Journal of Commerce and Management Thought, 2010
The present paper is an attempt to map of contribution of doctoral research in the subject Commer... more The present paper is an attempt to map of contribution of doctoral research in the subject Commerce, in Indian Universities during 1997 - 2006. It is based on analysis of bibliometric data of the Ph.D. theses on different parameters such as researcher, guide, university, state, zone, year, subject, etc.
The main aim of the paper is to understand the relevance of commerce education in the changing ti... more The main aim of the paper is to understand the relevance of commerce education in the changing times along with its role & status. Further it has highlighted the need to reengineer commerce education and suitable strategies for promoting commerce education in the tune of overall environmental changes. The paper is based on information collected from secondary sources on the topic concerned from the period, backed by personal experiences of the author in Teaching, Research and Extension activities in commerce & management for last 3 decades. The association of author with the industry, trade, commerce and higher institutions at various locations have contributed significantly in shaping thoughts included in this paper.

: In this paper an attempt is made to understand the Indian ethos described in our scriptures and... more : In this paper an attempt is made to understand the Indian ethos described in our scriptures and its application and use in managing the business in India.
Majority of the business corporations in India have been managing their corporations in western style of management. Similarly most of them are using management techniques like BPR, TQM, Quizen and many more. In the name of professionalism and modernization even Indian business management people knowingly or unknowingly forgotten the Indian ethos in the name of traditional management. This process of practicing the management in Indian business has created significant problem in understanding the real value of Indian management. Whether we have popularized either Japanese management or American management and not tried significantly by Indian management. Now the time has come to understand the values of Indian ethos to bring them in practice.

In this paper an attempt is made to understand the Indian ethos described in
our scriptures and i... more In this paper an attempt is made to understand the Indian ethos described in
our scriptures and its application and use in managing the business in India.
Majority of the business corporations in India have been managing their corporations in
western style of management. Similarly most of them are using management techniques like
BPR, TQM, Quizen and many more. In the name of professionalism and modernization even
Indian business management people knowingly or unknowingly forgotten the Indian ethos in
the name of traditional management. This process of practicing the management in Indian
business has created significant problem in understanding the real value of Indian
management. Whether we have popularized either Japanese management or American
management and not tried significantly by Indian management. Now the time has come to
understand the values of Indian ethos to bring them in practice

In this paper an attempt is made to shed the light on the personality development from the modern... more In this paper an attempt is made to shed the light on the personality development from the modern perspective Vedanta and yogic sciences highlights significant issues relating to personality refinement and development of modern human life. In addition to this, eight-fold path of Patanjali have been described systematically for the use and practice of all concerned for attaining the real goal of human existence.
The term personality refers to the overall impression of a person makes on other persons. Personality is the sum total of all characteristics such as physical, constitutional, social, motivational, intellectual etc including habits, likes, dislikes and attitudes. Maddi (1980) defines personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determines those commonalities and differences in the psychological behavior (thoughts, feelings and actions) of the people that have continuity in time and that may not be easily understood as the sole result of the social and biological pressures of the moment. “The personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others.”
Thus human personality includes:
1. External appearance and behavior or social stimulus value.
2. Inner awareness of self as permanent organizing force.
3. The particular pattern or organization of measurable traits, both ‘inner’ & ‘outer’
A pleasing personality is a combination of a person’s attitude, behavior and expression. It is apparent in the way a person walks and talks, his tone of voice, the warmth in his behavior and his definitive level of confidence. Some people never lose their attractiveness regardless of age, because of flows both from the face and heart.

Every human being needs to have a good life. Bertrand Russell says, “The good life is that which ... more Every human being needs to have a good life. Bertrand Russell says, “The good life is that which is inspired by love and guided by knowledge. It is love for life, love of fellow human beings, love for nature and love for exploring life in its fullness. It provides the foundation of all the goodness in life and of course, it must be guided by rational thinking, based on correct knowledge.” This means the knowledge of all aspects of life and living. Jawaharlal Nehru’s vision of a good life is “…a full, free, dignified and creative life, vibrant with intellectual and spiritual tremors….a process of continuous social development, of becoming better and higher of ceaseless adventure of man.
Thus, a good life must be free of wants and derivations. The basic material needs of food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc. must be fulfilled. A good life should also have an adequate level of material decencies to provide material comforts and convenience for the enjoyment and enlargement of life. For attaining such a good life, people normally thinks for development and happiness. So we need to understand what development and what happiness means. In day to day life we have understood development means mainly economic development or material development and this development brings happiness. This is very limited approach in our life.
