Frontpage Slider


Frontpage slider with predesigned templates. Different templates for different themes.


  • select template from list and run it with shortcode
  • templates will crop images for mobile, ipad, ipad pro and desktop
  • no additional setup for swiper slider. Everything is preset in template

Foto ekrani


1. Search for Frontpage slider through ‘Plugins > Add New’ interface.
2. Find the plugin box of Frontpage slider and click on the ‘Install Now’ button.
3. Then activate the Frontpage slider plugin.
4. Create a new slider: Click on the ‘Swiper Js Slides’ menu, click on the Add New. Then you can add images as slide.
5. After Adding Images Publish it and then copy the shortcode from the Shortcode box in settings menu and paste it into a theme file.

1. Download Frontpage slider
2. Upload the Frontpage slider through ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ interface or upload frontpage-slider folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
3. Activate the Frontpage slider plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
4. Create a new slider: Click on the ‘ Frontpage slider ‘ menu, click on the Add New. Then you can add images as slide.
5. After Adding Images Publish it and then copy the shortcode from the Shortcode box in settings menu and paste it into a theme file.


How do I add the slider to my site?

You can add your slider by shortcode.

How to include a slider into header.php or other PHP files?

Insert shortcode provided in slide instruction.
This is example

Can I show multiple instances of slider on one page?

Yes you can use multiple slider by adding shortcodes.


Lexojini krejt 2 shqyrtimet

Kontribues & Zhvillues

“Frontpage Slider” është software me burim të hapur. Në këtë shtojcë kanë dhënë ndihmesë personat vijues.


Regjistër ndryshimesh


  • Added more templates to the Frontpage Slider


  • Option to add unlimited number of slides in every slider


  • Fixed issue with banner template


  • Multitemplate version. It is posible to create new templates for Frontpage Slider


  • First working version