Papers by Pavel Grokhovskiy
The Seminar is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, research project №18-09-20... more The Seminar is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, research project №18-09-20057.
The article presents the experience of developing computer ontology as one of the tools for Tibet... more The article presents the experience of developing computer ontology as one of the tools for Tibetan idioms processing. A computer ontology that contains a consistent specification of meanings of lexical units with different relations between them represents a model of lexical semantics and both syntactic and semantic valencies, reflecting the Tibetan linguistic picture of the world. The article presents an attempt to classify Tibetan idioms, including compounds, which are idiomatized clips of syntactic groups that have frozen inner syntactic relations and are often characterized by omission of grammatical morphemes; and the application of this classification for idioms processing in computer ontol-ogy. The article also proposes methods of using computer ontology for avoiding idioms processing ambiguity.

Библия, Коран, Веды, Авеста — не будучи литературными произ-ведениями в современном понимании — с... more Библия, Коран, Веды, Авеста — не будучи литературными произ-ведениями в современном понимании — служили источниками идей, образов, сюжетов и вдохновения для художников последующих эпох, поскольку эти религиозные тексты обладают непреходящей художе-ственной ценностью. Они не могли бы выполнять своей задачи убеж-дения, проповеди доктрины, если бы не оказывали эмоционального воздействия на своих читателей и слушателей. Не является исключе-нием и литература буддизма. Проблема происхождения религиозных текстов напрямую связана с проблемой происхождения самой религии, а значит, и с личностью ее основателя. Будда Шакьямуни рассматривается одновременно как историческая личность, основатель буддизма, самостоятельно, без по-мощи какого-либо наставника или божественного вмешательства от-крывший для себя новые, доселе неизвестные духовные истины и про-возгласивший их под именем Дхармы, или Учения Будды, т.е. буддиз-ма, а также как один из целого ряда Будд целого ряда космических эпох (санскр. kalpa). Поэтому термин «Слово Будды», а значит, и выражение «канониче-ская литература» могут пониматься двояко: в более широком и в более узком смысле, что связано с возможностью двоякого понимания слова «Будда». Если слово «Будда» понимать как обозначение состояния Про-светления, испытываемого любым человеком, то Слово Будды — это любая словесная характеристика или описание этого состояния. Если же Будда — это лишь исторический Будда Шакьямуни, основатель буддизма, то Слово Будды ограничивается пределами его проповедей. Буддизм в целом занимает промежуточное положение между этими двумя полюсами.
The paper contains the research of noun-compounds from modern Tibetan corpus with the use of a re... more The paper contains the research of noun-compounds from modern Tibetan corpus with the use of a relational lexical database. The lexical database represents a consistent classification of meanings of Tibetan lexical units with different relations between them. The paper describes the structure of the database; principles of process work with Tibetan compounds; recognized types of compounds semantic structure.
For the most part Tibetan compounds belong to grammatical, religious philosophical and general scientific terms. Therefore the paper specifies the processing principles of subject area compounds, including areas, identified by Tibetan linguistic picture of the world.
The article presents the experience of developing a corpus manager for morphosyntactic annotation... more The article presents the experience of developing a corpus manager for morphosyntactic annotation on the basis of The Corpus of Indigenous Tibetan Grammar Treatises. The problems of tokenization and vertical markup of Tibetan texts are considered, which are conditioned by Tibetan allomorph syntactics features. A new approach to organization of the corpus annotation is proposed, which does not require segmentation of text into word forms and is based on syntactic annotation. The developed technology of debugging morphosyntactic markup is described, which integrates the corpus manager, the formal grammar and the natural language processor and allows to effectively rene linguistic modules of the natural language processor so that the formal model can explain not just some, but all the phenomena in the corpus.

