Books by Кирилл Дмитриев Kirill Dmitriev
Ergon, 2023
Ignaty J. Krachkovsky (1883–1951) is one of the most important Oriental scholars of the 20th cent... more Ignaty J. Krachkovsky (1883–1951) is one of the most important Oriental scholars of the 20th century and is considered the founder of modern Arabic studies in Russia. The German edition of his biography by Anna A. Dolinina (1923–2017) presents his eventful life and exciting academic career to the German-speaking readership. Numerous documents from the archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, including Kračkovskij's letters and diaries, form the basis of the study alongside the personal memories of the biographer. The book sheds light on the historical, political, and intellectual history of the development of Arabic studies in Russia in the first half of the 20th century.
This publication explores the presence of the shared heritage and interdependence of poetry compo... more This publication explores the presence of the shared heritage and interdependence of poetry composed around the theme of wine in diverse literary traditions of the Islamic world. The specialist contributions discuss multiple aspects of the literary polyphony of wine in the pre-modern Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Ottoman Turkish, and Urdu literatures during the first millennium of the Islamic era. Presenting these together and in dialogue with one another, the volume offers a comparative perspective on a long, varied, but singularly mutual tradition. It traces how this poetry develops, flourishes and matures across linguistic and geographic, confessional and social, aesthetic and artistic boundaries within the regions of the religiously and culturally diverse Islamic world, from al-Andalūs to India.
The development of Arabic wine poetry into a distinctive poetic genre of the khamriyya is closely... more The development of Arabic wine poetry into a distinctive poetic genre of the khamriyya is closely related to the poetic heritage of the late antique Arab city of al-Ḥīra. Some of the earliest attestations of Arabic khamriyyāt are attributed to ʿAdī ibn Zayd al-ʿIbādī, an outstanding early Arab poet from al-Ḥīra who lived in the second half of the sixth century. This chapter focuses on two texts by ʿAdī Ibn Zayd, poems XI and XIII in his dīwān, 1 providing examples of his treatment of the wine theme. The discussion of both texts reveals the gradual process of the "emancipation" of Arabic wine song, initially part of the qaṣīda, to an independent poetic genre.

Religious Culture in Late Antique Arabia
Selected Studies on the Late Antique Religious Mind
Kiri... more Religious Culture in Late Antique Arabia
Selected Studies on the Late Antique Religious Mind
Kirill Dmitriev & Isabel Toral-Niehoff (Editors)
The term ‘religious culture’ has often been used in relation to specific theological systems and ritual practices, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Manichaeism. In this edited volume, a group of internationally renowned scholars have addressed this concept in a more comprehensive sense, focusing on what one might call the Late Antique religious mind. The present volume sets out to emphasise the common religious attitudes and world- views rooted in late antiquity, including various monotheistic and other, pagan attitudes that existed within the orbit of the emerging Islam. The contributors to the volume are: Konstantin Klein, Martin Tamcke, Kirill Dmitriev, Cornelia Horn, Bruno Paoli, Greg Fisher, Mattia Guidetti, Christian Robin, and Francis Breyer.
978-1-4632-0630-7 | July 2017 |
Настоящая книга представляет собой первую попытку биографии академика Игнатия Юлиановича Крачковс... more Настоящая книга представляет собой первую попытку биографии академика Игнатия Юлиановича Крачковского (1883—1951) и написана его ученицей, профессором-арабистом А. А. Долининой. И. Ю. Крачковский — это целая эпоха в мировом востоковедении, его труды составляют классику науки двадцатого века. Биография выдающегося востоковеда равно интересна как специалистам, так и широкому читателю, интересующемуся историей отечественного востоковедения. Книга написана популярно, живым языком.
СПб., 1994. 464 с.
ISBN 5-85803-016-5
Papers by Кирилл Дмитриев Kirill Dmitriev
Journal of the American Oriental Society
Sound and Sense in Classical Arabic Poetry. By Geert Jan van Gelder. Arabische Studien, vol. 10. ... more Sound and Sense in Classical Arabic Poetry. By Geert Jan van Gelder. Arabische Studien, vol. 10. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013. Pp. xv + 399. €78.
