AI Mojo – ChatGPT / GPT-3 Playground for WordPress


The problem with creating your content for your WordPress site is that you can spend hours, days, weeks, months, or years working on it, and you never know if it will be good enough to get traffic to your site.

If you don’t have time to create it yourself, and you’re not willing to pay for someone to do it, how are you going to find a way to make the kind of content that will attract readers and viewers to your site?

Well, You don’t have to be a pro writer to generate excellent content. You can use content generation AI (like GPT-3 or Jurassic-1) to write content for you and spend more time doing what you love and less editing and publishing.

With AI Mojo, now you can use state-of-the-art AI technology, like GPT-3 & Jurassic-1, to write the best copy or blog post for you… without any of the struggle of actually writing it.

Just tell the AI what you want, and it’ll do the rest.


NOTE: This is a Bring-Your-Own-Key (BYOK) application, meaning you must have your own OpenAI / AI21 Studio API key to use this plugin.

  1. You first need to sign up for an account at OpenAI or AI21 Studio to get the API key for their AI engines (GPT-3 or Jurassic-1).

  2. You’ll need to insert the API key into AI Mojo to connect your WordPress site with the AI engine of your choice.

  3. Once your site is connected, you can go to the post editor to generate content. Give the AI a simple instruction like „Write an article outline about (fill in the blank).“ Or, „Write three headlines for (your topic)“, and the AI will begin writing the content for you.

That’s it!

To conclude the process, you read the content the AI has generated, make any minor tweaks you may need, and then publish it.

This is THE fastest way to create content from scratch!

This plugin is free.

You only need to pay for API calls to OpenAI / AI21 Studio.

No more paying for the middle-man, and go directly to the source.

Try it out for yourself now.

Снимци екрана

  • Playground Settings
  • Content Generated
  • Content Options
  • Template Settings
  • Template Editor


  1. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  2. Upload the plugin folder into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress site.
  3. Activate AI Mojo from Plugins page


Can I use this plugin without the access to ChatGPT / GPT-3 / Jurassic-1 API?

No you can’t. You must sign up for an account at OpenAI or AI21 Studio to get their respective API key in order to use this plugin.

Can I use this plugin in classic editor?

No you can’t. This plugin is only compatible with the new block editor.


10. јун 2023.
I’ve tested some AI plugins not all, and i love this one, it’s well done and very simple to use. There is few settings, and some templates.You can add multiple Persona and select default one.If you are looking for an AI assistant to write content try it.
30. јануар 2023.
AI Mojo certainly offers more flexibility than most, if not all, of its competitors. It is pleasant to use and quite stable. Unfortunately, it lacks any kind of compatibility with the classic editor, which is very frustrating.
16. јануар 2023.
First, it allows youth in schools where OpenAI is blocked to be able to use the tools without having to create accounts using their phones! Next it provides a supervised experience for them. The templates have become my most used pedagogical tool. The teachers and students I work with are thrilled to have this context to enter the AI world together!
8. јануар 2023.
I have not found another plugin as good as this one. I might suggest having the ability to generate tags to make it more complete, but as it stands it’s already 10/10. One question, is it possible to create articles in other languages?
Види свих 10 прегледа

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