Fastest sprout in the west - FH and YC's 2008 Garden — LiveJournal
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FH and YC's 2008 Garden

Fastest sprout in the west

Fastest sprout in the west

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I have never seen a seed germinate so fast! In fact, the things germinated before I got around to typing this post. Tues night (3/25), I folded up some pepper and cucumber seeds in coffee filters, wet them, and stuck them in a Ziploc baggie with some air. Wed night (3/26) I finally got to check up on them (maybe 24 hours later) and the cucumber seeds already had root radicals sticking out of the seed. When I woke up this morning (8 hours later), the radicals were 1-2mm long. Good thing cucumbers don't have furry roots, otherwise it'd be more trouble transplanting these into actual growing medium. I had four seeds each of two pickling cucumbers (my fave for raw eating, too): Cool Breeze (Hybrid), and SMR-58. I guess I shouldn't start more... but oh, so tempting! I suppose they're so fast growing that even if I start some later, they'll still produce before October hits. Still, will have to stick these into the cellpacks tonight or sometime very soon. I'll update this post with pictures when I get home tonight.
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