Export All Posts, Products, Orders, Refunds & Users


Secure, Fast, and Flexible WordPress Data Export

Looking for a reliable way to back up, migrate, or store your WordPress content? WP Ultimate Exporter is the ultimate solution! This feature-rich export plugin enables you to extract posts, pages, WooCommerce products, orders, users, and more in easily accessible file formats.

Important Note: WP Ultimate Exporter is an add-on that requires the WP Ultimate CSV Importer to function.
With this plugin, you can export all your WordPress content—including posts, pages, custom fields, users, and WooCommerce data—ensuring secure backups and effortless migrations.

Top Features & Benefits

  • User-Friendly Export Process – Export data in just a few clicks, no coding required.
  • Comprehensive Content Export – Export posts, pages, custom post types, custom fields, users, WooCommerce products, orders, reviews, and more.
  • Versatile Media Export – Export WordPress media separately or along with posts and pages.
  • Customizable Export Options – Choose specific data for export, including post types, authors, date range, and more.
  • Metadata & Custom Fields Support – Preserve all custom fields and metadata associated with your content.
  • Error-Free CSV & XML Files – The plugin automatically formats data to prevent errors.
  • Time-Based Data Export – Export posts, orders, or records from a specific time frame.
  • Post Status Filtering – Export data based on post status (Published, Draft, Pending, etc.).
  • Author-Specific Export – Extract content created by specific authors.

Unlock advanced filtering options and seamless Google Sheets export with Ultimate Exporter Pro.

Multilingual Data Export

Effortlessly export multilingual content from WordPress sites powered by WPML or Polylang. Ensure smooth migration of language-based data in CSV/XML formats while preserving translations accurately.

WordPress Users Export with WP Ultimate Exporter Add-On

Enhance your user data management by integrating the Import User Add-On to:
Generate Complete User Lists – Export usernames, emails, roles, and more.
Filter and Export Targeted User Data – Select user records based on specific criteria.
Capture User Metadata & Custom Fields – Export additional user profile details securely.

Note: Exported passwords are encrypted (MD format) and cannot be used for direct login.

WooCommerce Export: Enhance Your Store Management

Combine the Import WooCommerce Add-On to unlock additional WooCommerce export features:
Export Products & Variations – Extract complete product details for seamless migration.
Export Product Images & Categories – Maintain product organization and visuals during transfers.
Manage WooCommerce Orders – Export orders in CSV/XLS format for analysis and fulfillment.
Export WooCommerce Reviews & Coupons – Store and analyze customer feedback and promotional data.

Why Export Your WordPress Data?

Exporting your WordPress content offers multiple benefits:

  • Data Security & Backup – Prevent data loss from hosting issues, plugin conflicts, or accidental deletions.
  • Seamless Website Migration – Easily move your website between hosting providers or domains.
  • Streamlined Collaboration – Share specific content with team members effortlessly.
  • Safe Testing Environment – Test new themes or plugins using a backup version of your site.

Exporting Made Simple

The WP Ultimate Exporter plugin follows a streamlined two-step process:
1. Select Content – Choose posts, pages, custom fields, users, WooCommerce products, or orders.
2. Customize & Export – Apply filters like file format, author, post status, or date range, then download the file.

Protect your WordPress content today with WP Ultimate Exporter. Download it now from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

Unlock WP Ultimate Exporter Pro

Upgrade to Ultimate Exporter Pro for premium features:
Scheduled & Automated Exports – Set up recurring exports with ease.
Advanced Filtering by Category, Post IDs, and Custom Fields
Google Sheets Integration – Export data directly to Google Sheets for real-time access.
Support for ACF, Toolset Types, JetEngine, and Meta Box Fields

Try WP Ultimate Exporter in Action

Explore the plugin features through our live demos:

Support & Resources

Need help? Visit our Support Page for assistance.

Learn more with our WordPress Export & Import Tutorials.

If you find WP Ultimate Exporter helpful, please rate us. Thank you for your support!


  • Module selection view in the Exporter Plugin.

  • Export data with specific delimiters.

  • Export data uploaded within a specific period.

  • Perform Status-based CSV export.

  • Export files published by a particular author.

  • Select and export specific fields of any Post type.


