam melakukan kajian terhadap syari’ah Islam ... more Maqashid al-syari’ah menjadi hal yang penting dalam melakukan kajian terhadap syari’ah Islam (hukum Islam). Karena, maqasid al-syari’ah ialah dasar dan pintu utama dalam memahami hukum yang telah diturunkan oleh Tuhan kepada nabi Muhammad saw., (al-Qur’an dan hadist). Maqashid al-syari’ah (gabungan tujuan ketuhanan dan nilai-nilai adab) yang dijadikan sebagai jembatan antara syari’ah Islam terhadap berbagai isu dan tantangan kekinian, bahkan menjadi kunci utama. Maqashid al-syari’ah menjadi pintu dasar untuk melakukanijtihad terhadap pembaharuan hukum Islam. Jasser Auda berusaha membincang tiga ilmu sekaligus: maqasid al-syari’ah, ushul fiqh, dan filsafat sistem. Ketiga pengetahuan ini sebelumnya terpisah dan tidak terkoneksi antara satu sama lainnya. Menariknya, Auda mampu membuatnya menjadi satu-kesatuan dan saling terintegrasi.

Penelitian ini Dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya model atau metode pembelajaran di TPQ untuk mempe... more Penelitian ini Dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya model atau metode pembelajaran di TPQ untuk mempermudah dan mendukung peserta didik dalam belajar membaca al-Qur’an, sehingga timbullah perbandingan dari tiap metode tersebut dikarenakan dari masing-masing metode itu memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya dalam proses pembelajaran membaca al-Qur’an. Metode yang digunakan dalam TPQ salah satunya ialah metode an-Nahdliyah dan Iqra’. Metode tersebut dianggap praktis dan ringan untuk pembelajaran pemula. Berdasarkan hal di atas, penulis lebih tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih jauh khususnya perbandingan antara metode an-Nahdliyah dan Iqra’ dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca al-Qur’an. Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum adalah meningkatkan kemampuan santri dalam membaca al-Qur’an. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana metode an-Nahdliyah dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca al-Qur’an, (2) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana metode Iqro’ dalam meningka...

Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
ملخص : يعتمد هذا البحث على قلة القدرة على القراءة في اللغة العربية لدي الطلبة. يحدث هذا بسبب أنشط... more ملخص : يعتمد هذا البحث على قلة القدرة على القراءة في اللغة العربية لدي الطلبة. يحدث هذا بسبب أنشطة التعلم التي تميل إلى مملة واستعمال الإستراتيجية سواء في كل اجتماع، ولذلك يجعل الطلبة نسيانا عن المواد التي قد تم تعليمها. ويهدف هذا البحث بهدف وصف تنفيذ التعلم بقراءة النصوص العربية بالاستراتيجية المعرفية مع تقنية أخذ الملاحظات ووصف نتيجة زيادة قدرة لطلبة فى فهم النصوص العربية بجامعة معارف الإسلامية نهضة العلماء مترو لمبونج من خلال استخدام الإستراتيجية المعرفية مع تقنية أخذ الملاحظات. ونوع هذا البحث ببحث الإجرائي، هي التخطيط والتنفيذ والملاحظة والتفكير. يتم إجراء هذا البحث بدورتين، فى كل دورة اجتماعان. الأدوات المستخدمة هي الأسئلة الاختبار وأوراق للمراقبة وأدلة للمقابلة. ظهرت النتائج: (١) زيادة قدرة لطلبة فى فهم النصوص العربية مع تقنية أخذ الملاحظات. في الإجتماع الأولى من الدورة الأولى التي عرفتها في جلسات القراءة الجهرية، كان معظم الطلبة أقل مجموعًا في التصويت، ولكن في الاجتماع الثاني زاد. (٢) يشعر الطلبة أيضًا بالمساعدة في فهم محتويات النصوص العربية مع تقنية أخذ الملاحظات لأن هذه الت...

AT TA'DIB, 2016
Developments and changes in social life of nation and state of Indonesia can not be separated eff... more Developments and changes in social life of nation and state of Indonesia can not be separated effects of global change, the development of science and technology, arts and culture. Changes are constantly demanding the need for improvement of the national education system, including the completion of the curriculum so as to create a society that is able to compete and adjust to the changing times. One of the goals of learning in schools (formal and non-formal) is to improve learning outcomes and in learning the Arabic language there are four skills that must be learned and mastered by students. The purpose of this research in general is improving results vocabulary mastery of Arabic students with a model of cooperative approach to make a match. This study uses classroom action research design. Subjects in this study is the students of TPA elementary and junior high age children (7-12 years). The data in this study of information about the activities of teachers and students and the results of beginning test and final test in each cycle. The results of the application of learning vocabulary with the type cooperative learning methods make a match to mention that, there increase in learning outcomes associated with mastery Arabic vocabulary students the significance of each cycle and also from the initial tests before action. The average class at beginning the pre-action test is 67 increased in the first cycle 79 and increased again in the second cycle 91. From the test results it can be seen improvements to the mastery Arabic vocabulary of students in each cycle.

Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Reading skill is one of main skills in Arabic learning. The problems of learning in Arabic Langua... more Reading skill is one of main skills in Arabic learning. The problems of learning in Arabic Language Education Study Program in Islamic Institute of Ma’arif NU Metro Lampung isthe method and its use in teaching the skill of reading.It is still taught in grammar translation method and direct method, which were categorized as traditional approach and method.This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of reading skill material based on experiential learning model to improve the students' reading comprehension. Quantitative research was used in this research. This research emphasized on the result of students' abilities from the specific and field experience, and conducting the pretest and post test.The objectives of this researchwas to measure the effectiveness reading skill material based on Experiential Learning model in improving the reading comprehension with 25 participants from students. The results was found thatthe reading material which is developed based on experient...

Ihtimam: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2018
Untuk pengembangan bahasa, diperlukan penggarapan awal ialah pembakuan (standarisasi), pembakuan ... more Untuk pengembangan bahasa, diperlukan penggarapan awal ialah pembakuan (standarisasi), pembakuan ejaan, penyebarannya, pembakuan istilah, dan pembakuan tata bahasa.
Adapun langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:
a. Perencanaan bahasa
Pembuatan tata ejaan yang bersifat normatif, penyusunan tata bahasa, dan tersedianya kamus pedoman.
b. Kebijakan bahasa
Rumusan untuk menjadikan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi verbal yang dapat digunakan secara tepat diseluruh negara dan dapat di terima oleh segenap warga secara lingual, etnis, dan kultur yang berbeda.
c. Penilaian bahasa
Pengumpulan data, perencanaan, implementasi, dan pengolahan data balikan (feed-back).
Faktor-faktor dan tipe kematian bahasa ialah:
a. Migrasi (perpindahan penduduk (desa) ke tempat lain (kota)). Migrasi dengan tipe kematian bahasa tanpa pergeseran bahasa (guyup tuturnya lenyap).
b. Ekonomi dengan tipe kematian bahasa karena pergeseran bahasa (guyup tutur tidak berada dalam wilayah tutur yang kompak) atau bahasa itu menyerah pada pertentangan intrinsik prasarana budaya modern yang berdasarkan teknologi (media).
c. Pendidikan atau sekolah dengan tipe kematian bahasa nominal melalui metamorfosis.

Mantiqu Tayr: Journal of Arabic Language
Surah Annisa’ is very popular and is often used as material for preaching and determining the stu... more Surah Annisa’ is very popular and is often used as material for preaching and determining the study of women, but often researchers find errors in the interpretation and understanding of conveying the verses in the Annisa’ letter, these errors are found in understanding the verses that contain tarkib idhofy, which should be destined في , conveying to be ل, the purpose of this study is to minimize misunderstanding and provide insight into the study of tarkib idhofy. This study uses a research library research design, the data in this study is the Idhofy tag which is contained in Annisa's letter. The results of the study stated that those who have tarkib idhofy in Annisa verses 1 to 25, have tarkib idhofy, the verses are in verses 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 23, 24, and 25. And from the results of the semantic analysis, it is stated that the meaning of min (من) has 8 lafadz, while those that have the meaning fii (في) are 4 lafadz, and those which have the meaning...

Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab
This paper aims to reveal the mistakes of micro Arabic in the aspects of Ilm Saut (phonology), Sh... more This paper aims to reveal the mistakes of micro Arabic in the aspects of Ilm Saut (phonology), Sharaf (morphology), Nahw (Syntax), and 'Ilm Dalalah (Semantics) in preaching materials conveyed by ustadz and ustadzah included in the groups of "Ustadz Sunnah" and "Islam itu Indah". Arabic mistakes are often made by ustadz and ustadzah who often appear on social media. In general, an ustadz must have good Arabic language skills. The vast emergence of ustadz and ustadzah on social media is allegedly not accompanied by their qualified mastery of the primary language used in Islamic teaching sources and primary books, namely Arabic. Hence, the researchers used micro linguistic theories comprising the studies of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics therein. This study applied a descriptive-qualitative method. Researchers not only described the Arabic mistakes made by those of "Ustadz Sunnah” and "Islam itu Indah" but also provided corrections t...

