Kjo shtojcë s’është testuar me 3 hedhjet e rëndësishme të fundit në qarkullim të WordPress-it. Mund të mos e mirëmbajnë më, ose mundet të mos mbulohet më dhe mund të ketë probleme përputhshmërie, kur përdoret me versione më të freskët të WordPress-it.

Surbma | Divi Project Shortcodes


Have you ever wanted to build a Project page with Divi’s own Page Builder, but want to show the Project categories or tags? There is no option to do it in Divi, but with Surbma – Divi Project Shortcodes plugin, you can display them anywhere.

Even you have the option to display the original Project title area and/or the original meta box for Skills and Project date, as they are appearing in normal Project pages. Wow!

Show Project category list

With this shortcode you can display a list of all categories assigned to the current Project. Categories are separated with commas and all are linked to their respective category listing pages.

The shortcode:

Show Project tag list

With this shortcode you can display a list of all tags assigned to the current Project. Tags are separated with commas and all are linked to their respective tag listing pages.

The shortcode:

Show original Project title with category list

With this shortcode you can display the original title format, that you see on normal Project pages without Page Builder. The title will be in a H1 tag and the categories will be listed next to it.

The shortcode:

Show original Project meta box with tags and date

With this shortcode you can display the original meta box for tags and date, that you can see on normal Project pages without Page Builder.

The shortcode:

IMPORTANT! This (or any other) shortcode is working only in a widget, if you or the theme has enabled the use of shortcodes in widgets. I’m not giving any description how you can do it, because there are a lot of posts out there. You can do a search for this: wordpress enable shortcodes in widgets

You have to buy the Divi Theme to use this plugin:

My plugins for Divi theme:

My childthemes for Divi theme:

Do you want to contribute or help improving this plugin?

You can find it on GitHub: https://github.com/Surbma/surbma-divi-project-shortcodes

You can find my other plugins and projects on GitHub:


Please feel free to contribute, help or recommend any new features for my plugins, themes and other projects.

Do you want to know more about me?

Visit my webpage: Surbma.com


  1. Upload surbma-divi-project-shortcodes folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the Surbma | Divi Project Shortcodes plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. That’s it. Now you can use the shortcodes. 🙂


Why doesn’t work the shortcode in a text widget?

Because you have to enable this function. By default, WordPress does not allow you to use shortcodes in widgets. I’m not giving any description how you can do it, because there are a lot of posts out there. You can do a search for this: wordpress enable shortcodes in widgets

What does Surbma mean?

It is the reverse version of my last name. 😉


13 Prill, 2018 1 përgjigje
tried it today and works fine with the latest version of Divi and Wordpress running on wpengine. Very helpful for the simple thing it does. thank you and also thank you for the other Surbma plugins.
22 Maj, 2017 3 përgjigje
This plugin works great! I have a few suggestions though: – It would be great if it had an option to only show the primary category (which is a setting that is available when you use Yoast SEO installed) – An option to show the categories as a bullet list – A categories/tags widget that shows all project categories/tags (default widgets are for posts only) – Maybe make it generic for all post types Thanks! JP
Lexojini krejt 6 shqyrtimet

Kontribues & Zhvillues

“Surbma | Divi Project Shortcodes” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.


Regjistër ndryshimesh


Release date: 2020-01-08

  • TWEAK – Minor changes in description.


Release date: 2020-01-08

  • TWEAK – Tested with WordPress 5.3 version.
  • TWEAK – Updated to use a new way to deploy it to wp.org repo.


  • Simpler versioning.
  • Compatibility check with WordPress 4.9 version.


  • Compatibility check with WordPress 4.6 version.
  • Fixed textdomain path for localization.


  • Plugin activation is enabled only, when Divi Theme is used.
  • Added pot file for translations.
  • Added hungarian translation.
  • Tested up to WordPress 4.2.


  • Initial release.