This is a community to post fanfiction and fanart for any of the incarnations of The Legion of Super-Heroes. It was originally founded by unlovablehands and is currently moderated by embyquinn.
Guidelines Be aware that some of the fiction and art posted here may be of an adult nature, and may concern same-sex pairings. However, all types of art and fiction: gen, het, slash, and saffic are welcome here. Please label anything that is of an adult nature and/or is not worksafe.
Fiction and art featuring original author-created characters is permitted, but remember that this is a Legion-oriented community, and those are the characters we like to read about most.
Comments are always encouraged and constructive criticism is permitted. Don't take criticism too personally. Not everyone is going to like everything. Like my grandmother used to say, "If we all liked the same thing, everybody would be after your grandpa."
Please post fiction and art behind an LJ-CUT. If you do not know how to do this, please check the FAQ. Offsite links are fine.
When posting fiction, include a header outside the cut including the following information:
Title: Author: Rating: (G through NC-17) Characters: (List the primary characters featured in the fic.) Era: (Classic, Post-Zero Hour, or Current.) Summary:
Notes: (This is optional.)
Please do not post off-topic. There is already a Legion discussion community at legionnaires. Do not advertise your communities here without permission of the moderator.