Etiketë Shtojce: city
Cities Shipping Zones for WooCommerce
(17 vlerësime gjithsej)Shtojcë WooCommerce për shndërrim të fushës së shtetit në një fushë menuje hapmbyll qytetesh. Për t’u përdorur si Zona Dërgimi.
RY City Select for WooCommerce
(8 vlerësime gjithsej)Show a dropdown select as the cities input on WooCommerce. Auto set the postcode for selected city.
WP GeoNames
(2 vlerësime gjithsej)Allows you to insert all or part of the global GeoNames database in your WordPress base.
ACF City Selector
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)This plugin adds a new (ACF) field to select a city depending on country and state/province.
Region City Landing Pages Builder
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Build Multiple Geographically Targeted Landing Pages Quickly Using Generic Text & Automatically Inserted City Names.
Add Region by Country for WooCommerce
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Add Region by Country WooCommerce Add-on plug-in.
WC – APG City
(3 vlerësime gjithsej)Add to WooCommerce an automatic city name generated from postcode.
Città italiane e cap codice di avviamento postale for Woocommerce
(1 vlerësime gjithsej)Selettore delle città italiane in fase di checkout
Events In City
(9 vlerësime gjithsej)Display events and things happening in your city right on your website.
(2 vlerësime gjithsej)Widget to track visitors’ geo locations and aggregate them on a graphical world map display.
IHS Geo Location
(3 vlerësime gjithsej)This plugin detects your location and makes certain classes available to you which you can apply to the div elements or use shortcodes in your theme t …
(1 vlerësime gjithsej)Widget to display visitors’ geolocation information, such as country, region and city, in real-time.
Average Travel Costs
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Displays average daily travel costs from Budget Your Trip.
Foxlis Geo
(1 vlerësime gjithsej)Free! Get visitor's geo-location by ip-address. Redirect visitor by his city or country with smart options.
IP City Cluster
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)The IP City Cluster Plugin (IPCCP) generates a geographical cluster map based on where from people access you website.
Parknav WP
(7 vlerësime gjithsej)Easily help your visitors find parking close to you. Embed the Parknav Map on your Wordpress website using Elementor or with shortcode [parknav lat=&q …
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Este plugin usa el feed de Afables para mostrar la información seleccionada. Busca cuidadores en tu ciudad. Fácil de installar y soporte multi-widget.
WooCommerce Drop-Down Cities
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Wordpress plugin that shows dropdowns for State and City Select for WooCommerce.
NA E-Commerce Egypt Cities/States
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Help to add all Egypt Cities/States for WooCommerce Check Out, And Setup to be transleted With WPML Plugin .