Recomaze AI Personalization


Recomaze AI plugin maximizes revenue with real-time, AI-driven product recommendations. Easy integration, pay-per-result.

Short Description

An AI-powered plugin for personalized product recommendations on WordPress websites.

External Services

This plugin connects to the following external services:

  1. Recomaze API

  2. Recomaze Tracking UI

    • Domain(s):
      • (for testing and staging environments)
    • Purpose:
      The tracking service is used to display UI components such as recommendation popups and gather anonymous usage metrics to optimize recommendations.
    • Data Sent:
      • Client ID associated with the WooCommerce store.
  3. Recomaze Admin Service

    • Domain(s):
    • Purpose:
      This service is used to send logs for monitoring and debugging purposes.
    • Data Sent:
      • Plugin events and API interaction logs.
  4. Recomaze Collector Service

    • Domain(s):
    • Purpose:
      The collector service is used to retrieve reports for analytics and recommendations.
    • Data Received:
      • Analytics reports and performance insights.


  1. Upload the folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete setup.


Yes, this plugin requires WooCommerce to be installed and active.

The plugin shares store domain, product details, and interaction events with the Recomaze API


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