Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Istituto di Biorobotica
Abstract The development of systems of functional assessment following the implant of vestibular neural prosthesis is present:(1) a wearable sensor system for the recording of head kinematics;(2) a moving platform for the assessment of... more
Abstract Accelerometers are a popular choice as body-motion sensors: the reason is partly in their capability of extracting information that is useful for automatically inferring the physical activity in which the human subject is... more
In this paper we draw a distinction between tele-operation and tele-presence. We argue that the disappearance of mediation, as well as the cognitive and physical integration between human subject and robotic alias are fundamental for the... more
■ We designed an fMRI experiment comparing perception of human faces and robotic faces producing emotional expressions. The purpose of our experiment was to investigate engagement of different parts of the social brain by viewing these... more
This paper is about design and acceptability of service robots that interact with individuals and coexist in environments inhabited by humans. In its current usage, we argue, the term acceptability is “user-specific” or “user-centred”,... more
Traditionally, UML (Unified Modelling Language) has been applied for supporting the description and the design of software systems, by providing designers with a good method for reasoning on problems and solutions. Its extension, UMLi... more
In discussions about teleoperation systems and virtual reality environments, the notion of distance, i.e. in physical space, is often considered as a problem, causing many technological bottlenecks, such as time delay, communication... more
In this paper, I propose an alternative explication of presence based on the theoretical framework provided by theatrical presence. In my opinion, a unified and consistent discourse about presence has emerged since the earliest... more
h i g h l i g h t s • Development of a novel lightweight wearable powered bilateral pelvis orthosis. • Design of a novel compact, lightweight series-elastic actuator (SEA). • SEA closed-loop torque control bandwidth equal to 15 Hz. • SEA... more