Papers by Mohammed Al-Amri

International Journal of Art and Art History, 2017
In Oman, the issue of road accident has become of greater concern for individual members of socie... more In Oman, the issue of road accident has become of greater concern for individual members of society as well as for the government. In responding to these concerns, art education can play a significant role in this matter. On this basis, this research project assumes that student art practice can improve understanding of social issues, which, in turn, can improve quality of life. The purpose of this study was to personalize this social issue in relation to the social and cultural issue of road accidents from students own experiences and to give them the opportunity to express their feelings, beliefs, and thoughts on the issue in visual forms. 15 paintings were produced by students and described and interbred in relation to the reasons for, facts about, and consequencesa of road accidents. The results demonstrate the students " perspectives on the causes and consequences of road accidents in Oman as expressed in the art form of painting. Causes of accidents such as lack of concentration, speeding, use of mobile phones, and driving without wearing seatbelts were depicted in the students' artworks.

The current study aims to explore the role of the open Art studio in encouraging university stude... more The current study aims to explore the role of the open Art studio in encouraging university students to practice arts. It seeks to answer the following main research questions: What is the role of the open Art studio in enhancing university-students› life in terms of educational, sociological and physiological aspects? The findings of the study show the importance of practicing art activities in the open Art studio in enhancing university-students› life as well as analyzing the integrating role of the educational, physiological and sociological of the practicing art in the open Art studio. This study ended with some importance recommendations such as the importance of higher educational institutions in encouraging the students› participations in practicing all types of arts activities and supporting them and offering incentives, the necessity of participating of the Art specialists at universities in planning the policy of outside classrooms activities and supervising these activities according to their specializations, and allocating some time of the study timetable for practicing the extracurricular activities in all university disciplines. Finally, it recommends the necessity to further study the difficulties behind the university students' low visit for the open art studio.

There is increasing evidence in the literature of Art Education supports the value of using artis... more There is increasing evidence in the literature of Art Education supports the value of using artists and/or their artworks as an approach to quality education in and through art. However, little formal researches in the Arab world especial in the Middle East, have been done to show this instructional method in systematic terms, especially approaching artists and their artworks both inside and outside of schools. The researchers use theory-based research methodology to present, discuss, and analyze this teaching methodology. The result of this research shows that there are great relationships between artists and or their artworks in the one hand and childrens' development on the other hand. This relationship is based in terms of developing children's' motivation in learning about the arts, developing childrens' knowledge through multicultural arts, developing childrens' attitudes to the arts, and developing art language as well as developing an aesthetic sensitivity for the arts. This research also shows different levels of approaching the artists and their artworks such as the use of photos of the artworks, original works in museums, galleries or art exhibitions, work with artists inside or outside schools, reaching works of artists thorough the World Wide Web.

There is increasing evidence in the literature of Art Education supports the value of using artis... more There is increasing evidence in the literature of Art Education supports the value of using artists and/or their artworks as an approach to quality education in and through art. However, little formal researches in the Arab world especial in the Middle East, have been done to show this instructional method in systematic terms, especially approaching artists and their artworks both inside and outside of schools. The researchers use theory-based research methodology to present, discuss, and analyze this teaching methodology. The result of this research shows that there are great relationships between artists and or their artworks in the one hand and childrens' development on the other hand. This relationship is based in terms of developing children's' motivation in learning about the arts, developing childrens' knowledge through multicultural arts, developing childrens' attitudes to the arts, and developing art language as well as developing an aesthetic sensitivity for the arts. This research also shows different levels of approaching the artists and their artworks such as the use of photos of the artworks, original works in museums, galleries or art exhibitions, work with artists inside or outside schools, reaching works of artists thorough the World Wide Web.
هذه المقالة القصيرة هي شهادة في الحركة التشكيلية العُمانية وتهدف إلى إظهار استمرارية الحركة ونموه... more هذه المقالة القصيرة هي شهادة في الحركة التشكيلية العُمانية وتهدف إلى إظهار استمرارية الحركة ونموها من خلال الأجيال المختلفة وتحاول ربط الحركة المعاصرة بالجذور الأولى للفن في عُمان.
قراءة في لوحة الفنان مارك تانسي "اختبار النظرة البريئة

يهدف البحث الحالي إلقاء الضوء على الدور التربوي للفنون التشكيلية في العملية التعليمية وتحديد أهم ... more يهدف البحث الحالي إلقاء الضوء على الدور التربوي للفنون التشكيلية في العملية التعليمية وتحديد أهم ملامح العلاقة التكاملية بين مناهج الفنون التشكيلية من جهة وبين وبعض المناهج الدراسية المختلفة من جهة أخرى مع اقتراح بعض التطبيقات للتكامل المعرفي بين تلك المناهج الدراسية، استخدم الباحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي في هذا البحث من أجل الخروج ببعض الملامح والمقترحات، ومن أبرز النتائج التي خرج بها هذا البحث: أن لمادة الفنون التشكيلية يمكن أن تستخدم كمصدر ثري في تكامل المعرفة الإنسانية وهي إحدى الطرق للحصول على المعرفة والفهم العلمي الدقيق للظواهر في البيئة والمجتمع بشكل عام، كما لها القدرة على اختراق التخصصات المختلفة ولديها القدرة على إزالة الحدود.، وقد أثبت هذا البحث أن هناك علاقة عضوية تكاملية ترابطية بين الفنون التشكيلية من جهة وبين المناهج الدراسية المختلفة من جهة أخرى كما قدم البحث صور ونماذج تطبيقية مختلفة لمشروع التكامل المعرفي. وقد أوصى الباحث بتعزيز هذه العلاقة من أجل تعميق المعرفة وتطوير المناهج الدراسية والقيام بدراسات تجريبية للوقوف على مدى فاعلية التكامل بين مناهج الفنون التشكيلية ...