  1. First, install CSV Importer and then install the wordpress export plugin.

  2. Extract the wp-ultimate-exporter.zip in your WordPress root/wp-content/plugins using FTP or through plugin install in wp-admin.

  3. Activate the plugin in the WordPress plugin list.


1. How can I export content from WordPress?

There are two ways to export your content:

  1. Through the WordPress admin panel.

  2. By using a WordPress export plugin.

Exporting through the WordPress Admin Panel is limited and there are plugins available with the most advanced features that the default tool does have. Primarily this export doesn’t support CSV, Xls, or JSON files.

To export your content from the WordPress admin panel, simply navigate to Tools > Export in the left-hand menu.

From here, you can choose to export all content or only certain types of content (such as posts or pages). Once you’ve made your selection, click the Export button and save the resulting file to your computer.

  1. WordPress data Export via our plugin

If you prefer, you can also use this plugin to export your content as a CSV, XML, XLS, or JSON file format. Simply install and activate the plugin, then navigate to the Export screen.

From here, you can choose what to export, once you’ve made your selection, click the Export button and save the resulting file to your computer.

2. How can I export the entire WordPress site? How to export it from localhost?

If you want to export your entire WordPress site, including your settings and configuration, you will need to use a plugin or manual method.

For manual export,

  1. Back up your files as compressed files including wp-content or you can do it separately if the size is too big which you can merge later to the root folder.

  2. Ensure you have a copy of the wp-config.php file, it is better to have multiple version copies of this with a prefix or suffix added to the file name. You will end up updating the new domain or subdomain, DB name, DB password, and host details in the wp-config.php file to make it work in a new environment. In this case, you may need to refer it the old configurations to make sure they are correct.

  3. Finally export your WordPress DB as .sql or zip or gzip format.

3. How to export wp-content?

You can simply compress it and move it to the desired location. Note that wp-content is the folder where your theme, plugins, media, and backups are stored. You may end up handling a very huge folder, if that is the case you can split and backup them.

4. How to WordPress export database tables to CSV using a plugin?

If you want to export your WordPress database table to a CSV file, you can use our WordPress CSV export tool.

To do this, go to the Export screen in your plugin UI. From there, you can select which type of content you’d like to export. Choose “Posts” if you want to export your blog posts, “Pages” if you want to export static pages, or choose any other options available.

Choose the file type you wish to export, note you can select between CSV, XlS, XML, or JSON format. Click the “Export” button. This will process extracting the information from the WordPress database as the source and convert them into CSV or XLS files to export. Both CSV and XLS formats are openable in any spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.

5. How to export WP DB?

These steps can only back up the WP core DB export that includes all your posts, pages, and comments. The core files, folders, wp-content, and media such as images, are not backed up. Both have to be managed separately, you can use a Backup plugin for the whole WordPress site backup.

Assuming you have a WordPress site up and running, there are two ways to export your database. The first is by using phpMyAdmin, and the second is by using the command line.

To use phpMyAdmin:

  1. Log in to phpMyAdmin.

  2. Select the database you want to export from the left-hand sidebar.

  3. Click the Export tab at the top of the page.

  4. Under Export Method, select Quick * to display only the minimal options.

  5. Scroll down to the Format-specific options section and select Microsoft Word XML format from the drop-down menu.

  6. Click Go to start the export process.

To use the command line:

  1. Log in to your server via SSH.

  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to export the database file.

  3. Export the database with the following command: mysqldump -u username -p database_name > databasename.xml

  4. Enter your password when prompted.

  5. The database will be exported to an XML file in the current directory.

To use the hosting control Panels:

You can back up using cPanel or the hosting panel if it is supported. Search or look for ‘Download a MySQL Database Backup’ under backups. Choose the name of the WP database to download it as a gzip file. If you are not sure, get the DB name from the wp-config.php file in the root.

6. Can I export Custom Post created with any third-party plugin?

Yes, you can export all Custom Posts listed in the drop-down.

7. Is there any limitation on the number of records exported?

No, there is no limitation on the number of records you can export.

8. What is export_wp and how Can I use it?

export_wp is a function for WordPress that generates the WXR export file for download. By default, this function can export all the content for post types with the can_export argument enabled and skip posts with ‘auto-draft’ status.

Like any other function, developers can use it directly in themes or plugin files by attaching it to an action hook or filter hook. All plugins categorized under export use WordPress functions to process the request.

