Ознака додатка: SmugMug
Photonic Gallery & Lightbox for Flickr, SmugMug, Google Photos & Others
(190укупних оцена)Galleries on steroids! A stylish lightbox & gallery plugin for WP, Flickr, SmugMug, Google Photos and Zenfolio photos and videos.
SmugMug Embed
(4укупних оцена)Allows users to search and embed images into posts or pages directly from their SmugMug accounts.
(0укупних оцена)WP-SmugMug integrates your SmugMug galleries into your Posts and Pages on your WordPress blog.
SmugMug Widget
(0укупних оцена)A simple widget for displaying the most recent public images from a SmugMug account.
fdsPhotoFEED v1.0.0
(0укупних оцена)A WordPress plugin for grabbing images and image info from SmugMug, Flickr, Picasa etc RSS feeds.
(1укупних оцена)A plugin to automatically insert SmugMug "buy" links into wordpress posts and pages using a shortcode.
SmugMug Insert
(0укупних оцена)Browse photos from multiple SmugMug-Users and add them to posts. Integrated smoothly within the text-editor. Configurable thumb and fullscreen-sizes.