Welcome to sportsslash, the LJ community companion to the Sports Slash Online archive. The archive is for all fiction related to...well, sports and slash. It is RPS, and if that makes you skeevy, you should probably find another community.
If it doesn't, then we welcome all new members whether you post to the archive or not. This community is not limited to the posting of fic - discussion of current events in sports and posting of pictures is fine too.
Some of the Rules of the Game...
1. It shouldn't even have to be said, but absolutely no flaming or flame wars. Constructive criticism is okay, but watch what you say - authors work hard at what they do.
2. When posting fic, give the headers and then put the fic behind a cut-tag, or post a link to the fic on your own website. The format for headers should be as follows:
*A yes/no will suffice for the "Archive" header - this is an archive-oriented community, and if you put yes, I will link the story to the SSO archive...so you can consider it a submission if you answer yes. You may, however, include some special instructions if you think you need them, and also any other places the story might be archived.
3. Please provide a disclaimer when you post fiction.
4. When posting pictures or full articles, please either link to them or put them behind a cut tag.
5. Try to stay relatively on-topic. A little bit of off-topic conversation is fine, but this isn't a personal journal.
Happy posting!
Also, check out: highandtight, an MLB Drabble community. rpfs_sports, a Sports Femmeslash community. theboysofsummer, an LJ baseball slash fic community. thirdandshort, a North American football drabble community.