Kjo temë s’është përditësuar këtu e më shumë se 2 vjet. Mund të mos mirëmbahet ose mbulohet më, dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie kur përdoret me versione më të reja të WordPress-it.

Bose 1.2 is a Major Upgrade and it switches to WordPress’ Very Own Customizer, and Drops the Theme Options page. Bose is a Top Notch Responsive WordPress Theme Designed for Business, Corporate and Professional Websites. This theme has plenty of features including Multiple Blog Layouts(Classic & Grid), Full Width Pages, 4 Column Footer Widget Area, Retina Ready design, Slider, Showcase, Featured Area, Featured Posts, Features Images, and so much more. This theme is 100% translation ready for use in your local language. As a Bonus Features, this theme also supports woo commerce, so that you can set up your online eCommerce store right away.
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