Thus, in this paper an attempt is made to understand and answers some of the questions like what is happiness, what makes people happy? What is the relationship between development and happiness? What are the angles of happiness and what is the role of happiness in a good life.
Let us understand and explain them one by one.
In this article an attempt is made to highlight the application of TQM in the context of library ... more In this article an attempt is made to highlight the application of TQM in the context of library and information services with reference to acquisition, organisation and dissemination of services, which is the core part ensuring quality in the library services. Further, the role of people in TQM is emphasized.
This paper assess the readiness of three co-operatives in the Kolhapur, Maharashtra for reenginee... more This paper assess the readiness of three co-operatives in the Kolhapur, Maharashtra for reengineering.
In this paper an attempt is made to find out the marketing costs, margins and price-spread of jag... more In this paper an attempt is made to find out the marketing costs, margins and price-spread of jaggery, initial point of production till it reaches to the ultimate consumer.
This paper reports the results of a survey of the stakeholders, viz. members, customers, employee... more This paper reports the results of a survey of the stakeholders, viz. members, customers, employees and the top management on the determinants of success.
The present study aims at to assess the strength and weakness of the Government milk plant, Udgir... more The present study aims at to assess the strength and weakness of the Government milk plant, Udgir, district Usmanabad of Maharashtra state.
The present paper aims to point out the salient features of low milk yield in India and efforts a... more The present paper aims to point out the salient features of low milk yield in India and efforts are also made to suggest the remedial measures for the improvement of present state of dairying in India.
In this paper an attempt is made to show the dairy's economic impact on rural folk of Kopargaon t... more In this paper an attempt is made to show the dairy's economic impact on rural folk of Kopargaon taluka.
As per the philosophy of Sahajmarg, our master says that fix
your goal in life and work according... more As per the philosophy of Sahajmarg, our master says that fix
your goal in life and work accordingly.The maxim-no 3 explains
as what to achieve or to become.
Majority of the business corporations in India have been managing their corporations in western style of management. Similarly most of them are using management techniques like BPR, TQM, Quizen and many more. In the name of professionalism and modernization even Indian business management people knowingly or unknowingly forgotten the Indian ethos in the name of traditional management. This process of practicing the management in Indian business has created significant problem in understanding the real value of Indian management. Whether we have popularized either Japanese management or American management and not tried significantly by Indian management. Now the time has come to understand the values of Indian ethos to bring them in practice.
our scriptures and its application and use in managing the business in India.
Majority of the business corporations in India have been managing their corporations in
western style of management. Similarly most of them are using management techniques like
BPR, TQM, Quizen and many more. In the name of professionalism and modernization even
Indian business management people knowingly or unknowingly forgotten the Indian ethos in
the name of traditional management. This process of practicing the management in Indian
business has created significant problem in understanding the real value of Indian
management. Whether we have popularized either Japanese management or American
management and not tried significantly by Indian management. Now the time has come to
understand the values of Indian ethos to bring them in practice
The term personality refers to the overall impression of a person makes on other persons. Personality is the sum total of all characteristics such as physical, constitutional, social, motivational, intellectual etc including habits, likes, dislikes and attitudes. Maddi (1980) defines personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determines those commonalities and differences in the psychological behavior (thoughts, feelings and actions) of the people that have continuity in time and that may not be easily understood as the sole result of the social and biological pressures of the moment. “The personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others.”
Thus human personality includes:
1. External appearance and behavior or social stimulus value.
2. Inner awareness of self as permanent organizing force.
3. The particular pattern or organization of measurable traits, both ‘inner’ & ‘outer’
A pleasing personality is a combination of a person’s attitude, behavior and expression. It is apparent in the way a person walks and talks, his tone of voice, the warmth in his behavior and his definitive level of confidence. Some people never lose their attractiveness regardless of age, because of flows both from the face and heart.
Thus, a good life must be free of wants and derivations. The basic material needs of food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc. must be fulfilled. A good life should also have an adequate level of material decencies to provide material comforts and convenience for the enjoyment and enlargement of life. For attaining such a good life, people normally thinks for development and happiness. So we need to understand what development and what happiness means. In day to day life we have understood development means mainly economic development or material development and this development brings happiness. This is very limited approach in our life.
