Drizzle Mag
Kjo temë s’është përditësuar këtu e më shumë se 2 vjet. Mund të mos mirëmbahet ose mbulohet më, dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie kur përdoret me versione më të reja të WordPress-it.

Drizzle Mag is specially designed for news, blog, and magazine. Drizzle Mag is a highly customizable theme. You can customize header, footer, sidebar, main homepage and inner sections. Drizzle Mag feature includes drag, drop and reorder widgetized area, advanced custom widgets, advanced layout options, breaking news options, featured images options for blog, category, archive pages and a single page, post, social media integration, advertisement ready, breadcrumb and more. The theme is compatible with WooCommerce for all the eCommerce features you should need and it is also SEO friendly.
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