Papers by Tatiana A Romanova
ANU Press eBooks, Jun 1, 2021
Brill | Nijhoff eBooks, Mar 30, 2021
World Economy and International Relations, 2013
<jats:p>The article examines how the normative power, which the EU puts forward as an ideol... more <jats:p>The article examines how the normative power, which the EU puts forward as an ideological basis of its actions in the world, manifests itself in the national partnerships for modernization between Russia and EU member states. The authors demonstrate the influence of the EU's normativity on its approach to modernization as well as the difference in the positions of its member countries. It is concluded that there is no unity in the EU's approach to democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and the new classification of EU member states, which is based on their readiness to act in accordance with the Union's concept of normative power, is offered.</jats:p>

Contemporary Europe, 2017
GROMYKO Al. European studies: dilemmas of universality and uniqueness BUTORINA O. Negative and po... more GROMYKO Al. European studies: dilemmas of universality and uniqueness BUTORINA O. Negative and positive tasks of European Monetary Union ROMANOVA T. Levels of analysis as an instrument to assess the evolution of EU-Russian relations VOYNIKOV V. The European area of freedom, security and justice and Europe's migration crisis GOLUB Yu., ALEXEEV D. European security in new conditions of interaction between Russia and the West KILIN Yu. Neutral states at the crossroad: the issue of Sweden and Finland's membership in NATO KLEMIN A. FRG: the correlation between international and national law MEDVEDKIN T., MEDVEDKINA Ye. Ireland: the technological offshore or the European innovation leader? MIKHAYLENKO V., PEREVALOVA A. Italian national interest in the renovated political-military strategy NESTEROV A. Problems of multiculturalism in domestic cultural and political practice SAPIR E., KARACHEV I. Common pharmaceutical market and Eurasian integration EGOROV A., DVOYNEV V., SUCHOVA E. Smolensk-Hagen: international cross-cultural study KONDRATIEV S. Unionism in Scotland: from the concept to the first attempt of implementation MAKSIMYCHEV I. In the vanguard of scientific research INHALT GROMYKO Al. Europäische Studien: Dilemmas vielseitig und einzigartig BUTORINA O. Negative und positive Aufgaben der Europäischen Währungsunion ROMANOWA T. Niveaus der Analyse als Instrument der Einschätzung von der Evolution der Beziehungen zwischen Russland und die EU WOJNIKOW W. Der europäische Freiheits-, Rechtsprechung-und Sicherheitsraum und die Flüchtlingskrise in Europa GOLUB Ju., ALEKSEEW D. Die Europäische Sicherheit unter den neuen Umständen der Zusammenarbeit von Russland und dem Westen KILIN Ju. Neutrale Staaten am Scheideweg: Probleme des Eintritts Finnlands und Schwedens in die NATO KLJOMIN A. Bundesrepublik Deutschland: das Verhältnis zwischen das Völkerrecht und das Recht Deutschlands MEDWEDKIN T., MEDWEDKINA E. Irland: technologische Offshore-Zone oder der Führer des europäischen Innovationssystems? MIHAJLENKO W., PEREWALOVA A. Italienische nationale Interessen in der erneuerten militärischen und politischen Strategie NESTEROW A. Probleme des Multikulturalismus in der inländischen Kulturologie und Politologie SAPIR E., KARATSCHEW I. Pharmazeutische Industrie im Binnenmarkt der Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion und die eurasische Integration EGOROW A., DWOJNEW W., SUHOWA E. Smolensk Hagen: internationale interkulturelle Forschungen KONDRATJEW S. Der Unionismus in Schottland: von der Idee zum ersten Versuch der Umsetzung MAKSIMYTSCHEW I. An der Spitze der wissenschaftlichen Recherche