هدفت الدراسة الحالية تقييم استخدام تقنية التقويم بواسطة (بورتفوليو الفن) من وجهة نظر معلمي الفنون... more هدفت الدراسة الحالية تقييم استخدام تقنية التقويم بواسطة (بورتفوليو الفن) من وجهة نظر معلمي الفنون التشكيلية ما قبل وأثناء الخدمة بسلطنة عُمان. تكونت عينة الدراسة من (80) معلما ما قبل الخدمة، و (443) معلم أثناء الخدمة اختيروا عشوائيا بمجموع (523). قام الباحث بتصميم استبانة مكونة من (69) بندا موزعة على سبعة محاور رئيسية (مفهوم، وأهداف، واستخدامات، ودور المعلم، ومكونات ومعايير العامة، والمعايير الخاصة بتقييم بورتفوليو الفن)، وتم التحقق من صدقها وثباتها. ولتحليل النتائج استخدم الباحث المتوسطات الحسابية، والانحرافات المعيارية، واختبار "ت" للعينات المستقلة، وتحليل التباين المتعدد، واختبار شافيه. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن تقديرات استجابات معلمي الفنون التشكيلية ما قبل الخدمة وأثنائها لاستخدام تقنية التقويم بواسطة "بورتفوليو الفن" جاءت بمستوى (عالياً) في جميع محاور الأداة وقد بلغ المتوسط الحسابي العام (3.94) وإنحراف معياري قدره (0.574). كما أظهرت الدراسة أن هناك فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى دلالة )=0.001) بين تقديرات معلمي ما قبل الخدمة وأثناء الخدمة فيما يتعلق باستخدا...
The Plastic Arts in Oman

Art Teacher candidates at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) prepared under the policies of college o... more Art Teacher candidates at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) prepared under the policies of college of education in relation to the policies of national art education curriculum at the Ministry of Education in Oman. The main aim of the Art Education program at SQU is to prepare qualified Art Education Teachers for different pre-university stages and levels within the Basic Education System in Oman. The candidate of this program expiated to teach art education according to the General structure of the art education curriculum in Oman. Since the program started it has been developed over years in order to insure quality education. However, the college of Education have made sequence of changes to all Initial teacher education programs, including the Art Education program, in order to obtain the academic accreditation from National council Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE); such as in the criteria for admission programs, programs of study that outlines the courses and experiences required for candidates to complete the program, the field and clinical experiences required for each program, and the assessment tools for each program in light of their specific SPA standards. This research intends to share the initial experiences of Art Education department in preparing for the accreditations process at SQU. The primary purpose of this study is to highlight the progress have been made to Initial program in order to achieve the substantial equivalence from the National Association of School of Art & Design (NASAD).
العلاقات الجمالية والفلسفية في أعمال الفنان الإيطالي ( لورنيز كوين)
قراءة في المعرض المشترك "خطوات" لحوراء اللواتي وحاتم الخزيري
لوحة "الأعلام الثلاثة" للفنان الأمريكي كاسبر جونز
قراءة بصرية في معرض "حواء بفرشاة أدم

Drawing on the basic knowledge of the Road Map for Arts Education which was distributed by UNESCO... more Drawing on the basic knowledge of the Road Map for Arts Education which was distributed by UNESCO (2006) during and after the 1st World Conference on Arts Education (6-9 March 2006, Lisbon, Portugal), its essential to provide deeper knowledge and dissection about the most effective strategies to approach artists and or their artworks. This methodology is one of the possibl approaches for promoting and strengthening the quality of teaching art in and out of school. As explicitly expressed in the Road Map document, "High quality Arts Education requires highly skilled professional art teachers, as well as generalist teachers. It is also enhanced by successful partnerships between these and highly skilled artists" (p.8). There is increasing evidence in the literature of Art Education that supports the value of using the artists and or their artworks as an approach to quality education in and through art. However, little formal research has been done to show this instructional ...

New Approaches for Curriculum and Instruction of Fine Arts in the light of Contemporary Trends
The current research aims to provide a comprehensive survey for the most important novel approach... more The current research aims to provide a comprehensive survey for the most important novel approaches of Curriculum and Instruction of Fine Arts in the light of Contemporary Trends with more focus in analyzing the relationship between these approaches and related concepts. Its also aims to activate some fine arts teaching cultures according to scientific method in order to improve the current practices and provide specific recommendations for developing Fine Arts colleges in light of current trends. The researcher used the deceptive and analysis method for analyzing these approaches. The result of the research shows that there are numbers of approaches which may contribute in increasing quality and development of curriculum and instruction of fine arts such as Art-Disciplines integrated Approach, Multiculturalism Approach, Professional Artist Approach, partnership approach between Art Museums and Educational Institutions, Art portfolio approach for teaching and assessing, New Technolo...
Papers by Mohammed Al-Amri