A Companion to World Literature, 2019

Early Arabic poetry is commonly considered profane. One could argue that, as in many other cultur... more Early Arabic poetry is commonly considered profane. One could argue that, as in many other cultures, in its origins Arabic poetry was closely related to magical practices, one could point to the function of poetry in the cult of mourning or refer to numerous attestations of oaths in poetry and to texts containing Biblical motifs and references to Jews and Christians. Nonetheless, against the background of several other Near Eastern literatures, formed to a great extent by rich traditions of liturgical poetry, the transmitted works of early Arabic poetry do indeed appear free from any religious connotations, something which has been interpreted as indicating “that the Arab of Central Arabia, in the days before al-Islâm, interested himself little in religion of any sort”. The jahiliyyah concept, that draws a clear line of demarcation between pre-Islamic and Islamic cultural history, seems to find its confirmation here and in return, allows one to exclude the early Arabic literary trad...
Encyclopedia of the Bible Online

Religious Culture in Late Antique Arabia, 2017
Religious Culture in Late Antique Arabia Selected Studies on the Late Antique Religious Mind Kiri... more Religious Culture in Late Antique Arabia Selected Studies on the Late Antique Religious Mind Kirill Dmitriev & Isabel Toral-Niehoff (Editors) The term ‘religious culture’ has often been used in relation to specific theological systems and ritual practices, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Manichaeism. In this edited volume, a group of internationally renowned scholars have addressed this concept in a more comprehensive sense, focusing on what one might call the Late Antique religious mind. The present volume sets out to emphasise the common religious attitudes and world- views rooted in late antiquity, including various monotheistic and other, pagan attitudes that existed within the orbit of the emerging Islam. The contributors to the volume are: Konstantin Klein, Martin Tamcke, Kirill Dmitriev, Cornelia Horn, Bruno Paoli, Greg Fisher, Mattia Guidetti, Christian Robin, and Francis Breyer. 978-1-4632-0630-7 | July 2017 |
Insatiable Appetite: Food as Cultural Signifier in the Middle East and Beyond, 2019
Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qurʾanic Milieu, 2009
Textual and literary analysis brought Dziekan to the conclusion that 36 out of the 66 works attri... more Textual and literary analysis brought Dziekan to the conclusion that 36 out of the 66 works attributed to Quss b. Sāʿida can be regarded as pre-Islamic, see Dziekan, Quss Ibn Sāʿida, 229.
Malta and the Mediterranean, 2017
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to World Literature, 2019
Books by Кирилл Дмитриев Kirill Dmitriev
Selected Studies on the Late Antique Religious Mind
Kirill Dmitriev & Isabel Toral-Niehoff (Editors)
The term ‘religious culture’ has often been used in relation to specific theological systems and ritual practices, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Manichaeism. In this edited volume, a group of internationally renowned scholars have addressed this concept in a more comprehensive sense, focusing on what one might call the Late Antique religious mind. The present volume sets out to emphasise the common religious attitudes and world- views rooted in late antiquity, including various monotheistic and other, pagan attitudes that existed within the orbit of the emerging Islam. The contributors to the volume are: Konstantin Klein, Martin Tamcke, Kirill Dmitriev, Cornelia Horn, Bruno Paoli, Greg Fisher, Mattia Guidetti, Christian Robin, and Francis Breyer.
978-1-4632-0630-7 | July 2017 |
СПб., 1994. 464 с.
ISBN 5-85803-016-5
Papers by Кирилл Дмитриев Kirill Dmitriev
Selected Studies on the Late Antique Religious Mind
Kirill Dmitriev & Isabel Toral-Niehoff (Editors)
The term ‘religious culture’ has often been used in relation to specific theological systems and ritual practices, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Manichaeism. In this edited volume, a group of internationally renowned scholars have addressed this concept in a more comprehensive sense, focusing on what one might call the Late Antique religious mind. The present volume sets out to emphasise the common religious attitudes and world- views rooted in late antiquity, including various monotheistic and other, pagan attitudes that existed within the orbit of the emerging Islam. The contributors to the volume are: Konstantin Klein, Martin Tamcke, Kirill Dmitriev, Cornelia Horn, Bruno Paoli, Greg Fisher, Mattia Guidetti, Christian Robin, and Francis Breyer.
978-1-4632-0630-7 | July 2017 |
СПб., 1994. 464 с.
ISBN 5-85803-016-5
Food as a Cultural Signifier
International & Interdisciplinary Conference of the
Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)
12-14 May 2016
Auditorium B1/College Hall
American University of Beirut
In recent years, food has increasingly received attention in the humanities and social sciences. Food scandals, global environmental problems, and the change of foodways through migration, but also the increasing importance of food to self-fashioning in Europe and North America, have helped propel food, once considered a topic too marginal for research in the humanities, to the centre of attention in various disciplines, as well as in the general public. Major events at the interface of research and society, such as the EXPO 2015 with its core theme “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, but also the “International Forum on Food Fabrication” in Beirut in early 2015, have offered a forum for exchange between research and public concerns. While these events were largely concerned with present-day debates around food, our conference will shed light both on the past and present of food in Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Arab world, showing that many of the concerns about food voiced today, such as purity, impact on health, importance in processes of subjectivation, relationship with gender, race, and other “imagined communities” (Benedict Anderson), as well as questions of food, drink and morality, can look back on a long history.