Полис. Политические исследования, 2019
Публикация представляет собой отклик на ряд статей, посвященных дискуссии о современном состоянии... more Публикация представляет собой отклик на ряд статей, посвященных дискуссии о современном состоянии науки о международных отношениях, начатой в предыдущих выпусках журнала “Полис. Политические исследования”. Акцент сделан на проблемах изучения теории международных отношений в Российской Федерации. Подчеркивается недостаточное в отечественных исследованиях внимание к современным тенденциям, а также проблема восприятия теоретических подходов и методов через призму идеологии, что в итоге ведет к сложностям включения российского академического сообщества в мировую научную дискуссию. Особое внимание уделено специфике формирования новых теоретических подходов, где тон задает междисциплинарность. Этот аспект становится центральной темой дебатов о самой сути теории международных отношений, а следовательно, его игнорирование серьезно ограничивает возможности отечественной аналитики. В качестве иллюстрации приведен пример анализа Глобальной стратегии Европейского союза 2016 г., ключевой категор...

In its 2018 report on the state of EU-Russia political relations, the European Parliament condemn... more In its 2018 report on the state of EU-Russia political relations, the European Parliament condemned Russia for its use of disinformation campaigns, referring specifically to Russia's use of social media to interfere in the affairs of EU member states (European Parliament 2018). As a space, therefore, in which existing tensions in the EU-Russia relationship are played out, attention to social media is warranted. However, as 'Internet-based applications' (Kaplan in van Dijck and Poell 2013), social media are caught up in arguments about the future of internet governance generally, such that, when it comes to social media, EU-Russia relations exist within a wider context. Each actor is just two among an array of actors facing similar challenges as technology develops in such a way and at such a pace as to outstrip the capacity of any governmental actor to anticipate or control fully developments in the information space. The EU and Russia have responded in ways that are not necessarily bound up in their mutual relations. Their separate responses nevertheless illuminate the relationship, particularly with respect to their political and normative differences and how they act on behalf of their societies in terms of reinforcing democracy or undermining it. '[D]esigned to facilitate social interaction and for using, developing and diffusing information through society' (Kavanaugh et al. 2012: 482), social media are spaces in which a range of actors, including governmental, can insert themselves in both transparent and opaque ways. This explains the resurgence of political, scholarly and journalistic work on propaganda, misand disinformation (Bennet and Livingstone 2018; Helmus et al. 2018; McGeehan 2018; Nimmo 2016). This agenda is driven by the actions of Russia, the dogwhistle tactics of certain EU leaders and politicians (witness the conspiratorial discourse of Italy's Matteo Salvini on the 'genocide of the Italian people' or Hungary's Orban on 'Islamic expansion') and by the Trump administration and associated claims of 'fake news'. This chapter proceeds as follows. It first considers the literature regarding what social media are, talking through the platforms and their 'ecological' environment, the context in which they and their users operate. This first section also examines the evolution of social media research, from earlier preoccupations with identifying users 1 to more recent research concerned with patterns of and motivations for usage, as well as the response of governments to developments here. The chapter then moves to a discussion of Russian attempts to manipulate EU societies using social (and other) media before looking at the separate responses in Russia and in the EU

