Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.

CF7 Google Captcha Load After Page


This plugins use for your website speed improvement and decrease your page request. When you have used contact form 7 and insert you Google Captcha( v3 ) after this plugin active. When a user scrolls the page, then loading google captcha code.

How to use this plugin?

  1. Download this Free CF7 Google Captcha Load After Page WordPress Plugin from above link.
  2. Connect to your WordPress dashboard (wp-admin) and navigate to Plugins >> Add New Plugin >> Upload Plugin >> Now upload the downloaded (CF7 Google Captcha Load After Page.zip) file >> Click on Install Now.
  3. Once you install this plugin successfully, click on Activate Plugin .

Now you visit your site and scroll your site.

Снимци екрана

  • This is Add Google Captcha Integration



  1. Upload the entire ‘CF7 Google Captcha Load After Page’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


After you have installed the plugin, This is working in whole site:

See Screenshot #1 for Add Google Captcha Integration

Please fill the first your sitekey and sitesecret in this tab.


Any admin settings for this active?

Please see the Usage section in Installation for details on how to active this pluging.


21. септембар 2020.
This loads the recaptcha after the user starts scrolling rather than the default which is immediately. This means that the script for recaptcha will not cause your performance scores to plummet on tests such as Chrome’s Lighthouse. Works as it should, so thank you!
11. децембар 2019. 1 одговор
Nice and simple plugin with nothing to complain! Would be neat, if it could handle the default cf7 scripts the same way. But I know, this is off-topic over here. Thanks for this nice work!
16. април 2019. 2 одговора
Hey Sir: This is a must-use plugin with which you can improve your mobile user experience. I think this plugin has great potential if you find a way to enable it to load google resources with certain pages, forms, or clicking elements like buttons or inputs. Many people will want to use it if you extend its functionality. Thank you!
14. март 2019. 1 одговор
Just want to say that this plugin is amazing. It’s simplicity is really what does it. My 98 lighthouse score site is a 64 with reCaptcha v3. You can see the extra processing time on mobile devices and other slower devices. With this plugin, the lazy load for CF7 makes this so much snappier. Only thing that would make this better is if CF7 folks integrated it, but thank you for picking up the slack.
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Белешка о изменама


  • Initial Release


  • Updated cf7 recaptcha scripts.


  • Updated ABCF7_remove_google_captcha_js action.