Ознака додатка: syntax highlighter
HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter
(111укупних оцена)Add syntax highlighting to WordPress code editors using CodeMirror.js
Enlighter – Customizable Syntax Highlighter
(66укупних оцена)All-in-one Syntax Highlighting solution. Full Gutenberg and Classic Editor integration. Graphical theme customizer. Based on EnlighterJS.
Urvanov Syntax Highlighter
(19укупних оцена)Reincarnation of Crayon Syntax Highlighter. Syntax Highlighter supporting multiple languages, themes, fonts, highlighting from a URL, or post text.
CodeMirror Blocks
(42укупних оцена)CodeMirror Blocks is useful for tutorial site where display formatted (highlighted) code block. With support of 100+ Language/Mode and 56 Themes.
APH Prism Syntax Highlighter
(7укупних оцена)Bringing Prism into WordPress easily. User-friendly GUI, support both classic editor and block editor. Support tab & back-tab in the code editor.
AH Code Highlighter
(1укупних оцена)The easiest to use code highlighting ever. Choose between 8 different color themes to highlight your code snippets. Many programming languages are sup …
iG:Syntax Hiliter
(1укупних оцена)A plugin to easily present source code on your site with syntax highlighting and formatting (as seen in code editors, IDEs).
WordPress Code Snippet
(0укупних оцена)This plugin will allow you to add code snippets to your pages/posts. This is great for code tutorial sites.
Better Code Editing
(2укупних оцена)Adding CodeMirror functionality to the Plugin and Theme file editors, as well as the Customizer Custom CSS box and Custom HTML widget.
Prettify GC Syntax Highlighter
(3укупних оцена)Your code will look exactly like it does on google-code.
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: VHDL Brush
(0укупних оцена)Adds support for the VHDL and Verilog languages to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin. Also, includes basic syntax coloring for Xilinx UCF files.
Smart Syntax
(3укупних оцена)Automatic google prettify syntax highlighting for jetpack markdown fenced code blocks
Vaaky Highlighter
(2укупних оцена)Simple yet elegant syntax or code highlighter based on highlight.js. It allows you to add engaging snippet code blocks.
Markdown Highlighter
(0укупних оцена)A plugin to parse the markdown content from post then highlight it as syntax highlight.
APH Syntax Highlighter
(0укупних оцена)Bringing SyntaxHighlighter 4 by Alex Gorbatchev into Wordpress easily. Easy to use with user-friendly GUI. Write-edit code in place