Contemporary Europe, 2018
Аннотация. Цель статьи-прояснить ряд тенденций формирования внешней политики Европейского Союза (... more Аннотация. Цель статьи-прояснить ряд тенденций формирования внешней политики Европейского Союза (ЕС). Применяя постколониальный подход, авторы подчёркивают специфику исторического наследия в системе современных международных отношений, прежде всего в сфере нормативного влияния. На примере концепции стрессоустойчивости (ключевой категории Глобальной стратегии ЕС 2016 г.) авторы демонстрируют специфику политики ЕС по поддержанию нормативного лидерства в большой Европе. Особое место в этой повестке Брюссель уделяет роли России, что, с одной стороны, позволяет говорить о признании России как самостоятельного актора, а с другой,-свидетельствует о неизменившемся восприятии России как реципиента, но не агента в сфере создания международных норм. Ключевые слова: ЕС (Европейский Союз), постколониальный подход, стрессоустойчивость, безопасность, Россия. Обращение к истории всегда было важным инструментом познания международных отношений, эта тенденция остается актуальной и сегодня. Однако если ранее исследователи в основном уделяли внимание отдельным событиям и их возможным интерпретациям, сейчас во главу угла ставится выявление исторических характеристик систем и отражение этого наследия в современных международных отношениях. Именно поэтому постколониальный подход, фокусирующийся на постепенной эволюции колониальных связей до современной системы международных отношений, приобрёл особую важность [Keene 2002]. Возникли дебаты, стоит ли воспринимать историю Европы как мировую. Более того, одной из главных тем стало преодоление евроцентричного взгляда на политические процессы. Специфи-© Павлова Елена Борисовна-к.полит.н., доцент Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, старший научный сотрудник Университета Тарту (Эстония). Адрес: 193060, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Смольного, 1/3 (8-й подъезд).
Europe-Asia Studies, 2016
Abstract The essay examines the qualitative changes in EU–Russian relations which resulted from t... more Abstract The essay examines the qualitative changes in EU–Russian relations which resulted from the 2014 sanctions. Thematic, structural and institutional aspects of the issue are analysed through the ‘level of analysis’ approach. Thematically, policy-specific and implementation measures reinforced an EU–Russian ‘divorce’ both in energy and trade. Structurally, the scope of EU–Russian dialogue narrowed in favour of relations between Moscow and member states, and in multilateral fora; this dialogue also became dependent on Russia–US relations. Institutionally sanctions have led to the growing poverty of transgovernmental and transnational relations. As a result, achievements of previous years have been derailed, and reversal of the negative trends will prove difficult.
Europe-Asia Studies, 2016
Abstract The article examines how Russian criticism of the normative power Europe (NPE) has evolv... more Abstract The article examines how Russian criticism of the normative power Europe (NPE) has evolved. Initially Russia insisted that NPE arguments covered realpolitik. However, two new approaches have recently emerged in Russian reporting on human rights in the EU. One is the demonstration that the EU does not qualify as a normative power. Another is the development of an alternative interpretation of human rights. Russia has, therefore, mastered all NPE critiques. This has occurred as the result of a change in how Russia views international relations. Moscow’s ultimate goal has, however, remained unchanged; it is to reaffirm its equality with key global players.
Computer Modeling and Intelligent Systems
The paper deals with the circle packing problem which arises in topology optimization for additiv... more The paper deals with the circle packing problem which arises in topology optimization for additive manufacturing. The problem consists in packing a number of circles of radii within a particular range imposed by technical limitations, the packing factor being maximized. A biobjective formulation for the problem compromising the packing factor and the maximum mechanical stress of parts is suggested. The -constraint method is applied to search for a trade-off solution of the problem. A new packing approach based on a modified Apollonian circle packing and nonlinear optimization is developed. Numerical examples and graphical illustration of results are given.

Bulletin of Kemerovo State University, 2015
The paper assesses the evolution of the EU – Russia relations, identifying the structural levels ... more The paper assesses the evolution of the EU – Russia relations, identifying the structural levels of analysis in them (first and foremost, the dialogue between Russia and the EU as a block and Russia and individual EU member states). Stressing the evolution in the development of two levels from synchrony to cacophony and back to synchrony, the author identified the factors which facilitated the synchrony of the EU's position towards Russia. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the factors which led to the synchrony of the EU national and community levels were different before and after the Ukrainian events of 2014, which led to a pronounced and deep crisis in the EU – Russia relations. The author also examines in detail the growing complexity of the structural levels of analysis in 2014 – 2015. The two processes led to the later: increased importance of international organisations, where both Russia and the EU are equal members, and strengthening of the institutions of E...

Contemporary Europe, 2021
Emmanuel Macron‟s 2017 speeches gave start to the discourse on the European Union‟s (EU‟s) sovere... more Emmanuel Macron‟s 2017 speeches gave start to the discourse on the European Union‟s (EU‟s) sovereignty. This discourse has been advanced by the national and supranational elite of the EU as well as by its expert community. The article identifies key characteristics of this discourse and its potential consequences for the EU and its relations with Russia. The four ways (attributes) in which sovereignty has been used as identified by Stephen Krasner are used as the theoretical basis of the analysis. With the help of discourse analysis, the author identifies three dimensions in the EU‟s discourse on sovereignty: these are Westphalian, interdependence and domestic sovereignties. The first and the second manifest themselves in the economic field (in particular, in the regulation of the digital sphere), the third one is linked to the discussion on cooperation in the field of security and defence. The discussion on strengthening of the supranational level in the field of security and defen...

