Travel Base

Travel Base is a strong, and attractive, slider, along with a simple booking system for helping your visitors find the travel packages they desire. You can easily schedule regular tours, set a limited number of tickets for sale, add time slots, and present crucial information about tours. The theme is beautifully crafted, clean, easy to use, responsive, features different layouts with sidebar position and allows unlimited color selection. The theme has a distinct look that would suit a world traveler well.
Blog, Sfond vetjak, Ngjyra vetjake, Krye vetjake, Stemë vetjake, Menu e përshtatur, Stil përpunuesi, Spektakël, Krye figurë e zgjedhur, Figura të zgjedhura, Widget-e fundfaqeje, Gjedhe me gjerësi të plotë, Skemë mozaik, Anështyllë majtas, Portofol, Anështyllë djathtas, Mundësi teme, Komente sipas rrjedhash, Gati për përkthim, Dy shtylla
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Instalime Aktive: 60+
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