Ознака додатка: bitly
Bitly URL Shortener
(5укупних оцена)Bitly URL Shortener uses the functionality of Bitly API to generate Bitly short link without leaving your WordPress site.
Get Shortlinks
(1укупних оцена)Get the classic "Get shortlink" from WordPress 3.7. Developed to make it easier for people at Mentor to get shorlinks and open sourcing it.
TweetThis Shortcode
(1укупних оцена)A plugin to add a link after a phrase that auto-populates a tweet on twitter.
Bitly URL Generator
(1укупних оцена)Automatically creates a bit.ly url for each of your posts when they get published.
Generate Shortlinks
(0укупних оцена)Uses bit.ly, Ur.ly, and Is.gd to create handy shortlinks to share your WordPress Posts quickly and easily!
Bit.ly Shortlinks Multisite (Uses OAuth 2 API)
(3укупних оцена)This plugin replaces the default WordPress shortlinks with Bit.ly shortlinks for your single site or multisite WordPress network.
Twitter Hashtag Blaster
(2укупних оцена)Add Twitter hashtag buttons at the end of every post, for any hashtag you want. Sends shortlinks to your articles into Twitter!
DanP Bitly URLs
(0укупних оцена)Generate Bitly short links for posts and pages every time you first publish. Already have posts? You can generate a link for all posts and pages too.