1 Food and Social Status
2 Prohibitions and Prescriptions I
3 Prohibitions and Prescriptions II
4 Body
5 Intoxication
6 Abstention
7 Scarcity and Humanitarianism
8 Food and Gender
Die von Mitgliedern der AGYA working group “Common Heritage and Common Challenges” organisierte Konferenz “Insatiable Appetite” untersucht Essen als kulturellen Bedeutungsträger zwischen Europa, dem Mittelmeer und den Ländern der arabischen Welt aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive. In sieben thematisch organisierten Panels treten HistorikerInnen, Anthropologen, Islamwissenschaftler, ArabistInnen, eine Journalistin und eine Hebraistin in interdisziplinären Austausch über ein in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften lange vernachlässigtes Thema von unmittelbarer Relevanz für die globalisierte Gegenwart. Ein conference dinner führt den Teilnehmenden die kulinarische Entwicklung in Vorderasien von Byzanz bis zu den Osmanen vor Augen – und zum Munde. Diese öffentlich stattfindende Veranstaltung hat gleichzeitig outreach-Charakter. Eine in Kooperation mit der Food Heritage Foundation, einer lokalen NGO, entwickelte Exkursion entlang des Food Heritage Trail vervollständigt das Bild bis in die Gegenwart hinein. Beirut bietet sich besonders als Ort für diese Konferenz an. Mit der American University of Beirut ist die Arab-German Young Academy seit kurzem auch institutionell verbunden. Am ebenfalls in die Konferenz eingebundenen Orient Institut der Max Weber Gesellschaft liegt der Forschungsschwerpunkt mehrerer WissenschaftlerInnen auf der Geschichte von Hunger und Ernährung. Zudem hat das Institut 2015 das Beirut Food Forum organisiert., das jedoch – anders als die AGYA-Konferenz – gegenwartsorientiert war. Neben der institutionellen Vernetzung soll die Konferenz der Vernetzung deutscher und arabischer NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen aus verschidedenen Disziplinen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften dienen.
German Cultural Heritage of Zanzibar’ explores the ways,
forms, and consequences of Arab and German cultural impact
on Zanzibar from an interdisciplinary and a comparative
historical perspective. How did Arabs and Germans shape
local cultural identity on Zanzibar? What was their impact
on language and literature, art and architecture, music and
dance, cinema and theatre, food and cuisine, dress and
fashion of Zanzibar? How did Arab and German cultures
interact on Zanzibar with each other? What were the impacts
of Arab-German cultural contacts on Zanzibar, and how have
they been preserved and represented in cultural memory in
Germany and the Arab world?
The conference is a project of the AGYA Working Group
Common Heritage and Common Challenges and is organized
by Dr. Kirill Dmitriev, Prof. Dr. Bilal Orfali, and Prof. Dr. Nuha
Table of Contents (v)
Introduction (1)
The Silence of the Gods. Some Observations on the Destruction of Pagan Temples, Shrines and Statues in the Late Antique East (from Constantine to Muḥammad) KONSTANTIN M. KLEIN (11)
The Relationship Between Theological Teaching and Religious Practice by the East-Syrian Christians in Qatar (Sixth – Seventh Centuries) MARTIN TAMCKE (89)
Glory and immortality: the motif of monumentum aere perennius by Samawʾal b. ʿĀdiyāʾ KIRILL DMITRIEV (105)
Tracing the Reception of the Protoevangelium of James in Late Antique Arabia: the Case of the Poetry of Umayya ibn Abī aṣ-Ṣalt and its Intersection with the Quran CORNELIA HORN (123)
Traders, Innkeepers and Cup-Bearers: Foreigners and People of the Book in Arabic Wine Poetry BRUNO PAOLI (147)
From Mavia to al-Mundhir: Arab Christians and Arab Tribes in the Late Antique Roman East GREG FISHER (165)
Inclusion and Seclusion in Late Antique and Early Medieval Settlement Strategies in Syria and Palestine MATTIA GUIDETTI (219)
Altsüdarabische Kulte im vorchristlichen Abessinien FRANCIS BREYER (249)
Les évolutions du calendrier dans le royaume de Ḥimyar : quelques hypothèses CHRISTIAN JULIEN ROBIN (281)