Ова тема није ажурирана преко 2 године. Можда се више не одржава или не подржава и можда има грешке у усклађености када се користи са новијим издањима Вордпреса.

Refresh Theme is best WordPress magazine theme for personal and business website technology news or magazine with full features and SEO Optimize theme easily adapts on your mobile and desktop or any other device. Theme comes with lots of customization and connect social media like Facebook, Google+, twitter, pinterest, rss, skype, vimeo, dribbble, flickr, LinkedIn, YouTube and Adsense ready It supports all the awesome WordPress features completely free theme works also for blogging.Some features like floating menu bar with search and share options. WooCommerce eCommerce plugin supported. Working theme demo here
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Укључене поставке: 60+
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