Next Product Toolbox for WooCommerce


Next Product Toolbox for WooCommerce helps you easily hide or modify information displayed on your WooCommerce product pages.
Improve your SEO by automatically add a configurable tag and/or category cloud of links. Also add on all your product pages better meta descriptions according to each WooCommerce product information.
Add customizable tags list and/or products list through shortcode insertion anywhere in your pages.


This plugin is available in English & French.

Custom development

You need a new plugin? We can talk and help you with the plugin custom.
Just contact us on:

Foto ekrani

  • Toolbox ‘Metas’
  • Toolbox ‘Tags’
  • Toolbox ‘Subcats’
  • Toolbox ‘Products’
  • Toolbox ‘Cart’
  • SEO
  • Misc


  1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/next-wc-product-toolbox directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugin screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Go to ‘Next Toolbox’ menu to configure the plugin and save your changes.


Why won’t this work?

It does work. If not just let me know! 😉

How easy is to use this?

Very easy! You can use shot codes inserting it as a usual shortcode into a text widget as well as post or page content, or in templates, pages or functions shortcode

How this can improve my SEO

Creating internal links between your products eases the navigation for your visitors of course but improves your SEO!
Replacing the description and title of your pages directly and automatically by the title and description of your products improves your SEO!
Adding cloud of categories and tags links improves your SEO!

How can I set my own labels and badges to customize my shop and products pages?

You can get for free the plugin ‘Next Product Labels & Badges for WooCommerce’ to complete this one.


Për këtë shtojcë s’ka shqyrtime.

Kontribues & Zhvillues

“Next Product Toolbox for WooCommerce” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.


Regjistër ndryshimesh


  • Added bigger size font for links with bigger number of products!
  • Added short code for adding categories clouds for SEO improvements.
  • Added short code for adding tags clouds for SEO improvements.


  • Automatic use of title and short description for SEO improvements.
  • Added meta links on product pages
  • Added copy protection


  • Added ‘Add to cart’ configuration options.
  • Added free shipping management.


  • Added hide of tabs and replacing text on tabs.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.


  • Hide SKU, Categories and Tags.
  • Added short code for adding categories scrolling list.
  • Added short code for adding tags scrolling list.
  • Released.


  • Created.