Baltic Region, 2020
This study analyses EU and Lithuanian documents on countering disinformation/fake news to present... more This study analyses EU and Lithuanian documents on countering disinformation/fake news to present the plurality of the Union’s approaches to ensuring resilience. Currently, there are three approaches to the problem in the EU. The first one, used by the European Commission, is the recognition of citizens’ right to information as well as of the need to promote critical thinking and information literacy. This approach fits into the adaptive paradigm of action in the information space and the concept of autopoietic resilience. The second approach, taken by the European External Action Service, is to expose fake news and the media spreading it. In combining adaptive and paternalistic paradigms of action in the information space, this approach employs a more static interpretation of resilience. Lithuania has adopted a third approach, which is dominated by the paternalistic paradigm and homeostatic resilience. This approach consists of the state isolating citizens from certain information....

International Organisations Research Journal, 2021
In this article, the influence of the European Union’s (EU) Green Deal on its energy relations wi... more In this article, the influence of the European Union’s (EU) Green Deal on its energy relations with Russia is analyzed. Two models of resilience are identified in the EU’s discourse. One aims at achieving resilience at the level of the EU’s energy sector (the “microsystem” for the purpose of this study) while destroying the system of EU-Russia relations (the “macrosystem”). The other aims at achieving resilience in the micro- and macrosystem at the same time. Empirically, the study relies on EU documents and speeches by its national and supranational representatives. Three cases are studied. The first covers competition of two models of resilience in the principles that the EU defined for its relations with Russia. The second case involves investments that slow down the development of renewable sources of energy in favour of natural gas. This case demonstrates how resilience can be achieved as a return to the previous pattern (bouncing back). Although it can be achieved both at the ...

International Organisations Research Journal, 2016
The level of analysis concept is an excellent tool for studying the evolution of international re... more The level of analysis concept is an excellent tool for studying the evolution of international relations. This article focuses on the institutional approach of three levels of interaction: the intergovernmental level (IGL) describes traditional contacts among heads of states or governments as well as among ministers; the transgovernmental level (TGL) consists of relations among civil servants of middle and low rank; and the transnational level (TNL) includes the dialogue of non-governmental participants such as business, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and epistemic communities. Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye identified TGL and TNL, but the studies of these levels has intensified as a result of burgeoning links among civil servants, business, NGOs and experts from different countries. Transgovernmental and transnational interactions stabilize relations among various actors. This article clarifies the stabilizing potential of TGL and TNL interactions. First, the degree of autonomy of civil servants from the political level of government has to be taken into account. Second, the state regulates the level of independence of both business and NGOs. TGL and TNL interactions can stabilize relations only if civil servants are independent from the political level in what concerns technical issues and where both business and civil society are strong. Third, real economic interdependence matters because it forms an agenda of cooperation in a particular field. The intensification of trade and investment flows does not automatically lead to real interdependence. In this case, contacts at the transgovernmental and transnational levels acquire a formal character and no cooperation emerges, which does not allow for stabilized relations in crisis situations at the IGL. The empirical section of the article demonstrates how widening and deepening relations between the European Union and Russia, especially since 2000, led to thickening transgovernmental and transnational interactions but these levels failed to stabilize relations between Moscow and Brussels following the 2014 Ukrainian crisis. On the contrary, the EU' s reaction (sanctions) led to the destruction of economic links at both levels, whereas Russia deconstructed transnational non-profit relations. Tensions at the IGL also negatively affected the epistemic community (a part of the TNL), leading to its politicization. Changes and fine-tunings in the concept of institutional levels of analysis, suggested in the article, help to explain recent developments in EU-Russian relations. The article also recommends purposefully restoring relations at the transgovernmental and transnational levels to facilitate overcoming of the crisis in EU-Russian relations.
Papers by Tatiana A Romanova