9. How Passwords are handled in export?

The attribute and header name are user_pass in your export file. The passwords are exported in original md5 format from WordPress DB which is easy to import back in case of site migrations without any issues.

You can always skip or delete the old passwords to generate new passwords during import but that involves extra processes like emailing all users about the change and requesting them to change the temporary password, etc.,

10. To export, how to remove unwanted columns? Is there any controlled export?

For a controlled export, you have to use available advanced filters and options for desired results. You can also remove unwanted columns even after export by deleting them. Note this can be easy to edit, update, or delete if you choose CSV or Excel format as an option.

11. How to export WooCommerce orders to Excel? How to export orders to Excel format?

Under the export tab, choose WooCommerce Orders as your choice to export. This will export all orders from WooCommerce provided no advanced filters are selected. You can use the date filter to limit the time range of the orders created. Apply other options as desired, and export the data. If you wish to export WooCommerce orders to Excel for editing and manipulation, make sure that you have selected XLS in the file format options.

12. Where are WooCommerce Orders exported?

When you click to download the exported data, the file is downloaded through your web browser. You can find it in Browser > Download (Ctrl + J) and click show in folder. The default download location should be C:\Downloads on your Windows PC.

13. Does this plugin support the export/import of images for WooCommerce products? How the image galleries are exported?

Yes, you can export images for WooCommerce products. They are respectively for the default WooCommerce setup as follows.

  1. featured_image: Inputs should be the image URL which is publicly accessible and downloadable.

Example: https://ps.w.org/wp-ultimate-csv-importer/assets/banner-772×250.jpg

  1. product_image_gallery: This a set of multiple image URLs that is publicly accessible and downloadable separated by pipe symbols like image21.jpg|image82.png|topview.png.


14. What is WooCommerce product shipping class? How to handle it in import and export files?

Product Shipping Classes in WooCommerce make it easier to configure shipping rates for a set of products & and categories. That is to manage additional handling or special packaging, to set up free or flat-rate shipping. The attribute for Product Shipping Classes is exported as product_shipping_class that is assigned to the product.

In the case of import, make sure the shipping classes are already created and input the proper values. You can do a sample export to verify the product_shipping_class values before manipulating your import values.

15. What are Columns exported with user metadata? What WordPress default profile data is exported?

The plugin will export all the attributes involved, even if they are non-mandatory or have no values. The future release will have filtering options to exclude empty fields to trim unnecessary columns that could increase the import performance.

Here is the main attributes list:

  • user_login

  • user_pass

  • first_name

  • last_name

  • user_email

  • user_url

  • display_name

  • biographical_info

  • wp_capabilities

  • wp_user_level

  • role

Some of the WordPress user default profile data exported are:

  • user_nicename

  • user_registered

  • disable_visual_editor

  • admin_color

  • enable_keyboard_shortcuts

  • show_toolbar

  • wp_dashboard_quick_press_last_post_id

Added to that, WordPress member’s user metadata that can be exported are:

  • mem_email

  • mem_text

  • mem_tarea

  • mem_multiselect

  • mem_select

  • mem_radio_gp

  • mem_password

  • mem_image

  • mem_file

  • mem_url

  • mem_number

  • mem_date

  • mem_checkbox

In the case of WooCommerce customers below listed user meta is exported:

  • woocommerce_api_consumer_key

  • woocommerce_api_consumer_secret

  • woocommerce_api_key_permissions

  • wpscshipping_region

  • wpscbilling_region

  • wpsccart

  • billing_first_name

  • billing_last_name

  • billing_company

  • billing_address_1

  • billing_address_2

  • billing_city

  • billing_postcode

  • billing_state

  • billing_country

  • billing_phone

  • billing_email

  • shipping_first_name

  • shipping_last_name

  • shipping_company

  • shipping_address_1

  • shipping_address_2

  • shipping_city

  • shipping_postcode

  • shipping_state

  • shipping_country

16. How to export WordPress comments?

  • Select the ‘Comments’ module in the export tab to export comments. Provide filename, and file type, choose filters, and click export.