Thus, in this paper an attempt is made to understand and answers some of the questions like what is happiness, what makes people happy? What is the relationship between development and happiness? What are the angles of happiness and what is the role of happiness in a good life.
Let us understand and explain them one by one.
your goal in life and work accordingly.The maxim-no 3 explains
as what to achieve or to become.
Majority of the business corporations in India have been managing their corporations in western style of management. Similarly most of them are using management techniques like BPR, TQM, Quizen and many more. In the name of professionalism and modernization even Indian business management people knowingly or unknowingly forgotten the Indian ethos in the name of traditional management. This process of practicing the management in Indian business has created significant problem in understanding the real value of Indian management. Whether we have popularized either Japanese management or American management and not tried significantly by Indian management. Now the time has come to understand the values of Indian ethos to bring them in practice.
our scriptures and its application and use in managing the business in India.
Majority of the business corporations in India have been managing their corporations in
western style of management. Similarly most of them are using management techniques like
BPR, TQM, Quizen and many more. In the name of professionalism and modernization even
Indian business management people knowingly or unknowingly forgotten the Indian ethos in
the name of traditional management. This process of practicing the management in Indian
business has created significant problem in understanding the real value of Indian
management. Whether we have popularized either Japanese management or American
management and not tried significantly by Indian management. Now the time has come to
understand the values of Indian ethos to bring them in practice
The term personality refers to the overall impression of a person makes on other persons. Personality is the sum total of all characteristics such as physical, constitutional, social, motivational, intellectual etc including habits, likes, dislikes and attitudes. Maddi (1980) defines personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determines those commonalities and differences in the psychological behavior (thoughts, feelings and actions) of the people that have continuity in time and that may not be easily understood as the sole result of the social and biological pressures of the moment. “The personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others.”
Thus human personality includes:
1. External appearance and behavior or social stimulus value.
2. Inner awareness of self as permanent organizing force.
3. The particular pattern or organization of measurable traits, both ‘inner’ & ‘outer’
A pleasing personality is a combination of a person’s attitude, behavior and expression. It is apparent in the way a person walks and talks, his tone of voice, the warmth in his behavior and his definitive level of confidence. Some people never lose their attractiveness regardless of age, because of flows both from the face and heart.
Thus, a good life must be free of wants and derivations. The basic material needs of food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, etc. must be fulfilled. A good life should also have an adequate level of material decencies to provide material comforts and convenience for the enjoyment and enlargement of life. For attaining such a good life, people normally thinks for development and happiness. So we need to understand what development and what happiness means. In day to day life we have understood development means mainly economic development or material development and this development brings happiness. This is very limited approach in our life.
Thus, in this paper an attempt is made to understand and answers some of the questions like what is happiness, what makes people happy? What is the relationship between development and happiness? What are the angles of happiness and what is the role of happiness in a good life.
Let us understand and explain them one by one.
your goal in life and work accordingly.The maxim-no 3 explains
as what to achieve or to become.
Commerce is a Social Science of human conduct in relation to business activity since it does not deal with inert matter, where the cause effect relationship is fixed and the reactions are predictable and experimentally demonstrated. The reactions in real life situations of business relationship can not be understood without understanding the internal consciousness of the people expressed as intentions, attitudes, purpose and motivation.
The present study, “RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION CONTRIBUTION OF TEACHERS IN COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT: A BIBLIOMETRIC STUDY” is appropriate for reviewing the performance of the commerce and management teachers. This study is total and comprehensive, touching all the aspects of research and publication in commerce and management discipline, by way of evaluating the performance of teachers through various dimensions like research papers/articles and books publication, research projects contribution, guidance to M.Phil. and Ph.D. Scholars.
The project team has collected voluminous data from various resources and analyzed it with considerable skill. Dr. R. D. Biradar, the Principal Investigator, has taken considerable efforts in shaping this Report in its present form.
I am very happy that the study makes a significant contribution towards the thought-provoking ideas and better understanding of the issues related to research and publication of the commerce and management discipline. This is a meticulous piece of work. The suggestions offered under this study are worth implementing for the revitalization of commerce and management education in India, in general, and Maharashtra State, in particular. On the whole, the work is definitely a useful contribution to the commerce and management discipline.
I hope that the study will be useful to those who are interested or involved in the formulation educational policies as well as teachers in commerce and management. I am also sure that this study will encourage further efforts in this direction.