Papers by Noureddine Miladi
Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 2022
The expanding digital media environment in Qatar is arguably affecting the construction of young ... more The expanding digital media environment in Qatar is arguably affecting the construction of young people's identities and the various expressions of who they are. The multiplicity of online digital spaces allows the youth nowadays to easily commute between multiple platforms and consume a multitude of media content in a manner not possible at any point before them. Through the implementation of ten focus group discussions among a sample of Qatari youths between 19 and 35 years of age, as well as 27 semi-structured in-depth interviews with social media activists, media experts, academics and policymakers in Qatar, this article attempts to analyse the complex media consumption environment that the Qatari

Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 2022
The popularity of social networking platforms has increased dramatically in recent years, impacti... more The popularity of social networking platforms has increased dramatically in recent years, impacting how people communicate, exchange ideas and exert influence on others. These platforms have provided new opportunities for people to connect and engage with each other, ultimately reshaping their sense of belonging and constructing their identity. The current study focuses on how Qatari youth use social media networks as a tool for identity interaction. By examining the motives for, perceptions about and impacts of social media usage, this study provides insights into how the Qatari youth use these platforms. The research employed a quantitative method, collecting data via an online survey administered through Google Forms. A total of 532 Qatari youth responded to the study. This study’s findings illustrate that most youth use social networks frequently, with half stating that they are always connected. In addition, over 40 per cent report subscribing to one to five groups on social ne...
Noureddine Miladi is a researcher and lecturer at the School of Communication and Information Stu... more Noureddine Miladi is a researcher and lecturer at the School of Communication and Information Studies, University of Westminster, London, UK. His research interests revolve around the Arab broadcasting, its problems, development and its prospects. Also it does involve the Arab audiences' interaction with the Arab satellite channels and the role these channels play in constructing a public opinion. His current research work involves an in-depth study about Al-Jazeera satellite channel and the way it has scooped its rivals and initiated a change in the face of broadcasting in the Arab world.
This paper discusses the power of new media in mediating the Arab revolution. It looks at the cov... more This paper discusses the power of new media in mediating the Arab revolution. It looks at the coverage of popular satellite channels like Aljazeera and their role in galvanising the social movements that started in Tunisia and then embraced neighbouring countries like Egypt and Libya. The media role as a witness in these revolutions documents the horrors that took place during the protests and unprecedented social mobilisation that flared the region

Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 2015
This article analyses season two of the Arab reality TV programme titled Arab Idol, a TV series b... more This article analyses season two of the Arab reality TV programme titled Arab Idol, a TV series broadcast on the Saudi satellite channel MBC between 8 March and 22 June 2013. Through analysing this case study of Arab Idol, this article explores the rapid success of this genre on pan-Arab TV and attempts to decipher its audience's interaction both online and on TV. It also seeks to unpack issues relating to the way identity, culture and nationalism are represented and debated. These programmes have been critically analysed following Fowler's (1991) and Fairclough's (2003) seminal texts. Results of this study reveal that the development of such a genre of TV programming in the region has opened up a new era not only for unusual entertainment but also for audience participation and engagement. As much as it can be perceived as a space for virtual democratic practice and free debates on nationalism and identity, this programme can also be considered as a unifying sphere that consolidates not only the feeling of national belonging but also the pan-Arab collective sense of the Ummah (global community).
ICT Management in Non-Profit Organizations
Technological advances in communications tools, the Internet, and the advent of social media have... more Technological advances in communications tools, the Internet, and the advent of social media have changed the ways in which nonprofit organizations engage with their various constituents. Nonprofits now have a constellation of tools including: interactive social media sites, mobile applications (apps), Websites, and mash-ups that allow them to create a comprehensive system for mobilizing supports to advocate for changing public policies. From Facebook to Twitter and from YouTube to Pinterest, communicating to many via words and images has never been easier. The authors explore the history of nonprofit advocacy and organizing, describe the social media and technology tools available for moving advocacy goals forward, and conclude with some possible challenges that organizations considering these tools could face.
... Satelite TV and the construction of alternative readings case study: Islam channel and Al-Hiw... more ... Satelite TV and the construction of alternative readings case study: Islam channel and Al-Hiwar TV. ... Miladi, N. (2008) Satelite TV and the construction of alternative readings case study: Islam channel and Al-Hiwar TV. Invited ...

Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 2021
This research sought to study the contents of Al-Rayyan TV programmes and their relationship to t... more This research sought to study the contents of Al-Rayyan TV programmes and their relationship to the construction of national identity in Qatar, a task this channel has taken as an editorial line since its inception in 2012. In this article, we present findings of an audience-based exploration of Al-Rayyan TV’s viewership. Fieldwork data was gathered via a base of 720 survey questionnaires from a sample of Qatari society as well as fifteen interviews conducted with experts and social media activists. The aim was to find out respondents’ views about the role of the channel in promoting Qatari identity and culture. Research questionnaires were managed at intervals between August and November 2020. Fieldwork results showed that the surveyed viewers believe that the channel plays a significant role in preserving Qatari national culture and heritage. However, when it comes to rating Qatari TV channels in order of importance, respondents’ favourite TV broadcaster in terms of news and curre...
Routedge Handbook on Arab Media, 2021
This handbook provides the first comprehensive reference book in English about the development of... more This handbook provides the first comprehensive reference book in English about the development of mass and social media in all Arab countries. Capturing the historical as well as current developments in the media scene, this collection maps the role of media in social and political movements.
... Miladi, N. (2007) TV debate. Arab satellite TV and social change. London: Al-Hiwar TV. (Unpub... more ... Miladi, N. (2007) TV debate. Arab satellite TV and social change. London: Al-Hiwar TV. (Unpublished). ... Creators: Miladi, N. Publisher: Al-Hiwar TV. Schools and Departments: School of Social Sciences > Sociology. Date: 20 December 2007. Place of Publication: London. ...

Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 2017
Satellite TV and the Internet revolutions have reinvigorated religious discourse in public spaces... more Satellite TV and the Internet revolutions have reinvigorated religious discourse in public spaces. Across the world, religious TV channels and Internet religious websites have taken up the roles of traditional religious spaces such as churches, mosques, synagogues, gurdwaras and temples. Islamic religious content through fatwa (religious verdict) programmes and other online and satellite TV genre has attracted considerable attention over the last fifteen years. Such programmes have become influential platforms in constructing people’s opinions. On Islamic-oriented satellite TV channels, fatwa provision has nowadays become a sophisticated phenomenon exceeding the traditional scope of religious teaching. To understand fatwa and its possible impact, it is necessary to gauge the plethora of platforms available for audiences and users as sources of understanding their religious needs starting with satellite TV programmes to the unlimited online platforms for the diffusion of their religious decree. This research attempts to understand the extent to which fatwa programmes on satellite TV and radio are significant in shaping people’s opinion. Through the implementation of an extensive survey questionnaire on a sample of the Qatari society in addition to interviews with experts and religious scholars, findings show that fatwa on satellite programme can be very important in helping viewers better understand their religion. The results also indicated that respondents included in the survey showed apathy when it comes to the implementation of rulings coming from muftis on TV. In short, respondents may watch fatwa or religious programmes on satellite TV or they may listen to them on the Qur’an radio in Qatar but they do not necessarily consider them as totally authentic. Authentic scholarly views on matters of religious seem to be more credible when they originate from a reputable Imam whom they see face to face. Moreover, results show that satellite TV has facilitated the emergence of the pan-Arab mufti or global Faqeeh. It has also facilitated the emergence of independent muftis and freed fatwa from the official religious authorities in various countries.
Arab Media Systems
#resources Every effort has been made to identify and contact copyright holders and any omission ... more #resources Every effort has been made to identify and contact copyright holders and any omission or error will be corrected if notification is made to the publisher. This project received support from the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA) that has been funded under the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) grant 01DL20003. This publication was financed in part by the open access fund for monographs and edited volumes of the Freie Universität Berlin.
Global Media Ethics and the Digital Revolution
Papers by Noureddine Miladi
وعلى مدار عشرین عامًا، التي ھي عمر الجزیرة حتى الآن، نما مشروع الجزیرة متحولًا من القناة
العربیة الأصلیة إلى شبكة متطورة من القنوات التلفزیونیة والمنصات الإلكترونیة ومراكز البحث
والتدریب. ولاقت الجزیرة منذ ذلك الحین اھتمامًا واسعًا وجذبت الانتباه العالمي بالمدح تارة وبالنقد
أخرى. وبالرغم من كثرة الدراسات والتقاریر التي تناولت الشبكة بالتحلیل من زوایا مختلفة، إلا أن
معاییرھا وقیمھا الجدیدة المثیرة للاھتمام في إعداد التقاریر الإخباریة، تُشكِّل اھتمامًا بالغًا لجمیع
المعنیین في عالم الصحافة. یتناول ھذا الفصل بالتحلیل القیم الإخباریة الجریئة التي تتبناھا شبكة
الجزیرة، وبالتالي فلن یتعمق في النقاشات النظریة حول الحیادیة والموضوعیة في حد ذاتھا، وإنما
سیحلل ھذه القیم على المستوى العملي انطلاقًا من ممارسات الجزیرة الصحفیة