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"Global Perspectives on Eco-Aesthetics and Eco-Ethics: A Green Critique" focuses on the interface of the Anthropocene, sustainability, ecological aesthetics, multispecies relationality, and the environment as reflected in literature and... more
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      EcofeminismEnvironmental HumanitiesAnthropocenePostcolonial Ecocriticism
While theorizing veganism, Lori Gruen and Robert C. Jones in “Veganism as an Aspiration,” speak of two distinct ways of being vegan: one is a way of life that becomes an integral part of one’s identity, and the other is directly related... more
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      BuddhismAnimal StudiesVeganismVegan Studies
This book offers Posthumanist readings of animal-centric literary and cultural texts. The contributors put the precepts and premises of humanism into question by seriously considering the animal presence in texts. The essays collected... more
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      PosthumanismAnimal StudiesAnimal EthicsCritical Animal Studies
This book brings together well-researched essays by established scholars as well as forward-thinking aspiring researchers to study how literary and non-literary texts highlight 'animal presence' and explore non-anthropocentric... more
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      PosthumanismTeaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language
This paper aims to discuss the deconstructionist Jacques Derrida’s contribution to the contemporary critical animal studies. Derrida is concerned with a critical thinking that starts with a dismantling of straightforward distinction... more
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