Kjo temë s’është përditësuar këtu e më shumë se 2 vjet. Mund të mos mirëmbahet ose mbulohet më, dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie kur përdoret me versione më të reja të WordPress-it.

Designed and built around three basic principles – acccessibility, mobile- and touch friendly design, and content in focus – Popper is a great option whether you are building a site, a portfolio, or a blog. The header is fully customizable with colors and background images, the site icon appears as the home button in the top left-hand corner, the menu is easily available in the bottom left-hand corner on mobile devices, and you have the option of displaying widgets at the bottom, or to the left or right. The theme also comes with custom widgets for Recent Posts and Recent Comments.
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