Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.

Woo File Dropzone


Woo File Dropzone | WooCommerce upload file



  • This plugin will able you to get files from customers on following basis:

    • Product Detail Page
    • Cart Page
    • Checkout Page
  • You can also get details/feedback from customer in small text box (textfield) and/or in a large textbox (textarea).

  • Full Control over file management for store admin.
  • Provide facility to customers for File Preview, Error Notices & Remove file before uploading if they want.
  • Extensive file cleanup process on many stages if user left sites or removed items from cart.
  • WordPress built-in scheduling (cron job) for files which were uploaded by users but no proceeding to complete order (abandoned order and did nothing after adding into cart and uploading files).
  • Very strong security check with wordpress built in wp_nonce fields.
  • File validation checking on both client and server side.
  • Store admin will receive files directly in order details page.
  • Plugin uses standard woocommerce hooks to perfom file handling.
  • Popover positioning and all labels customization.
  • Strong coding practices of file auto-loading and clean code for customization.
  • Compatible with all themes that follow WooCommerce Standard
  • Error Log maintain.
  • Can be used for any type of files. Images, PDF,Docx, xls etc
  • Standard wordpress shrotcodes that can be used in woocommerce files.

Plugin Uses

  1. Bootstrap 3
  2. DropzoneJs Javascript Library
  3. Formvalidator JQuery Plugin

Снимци екрана

  • File Dropbox Detail page.
  • Configuration Screen
  • Order Detail page


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings-> Woo File Dropzone screen to configure the plugin
  4. Make sure you have configure plugin correctly.


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings-> Woo File Dropzone screen to configure the plugin
  4. Make sure you have configure plugin correctly.


20. октобар 2017. 1 одговор
I had purchased a premium plugin that didn’t even work, so by comparison, this one is stellar. Thank you so much for the effort you put into this. I have noticed a couple issues. One is when I use the shortcode for the product page. I like this because not all my products will need the upload button so I want to be selective. However, if I insert the shortcode into the short description or description, the button appears twice. Do you have any suggestions? Also, I cannot figure a way to change the button text color. It’s white on a white background now, so very hard to see. Thank you again
12. април 2017. 1 одговор
Hi When I activate Woo File Dropzone WordPress crashes, even though I „IMPORTANT For Testing; Please log in Wp admin and front store in separate browser, because due to some WooCommerce Session Conflict“ What are the minimum server requirements, could it be that? Running WordPress 4.7.3 and Woocommerce 3.01 no other plugins Thanks Mary
12. октобар 2016.
it works perfetly 🙂 great support, I wish every support should be like this! 🙂 Thanks a lot
3. септембар 2016.
Perfectly Working as i want. Thanks man you save my money to which i have to expend on premium plugins. Keep it up and upload good work like this. Thanks
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Fixed: When use checkbox payment method, file uploaded was not processed properly.


Fixed: Minor Bug


Fixed: previously 1.1.4 changes were not affected


Fixed: Issue on cart and checkout page after file upload send button not showing.
Tested: Compatibility for WordPress 4.8


Fixed: Guest upload before add to cart was lost due to session issue.


  • Document update nothing on logic level


  • Fix Minor bug fixes


  • Improved Admin settings User Interface.
  • Added Support to enable Mandatory upload. User must have to upload before adding item into cart
  • Reload of uploaded files in box if user want to edit files.
  • Various Code Performance.
  • File box UI improvement so more space for uploading files.
  • Disable front User file upload if Admin is logged in. Sometimes WooCommerce session is problematic.


  • Woocommerce session conflict when admin changes order status
  • (Note for testing plugin): As now in front a check has been added, that plugin should process when admin is not logged. so upload file in another browser.


  • Small bug due to 1.0.5 feature implementation


  • Added Product and variation title in admin panel.


  • Fixed bug in product detail page file box, showing send button after file sent
  • Updated configuration page
  • Success Message on settings save
  • Included detailed documentation in pdf file


  • Various UI Improvements in file dropbox
  • CSS minification