Përfundime kërkimi për: “debugging”
Editor Cleanup For WPBakery: FDP add-on to clean up the WPBakery frontend editor
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)FDP add-on to cleanup the frontend editor of WPBakery page builder. Your WPBakery frontend editor will be faster and without conflicts with other plug …
Editor Cleanup For Avada: FDP add-on to cleanup the Avada frontend editor
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)FDP add-on to cleanup the frontend editor of Avada. Your Avada frontend editor will be faster and without conflicts with other plugins.
Debug Bar Widgets
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Debug Bar Widgets adds a new panel to the Debug Bar that displays all registered widgets.
LogMouse – Error Monitoring
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Professional Error Monitoring, Reporting and System Resource Tracking for your CMS.
Admin Debug Tools
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Admin Debug Tools makes it easy to manage your site's logs and debug settings directly from the dashboard, without needing to edit backend files.
Ultimate View as Customer for Woocommerce – Simplest Extension to Switch to Customer View for Debugging
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Easily switch to customer view for easy debugging and see a problem just like your customers' would with a single click.
Image Widget
(288 vlerësime gjithsej)Një widget i thjeshtë figurash, i cili përdor përgjegjësin e brendshëm të WordPress-it për media për të shtuar widget-e figurash në sajtin tuaj.
WP PHP Console
(19 vlerësime gjithsej)An implementation of PHP Console as a WordPress plugin. Use Chrome Dev Tools to debug your WordPress installation!
Premmerce Dev Tools
(2 vlerësime gjithsej)This plugin is created to facilitate the development, testing and debugging of the code on the WordPress platform and to quickly create the demo data …
WP to diaspora
(4 vlerësime gjithsej)Ndani vetvetiu me të tjerët në profilin tuaj diaspora* postimet tuaj WordPress.
Gorilla Debug
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Gorilla Debug is a simple WordPress plugin. It is geared towards helping programmers with the development of WordPress themes and plugins.
WP Marvelous Debug
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Edit the debugging constants from wp-config, view the log file on the Dashboard and more debugging features.
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Ferret is a simple wrapper for the Sentry PHP and JavaScript SDKs. It will catch all PHP errors, as well as JavaScript errors if the option is switche …
Post Type & Taxonomy Debug
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Display a list of all registered post types and taxonomies including all properties. The list is expandable/collapsable. Use for debugging or educatio …
Error Tracker
(0 vlerësime gjithsej)Error Tracker is a super lightweight plugin that allows you to easily integrate LogRocket and/or Sentry error tracking software into WordPress.