Jurnal Bahasa Lingua Scientia
Learning Arabic qowa'id student Syari'ah Banking Second semester Ma'arif Institute of Islamic NU ... more Learning Arabic qowa'id student Syari'ah Banking Second semester Ma'arif Institute of Islamic NU Metro Lampung still not maximized. Students have difficulties to understand Arabic qowa'id material. Student learning motivation is also low. This is what makes researchers want to do research in that class. Problems to be expressed in this research are: (1) How is the application of Arabic qowa'id learning with cooperative model of jigsaw method in class A, second semester of Syari'ah Banking, (2) How to improve learning qowa'id after getting learning with cooperative learning model of jigsaw method, (3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing cooperative Arabic qawaid in class A with jigsaw method. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Each cycle is done in a cycle consisting of four stages: planning, execution, observation and reflection. The results of this study indicate an increase from cycle I of cycle II. The average class cycle I is 60.83 and the average of cycle II is 71. The students also show behavior change in the positive direction. Student activity is increasing. The improvement of test result is also followed by behavioral and motivational change based on research which has been done by the researcher that through cooperative learning with jigsaw method, Arabic qowa'id learning becomes more fun and easier for students in learning qowa'id. Suggestions that can be given is a lecturer of Arabic language should be more creative in using techniques and learning methods that involve

Mantiqu Tayr: Journal of Arabic Language
There are several factors that are very influential in language, namely human cleverness in speak... more There are several factors that are very influential in language, namely human cleverness in speaking skills, Maharah al-Kalam is the ability to express articulated sounds or words to express thoughts in the form of ideas, opinions, desires, or feelings to the interlocutor. In a broader sense, speaking is a system of signs that can be heard and seen which utilizes a number of muscles and muscle tissues of the human body to convey thoughts in order to fulfill their needs. In general, maharah al-kalam aims to be able to communicate properly and properly with the language they are learning. Moving on from the problem of learning disabilities that have a big impact on learning can certainly harm teachers and students in receiving the material. In learning Arabic, of course, you really need a lot of training to speak and memorize vocabulary so that there are no difficulties in learning Arabic. Students must also be active in learning. After that the student looked difficult when he spoke ...

Mantiqu Tayr: Journal of Arabic Language, 2021
Linguistics is the name of the field of science, and the adjective is linguistic. Meanwhile in Ar... more Linguistics is the name of the field of science, and the adjective is linguistic. Meanwhile in Arabic, the linguistic equivalent is known as Ilmu lughah or al-lisaaniyyat. The study of language is generally directed at four discussions. First, regarding the sounds of language. If the research of language sounds is carried out without looking at the sound function it is known as phonetic, whereas if the study of language sounds by looking at the sound function in language it is known as phonology. Second, the study of the form of the word (sharf). In the sharf, it is studied about changing the words of a language, where this science is known as morphology. Third, discussion of sentence structure (nahwu). The scope of study in Nahwu is the wording of a sentence in a language, this knowledge is known as syntax or grammar. Fourth, discussion about the good meaning of a word, sentence, or the meaning of an expression. This science is called semantics. Linguistics can be divided into two...

An Nabighoh: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab
The purpose of Qiro'ah (reading) lessons is to train students to be able to understand texts ... more The purpose of Qiro'ah (reading) lessons is to train students to be able to understand texts individually. The application of an exciting and enjoyable learning strategy by a Lecturer that involves students actively in the process of understanding the reading content, either independently or in groups. Current learning models such as contextual learning and cooperative learning can also be adapted for learning to read. Improving students' Qiro'ah (reading) mastery results is a general objective of this study with a cooperative dancing type approach. The specific objectives of this study are (1) Describe the Qiro'ah learning process (reading) use of the bamboo dancing method of PBA students at IAIM NU Metro, and (2) Describe the results of increasing mastery of Qiro'ah learning (reading) of PBA students ) use of the bamboo dancing method. The design uses PTK with John Elliot Models. PBA third semester students are the subjects in this study. Information about the ...

Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab
The need for Arabic language teaching materials is very important in achieving learning objective... more The need for Arabic language teaching materials is very important in achieving learning objectives. A teacher, student and material is an inseparable unit for success in a learning process. The purpose of what and how the position of teaching materials in learning; includes the role for teachers, students, in classical, individual, and group learning. Principles for the development of Arabic teaching materials; Principles of Socio-Culture, Psychological Principles, and Principles of Language and Education. Then how about the character and steps of developing Arabic teaching materials.Type of library research or library research, which takes data sources from theories in literature. The implications of this study have contributed to the ease of a teacher to develop teaching materials that will be applied to students by paying attention to the principles and characters of the teaching material, namely Arabic.
Papers by muhammad syaifullah
Adapun langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:
a. Perencanaan bahasa
Pembuatan tata ejaan yang bersifat normatif, penyusunan tata bahasa, dan tersedianya kamus pedoman.
b. Kebijakan bahasa
Rumusan untuk menjadikan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi verbal yang dapat digunakan secara tepat diseluruh negara dan dapat di terima oleh segenap warga secara lingual, etnis, dan kultur yang berbeda.
c. Penilaian bahasa
Pengumpulan data, perencanaan, implementasi, dan pengolahan data balikan (feed-back).
Faktor-faktor dan tipe kematian bahasa ialah:
a. Migrasi (perpindahan penduduk (desa) ke tempat lain (kota)). Migrasi dengan tipe kematian bahasa tanpa pergeseran bahasa (guyup tuturnya lenyap).
b. Ekonomi dengan tipe kematian bahasa karena pergeseran bahasa (guyup tutur tidak berada dalam wilayah tutur yang kompak) atau bahasa itu menyerah pada pertentangan intrinsik prasarana budaya modern yang berdasarkan teknologi (media).
c. Pendidikan atau sekolah dengan tipe kematian bahasa nominal melalui metamorfosis.
Adapun langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:
a. Perencanaan bahasa
Pembuatan tata ejaan yang bersifat normatif, penyusunan tata bahasa, dan tersedianya kamus pedoman.
b. Kebijakan bahasa
Rumusan untuk menjadikan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi verbal yang dapat digunakan secara tepat diseluruh negara dan dapat di terima oleh segenap warga secara lingual, etnis, dan kultur yang berbeda.
c. Penilaian bahasa
Pengumpulan data, perencanaan, implementasi, dan pengolahan data balikan (feed-back).
Faktor-faktor dan tipe kematian bahasa ialah:
a. Migrasi (perpindahan penduduk (desa) ke tempat lain (kota)). Migrasi dengan tipe kematian bahasa tanpa pergeseran bahasa (guyup tuturnya lenyap).
b. Ekonomi dengan tipe kematian bahasa karena pergeseran bahasa (guyup tutur tidak berada dalam wilayah tutur yang kompak) atau bahasa itu menyerah pada pertentangan intrinsik prasarana budaya modern yang berdasarkan teknologi (media).
c. Pendidikan atau sekolah dengan tipe kematian bahasa nominal melalui metamorfosis.
الفصل الأول:المواد التعليمية
أ. حقيقة المواد التعليمية ...................................۱
ب. أساس تطوير المواد التعليمية .............................٣
ج. مراحل إعداد المواد التعليمية ............................٥
د. إعداد المواد التعليمية لتعليم مهارة القراءة ................۹
الفصل الثاني: مهارة القراءة وتعليمها
أ. مفهوم تعليممهارة القراءة............................۱٣
ب. أهداف تعليم مهارة القراءة...........................۱٥
ج. أنواع مهارة القراءة وفهم المقروء......................۱٨
د. أهميةمهارة القراءة..................................٣٣
ه. أنماط مهارة القراءة من أنواعها........................٣٤
و. نماذجوطرق تدريس مهارة القراءة....................٣۹
ز. إستراتيجيات تعليم مهارة القراءة......................٤٤
ح. تقويم مهارة القراءة...................................٥۱
ط. شروط مواد مهارة القراءة............................٥٤
الفصل الثالث: نموذج التعلم التجريبي
أ. مفهوم نموذج ........................................٥۷
ب. أنواع نموذج التعلم...................................٦۱
ج. تصميم نموذج التعلم ..................................٦٤
د. مفهوم نموذج التعلم التجريبي..........................۷٢
ه. أشكال التجربة أو الخبرات التعليمية...................۷۹
و. التعلم التجريبي فى الفلسفة الإنسانية...................٨٠
ز. التعلم التجريبيفى ضوء البنائية........................٨٣
ح. دورات النموذج التعلم التجريبي عند كولب............٨۷
ط. استراتيجية النموذج التعلم عند كولب.................۹۱
ي. نظريات النموذج التعلم عند كولب وعلاقته بدورات التعلم التجريبي............................................ ۹٢
الفصل الرابع: خصائص وفعالية استخدام مواد
أ. خصائص مواد تعليم مهارة القراءة وتطبيقها على نموذج التعلم التجريبي............................................ ۹۹
ب. فعالية استخدام مواد تعليم مهارة القراءة وتطبيقها على نموذج التعلم التجريبي..................................... ۱٣۷
الفصل الخامس: مواد تعليم مهارة القراءةعلى نموذج التعلم التجريبي
قائمة المصادر والمراجع.....................................۱۷۱
السير الذاتية للكاتب....................................... ۱٨٥