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Dapre Custom Fields Tools


This plugin is a ‘swiss army knife’ of custom fields. It allows you to manipulate them to make it easy the testing and debugging of applications.

This plugin was built in a moment of desperation when I couldn’t access phpMyAdmin in a mu website.
I absolutely needed to manipulate the custom fields for testing and debugging, version 1.0 was up in 4 hours.
In the following months I realized how useful the plugin was and couldn’t work anymore without it. It had become part of my standard toolset.

1 Read/write/delete options, user fields and post fields.
2 Populate the field with an empty array.
3 Insert a date string and translate it into a timestamp or vice versa to emulate specific dates.
4 Change name to a field.
5 Copy any field’s content to any other field (for example, option to user field) even of a different name.

You can contribute to the plugin or just study the code on the Github repo.


  1. Visit the plugins page within your dashboard and select ‘Add New’;
  2. Search for ‘Dapre Custom Fields Tools’;
  3. Activate the plugin from your Plugins page;


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Белешка о изменама


  • Fixed an error in casting a return value.


  • Refactored the UI of the meta fields tables to use REACT.


  • Meta fields rows can now be added and removed dynamically.
  • Bug fixing.


  • Fixed visualization bug in first row of meta fields.


  • Improved UI


  • Moved from AJAX to REST API.
  • Moved from JQuery to vanilla JavaScript.


  • Updated npm packages versions.
  • Built distributable file.


  • Refactored CSS to use grid and flexbox instead of tables.
  • Refactored CSS to use BEVM coding principles.
  • Refactored templates to comply with changes in CSS.


  • Added Gulp workflow.
  • Refactored code and created new plugin structure to meet the new workflow needs.
  • Refactored JavaScript and removed all inline events left.


  • refactored JavaScript to remove all inline events.
  • bugfix: plugin left the delete option enabled with non existing meta fields.


  • made all strings translatable and escaped output.


  • added filter input to avoid accessing $_POST directly.


  • Initialized variables containing CSS classes to remove warnings.


  • Renamed constant PLUGIN_PATH with PLUGIN_DIRPATH for better clarity.


  • Minor code refactoring. Abstracted some common methods.


  • Moved conditionals from templates to classes.


  • Added PHP version check. Minimum version required is PHP 7.x


  • Introduced classes for option fields, user fields and post fields
  • Refactored the previous options array. Now there are three arrays instead of one
  • It is now possible to also read/write base fields for user fields and post fields (fields that are in the wp_users table and wp_posts table)
  • Improved error handling where the user get an error after trying to write on a meta field
  • Added colorbox library


  • Refactored settings page to make html code cleaner and get ready for the next evolution


  • Added copy boxes to allow copy any field to any field even of a different type


  • Added rename option box


  • Moved the three boxes into tabs
  • Switch tabs through JS


  • converted plugin to AJAX


  • Added actions
  • Added checkbox to toggle date string/timestamp
  • Possible to add an empty array


  • First version, very basic.