December 7, 2023 1 reply
Once the new records were imported, all previous records evaporated forever.Missing two days’ work, and I was already over the deadline.Disappointed.
February 15, 2023 1 reply
I can’t comment on each and every import job that would be possible. We had to import 600+ custom post type posts, and the plugin did an amazing job. Everything worked flawlessly. So far, I am absolutely grateful!
November 8, 2022
Todos los plugins para exportar la información son de paga. Este es sencillo y te permite exportar la información del usuario que tienes con ACF. Me solucionó mi problema
October 27, 2020
I’ve tried it on the localhost, But not working on a real server. Generate error. Not working backend. Not compatible with WordPress. One plugin installs another plugin without permission. The task should be in one plugin. It’s a failure tool. Also, it looks like an untrusted plugin.
Read all 13 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Export All Posts, Products, Orders, Refunds & Users” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Release date:** 2025-03-18
* Added: TSV (Tab-Separated Values) file format support
* Added: Compatibility with the latest MetaBox update(MetaBox AIO now includes MetaBox)


Release date:** 2025-03-04
* New Feature: Added support for XLSX export.
* New Feature: Added compatibility for Secure Custom Fields.
* Fix: Resolved issues with CSV file download and count accuracy.


Release date: 2025-02-18
* New Feature: Added export support for WooCommerce Customer’s Module Export.
* Enhancement: Improved UI for a better user experience.
* Improvement: Enhanced notification system for better clarity and user guidance.


  • Added: Added Single CSV Export for WooCommerce product variations.


  • Added: Export support for WooCommerce orders, including personalized product information generated from Extra Product Options for WooCommerce fields.


  • Added: Enhanced export functionality to include posts, products, orders, refunds, and users.
  • Added: support for exporting WooCommerce EAN/GTIN fields.
  • Added: export for Jet Bookings data.
  • Fixed: Security issue related to Remote Code Execution.


  • Fixed: Security issue related to Arbitrary File Download Vulnerability.


  • New Feature: Added export support for listings in Business Directory Plugin.
  • New Feature: Enabled export of listings in Advanced Classifieds & Directory Pro.
  • New Feature: Added export support for Places in GeoDirectory.


  • Added: Export users with WP members and MemberPress data.
  • Added: Export WooCommerce order tracking details with the integration for the YITH Order Tracking plugin.
  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 6.7


  • Added: export support for rank math dataset schema type along with related fields


  • Added: export support for WooCommerce orders, with personalized product information generated from PPOM fields


  • Added: New Export feature for JetEngine Custom Content Types (CCT).


  • Added: Support for YITH Barcodes and Cost of Goods plugins export.
  • Added: Export support for ACF Dashicon Field.


  • Added: Support for WooCommerce Coupons
  • Improved: WooCommerce Products and Orders export via API
  • Resolved: Minor bug fixes


  • Added: Export support for WooCommerce Reviews.


  • Added: Support for JetEngine relationship export
  • Fixed: XML export issue



  • Added: Export support for types of basic fields
  • Fixed: Export product category missing polylang language code and translated_title



  • Introducing the Elementor templates bulk export (addon) as a single CSV file, allowing you to back up your entire template library in a single, portable CSV file.

  • Now, you can export content such as Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types (CPTs), and WooCommerce Products designed with Elementor as a CSV file from your Elementor WordPress websites



  • Introducing a new WPML import feature, enabling users to import multilingual content as posts and pages using the WordPress CSV Importer plugin for both CSV and XML files.


  • Fixed: WooCommerce products and orders Export Issue using advanced filter.
  • Fixed: PHP Notice: Trying to get property guide of non-object issue.
  • Fixed: PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on the value of type int issue.
  • Fixed: Fatal error occurred when the WooCommerce bundle plugin was active.
  • Fixed: PHP Notice: Function wpdb::prepare was called incorrectly issue.
  • Fixed: Notice errors occurred when exporting WordPress categories issue.
  • Fixed: PHP Notice: Function wpdb::prepare was called incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Issue with empty total row count.
  • Fixed: PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on the value of type bool.
  • Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: ltrim(): Argument $string must be of type string.
  • Fixed: PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property issue.


  • Fixed: Woocommerce product bundle and grouped export 500 error issue


  • Fixed: WordPress custom fields export issue


  • Fixed: LifterLMS course multiple instructor export issue


Fixed: Resolved ‘event’ post type export works alongside with Events Manager (event) plugin.
Fixed: Resolved path issue, Updated export file path to utilize dynamic values


  • Resolved: issue with HTML format error during download.

