Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.

Fogata BOTS


Say goodbye to bad customer service! With Fogata BOTS your customers will receive an instant answer 24/7. Our platform was designed to be friendly and complete, it is easy to teach your BOT how to treat your clients. We are the first company to offer a ChatBot in a WordPress plugin that you can connect with almost all social media messaging apps. Hop on and be part of the new era of Digital Communication!


  • We’re clean and cool. Our Fogata BOTS widget is simple, beautiful and convenient.
  • Just create an account, build the your Communication Flow and the users will start interacting.
  • Control the entire system using a computer, tablet or Smartphone.
  • We have the first hybrid system on the world: ChatBot + Online Chat
  • We are constantly working on innovations for our system.


  • Easy installation: All you need is an authentication key and you’re good to go.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: Keep conversations going all year, all day.
  • Mobile ready: Fully responsive design and mobile ready interface.
  • Appearance adjustments: Adjust visual appearance to match your website by adding your company logo, colors, showing / hiding interface elements.
  • Greeting message: Proactive greeting message increases chats up to 300%.
  • Easy Update: Just using the smartphone, computer or tablet you can change links, images, text, galleries and questions anytime, anywhere.
  • Emoticons: See nice smiles in messages by enabling emoticons support.
  • Analytics: Get to know your clients through real time statistics showed on your dashboard.


  • Easy to use interface for both the admin and the visitor
  • Edit all text fields shown on the Live Chat Widget
  • Change the colors of the Live Chat Widget
  • Fully responsive admin dashboard
  • Update text, images and URL anytime.
  • Create a greeting message and the keyword not found message
  • Edit and customize the appearance
  • Fully responsive design and mobile ready interface
  • Create Answers with links, images and GIFS (The plugin allow clickable links and images).
  • Build Galleries: create custom galleries by adding a title, description, URL and button.
  • Leads Button to obtain basic information from visitors (You need a PRO account to view your leads)


  • Advanced Reporting: most common keywords, real time statistics and most use questions.
  • Gather all the data that you need in order to create strategies for your brand or company.
  • Online Chat System: We have a hybrid system where you can turn off the Fogata BOTS Intelligence and chat directly with the users.
  • Advanced Lead Button System: Capture the information about the users such as name, cellphone and email.
  • Chat History: Check anytime and anywhere every conversation with your users
  • Unlimited Entries: Be able to make as many answers as you want to your clients questions. The more you teach your BOT, the smartest it becomes.
  • No Advertising: The plugin will appear without any type of advertising by Fogata or any other company.
  • More interactions: If you have a bigger clientele, we’ll make sure all of them get attention.

PS: You’ll need an Fogata BOTS Authentication Key to use it. Keys are free; paid subscriptions are needed for more than 100 interactions with the BOT.


Activating your Fogata BOTS account is really easy, just follow these steps:

  1. Install and activate the Fogata BOTS Plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu
    in WordPress.
  2. After installation, click the Fogata BOTS section in the left toolbar.
  3. Activate your own Token Activation Key at
    Fogata Dashboard (Create a user and password) and copy the
    Authentication Key on the Settings section.
  4. Customize the plug in with colors, Logo and then create your Own Digital
    Communication Flow (dialogue) to interact with your customers, users and
  5. For additional information, check our Tutorial Video in our Youtube Channel Fogata Group at Fogata YouTube


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