Reset Roles and Capabilities


This plugin does only one thing: Reset Roles and Capabilities to WordPress defaults. Just install and activate it.
Once the process is finished, the plugin will deactivate itself.


16 Maj, 2024 1 përgjigje
I can login to the wp-admin again after installing this plugin
2 Tetor, 2023 1 përgjigje
For whatever reason, someone tinkers around with the internal roles… This plugin saved me some time and headaches. Thank you
9 Dhjetor, 2022 1 përgjigje
Tried modifying roles and it didn’t work out the way I hoped and had to reset. I didn’t know how to do that but this plugin saved the day! It even uninstalled itself right after it was done. Thank you!
Lexojini krejt 27 shqyrtimet

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“Reset Roles and Capabilities” është përkthyer në 2 gjuhë. Faleminderit përkthyesve për ndihmesën e tyre.

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