  • Added: export support for Events Manager.

  • Fixed: Polylang issue.

  • Resolved: upgrade notice issue


  • Removed: Unwanted Upgrade Notice Removed


  • Added: Polylang multilingual support

  • Added: Support for export WordPress tags and category


Vulnerability issue fix Unauthenticated Information Disclosure * https://www.wordfence.com/threat-intel/vulnerabilities/wordpress-plugins/wp-ultimate-exporter/wp-ultimate-exporter-22-unauthenticated-information-disclosure

  • Fixed: All in one SEO Export

  • Fixed: Yoast SEO Export

  • Fixed: RankMath SEO Export

  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 6.4.2

  • Added: Latest WooCommerce Database Support


Fixed: Unauthenticated Information Disclosure Vulnerability reported by Wordfence


  • Added : Bulk elementor templates export


  • Tested: WP 6.4.1 version compatibility


  • Checked: 6.3 version compatibility

  • Updated: Taxonomy fix


  • Fixed: WooCommerce custom attribute export issue


  • Fixed: Minor bugs


  • Added: LifterLMS and MasterStudy LMS export support

  • Checked: 6.2 version compatibility


  • Fixed: Minor bug fixes

  • Fixed: WooCommerce Orders export


  • Added: support for WooCommerce Orders export

  • Added: support for WooCommerce Coupon Export

  • Added: support for WooCommerce Refund Export

  • Added: Usability and UI Improvements

  • Added: Taxonomies export support

  • Added: XLS, XML, and JSON export file formats

  • Fixed: Critical & Activation errors (PHP 8.1 )

  • Checked: 6.1.1 version compatibility


  • Fixed: Activated addon and updated links for main plugin installation


  • Fixed: Plugin activation notice error

  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 6.0.2


Added: Export support for Jet Engine Metabox Basic Fields


  • Added: Export support for the Meta Box plugin


  • Added: Export support for the Meta Box plugin


  • Fixed: Export date filter


  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 6.0


  • Added: Export Support for WP Job Manager Plugin.

  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 5.9.3


  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 5.9


  • Added: Export support for latest LearnPress-LMS plugin-V4.1.4.1:Courses,Lessons,Quizzes,Orders and Questions.


  • Added: Export support for the latest woocommerce product bundle plugin fields


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.8


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.7.2

  • Added: Export support for Polylang & Polylang for WooCommerce plugin.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.7.1

  • Added: Compatibility for All in One SEO latest version


  • Fixed: CPT Export

  • Added: WordPress 5.6 compatibility

  • Added: PHP 8 compatibility


  • Added: WordPress 5.6 compatibility

  • Added: PHP 8 compatibility


  • Added: Extended Export support for WooCommerce Product Bundle Fields.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.5.1

  • Added: Export support for Variation Swatcher for WooCommerce Plugin.


  • Added: Export support for WC Product Bundle Meta Fields.


  • Added: Export support for specific Widget Values(Posts, Pages, Comments, Categories and Archives).


  • Added: Export support for BBPress Plugin(forum, topic and reply).

  • Added: Navigation Menu Export.


  • Added: WP CSRF Protection


  • Added: Export support for Learnpress-LMS Plugin(Courses, Lessons, Quizzes, Orders and Curriculum).


  • Added: Support for comment reply field


  • Fixed: Post Category hierarchical export issue


  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 5.3.2


  • Fixed: Custom Post Export Issue


  • Fixed: CPT-UI with product category export issue

  • Fixed: Minor issues and warnings


  • Added: new API call to find plugin is installed or not

  • Added: notice/alert for the plugin not installed.

=1.4.4 =

  • Added: Display the total number of records of export

  • Added: Progress bar and time indicator.

  • Fixed: WooCommerce attribute export

  • Fixed: Custom post export

=1.4.3 =

  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.0.3

  • Fixed: Permission issue with the file export.


  • Added: WP CSRF Protection


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.0

  • Fixed: Tags Export


  • Added extra modules for export

  • Fixed: Quoted fields export


  • Added: Selective field-based export.

  • Modified: User Interface.


  • Added: WordPress 4.6 compatibility.


  • Fixed: Comma-separated vulnerabilities.


  • Initial release version. Tested and found to work well without any issues.