Among different extant written sources of Tibetan music, namely, theoretical works, motations and... more Among different extant written sources of Tibetan music, namely, theoretical works, motations and manuals, the "Treatise on Music" written in the thirteenth century by prominent Tibetan scholar Sa skya Pandita Kun dga' rGyal mtshan (1182-1251) is the earliest and most informative one. As this work includes three chapters almost entirely
dedicated to the theory of vocal music production and composition techniques (with a small part relating to musical instruments), the treatise seems to be very important for getting deeper knowledge of the medieval Tibetan vocal tradition. The translation and multidisciplinary analysis of this source, aided by consulting other written sources of
Tibetan music and main research conducted in that scientific sphere, displayed various features of Tibetan vocal system as it was perceived by Sa skya Pandita, e.g. close relations between articulated phonemes and melodic movement, lack of scale or mode system, rhythmic structure utterly dependent upon the poetical meter, and many others.
Taking into account highly developed vocal (and musical) systems of the neighboring countries in the period under consideration, the tradition of singing described in detail in the "Treatise on Music" seems to have been a unique product of the Tibetan world. Archaic as it was, this tradition would have had little opportunity to become known to the scholars of the modern times if it were not a Tibetan Buddhist scholar trained in the
lines of Indian scholastic tradition who described it in his treatise. As there is still not so many scientific works dedicated to the history of Tibetan music, these findings can contribute to the construction of a consistent narration about the development of musical art in Tibet. Used in worldwide context, they may help to define some general trends in
the history of music of various ethno-cultural societies.
The project aims at developing a model of a corpus of Tibetan
traditional grammar treatises which... more The project aims at developing a model of a corpus of Tibetan
traditional grammar treatises which is proposed to date back to 7-8l h centuries C.E. The corpus will be useful to scholars focusing on Tibetan traditional grammar treatises and as well for linguistic research on classical and modern Tibetan language, its description and teaching.
This paper describes the creation of the parallel Tibetan–Russian corpus of works of the Tibetan
... more This paper describes the creation of the parallel Tibetan–Russian corpus of works of the Tibetan
grammatical tradition that formed in the 7–8th centuries AD. On the basis of the corpus, a special lexical base
of grammatical terminology is formed that could be of interest for Tibetologists and specialists in general lin
guistics. The corpus can be used for linguistic research, teaching, and the study of the classical and modern
Tibetan language, as well as the Tibetan grammatical tradition.
Издательство «Студия НП-Принт» 2014 ББК 83.3 (5 Кит) 9 Т 39 Т 39 Тибетская письменная традиция и ... more Издательство «Студия НП-Принт» 2014 ББК 83.3 (5 Кит) 9 Т 39 Т 39 Тибетская письменная традиция и современность. Тезисы и док лады / Отв. ред. П. JI. Гроховский. -СПб.: Изд-во Студия «НП-Принт», 2014. -56 с. Modernizing the Tibetan Literary Tradition. Abstracts and papers / Ed. by P. L. Grokhovskiy. St. Petersburg: NP-PRINT, 2014. -56 p. ББК 83.3 (5 Кит) 9 T 39 В сборнике представлены тезисы и доклады, вошедшие в секцию «Тибетская письменная традиция и современность» VI между народной научной конференции «Проблемы литератур Дальне го Востока» (25-29 июня 2014 г., Санкт-Петербург).
Описывается создание параллельного тибетско-русского корпуса памятников тибетской грамматической ... more Описывается создание параллельного тибетско-русского корпуса памятников тибетской грамматической традиции, cформировавшейся в VII–VIII вв. н.э. На основе корпуса формируется специальная лексическая база грамматической терминологии, представляющая интерес как для тибетологов, так и для специалистов по общему языкознанию. Корпус может быть использован для лингвистических исследований, преподавания и изучения классического и современного тибетского языка, а также тибетской грамматической традиции.

The paper deals with the development of a morphosyntactic analyzer for the Tibetan language. It a... more The paper deals with the development of a morphosyntactic analyzer for the Tibetan language. It aims to create a consistent formal grammatical description (formal grammar) of the Tibetan language, including all grammar levels of the language system from morphosyn-tax (syntactics of morphemes) to the syntax of composite sentences and supra-phrasal entities. Syntactic annotation was created on the basis of morphologically tagged corpora of Tibetan texts. The peculiarity of the annotation consists in combining both the immediate constituents structure and the dependency one. An individual (basic) grammar module of Tibetan grammatical categories, its possible values, and restrictions on their combination are created. Types of tokens and their grammatical features form the basis of the formal grammar being produced, allowing linguistic processor to build syntactic trees of various kinds. Methods of avoiding redundant structural ambiguity are proposed.

* The authors acknowledge Saint-Petersburg State University for a research grant Mo... more * The authors acknowledge Saint-Petersburg State University for a research grant Modernizing the Tibetan Literary Tradition for a study of the content of Tibetan grammar treatises. The model of linguistic data presentation in the parallel corpus and lexical database were developed with financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research as a part of the research project 13–06–00621 "The Pilot Version of Tibetan Grammar Texts' Electronic Corpus". Abstract-The paper is devoted to Tibetan grammatical terminology. For this purpose Tibetan grammatical works corpus was created. At the same time Russian translations of the works were added to the corpus, so it is factually a parallel Tibetan-Russian corpus. The corpus represents the collection of grammar treatises of the Tibetan grammatical tradition formed in VII-VIII cc. The corpus is useful to researchers of the Tibetan linguistic tradition as well as to those specialized in linguistic studies of classical and modern Tibetan and its teaching. On the basis of corpus a specific grammatical lexical database is created. The database will be useful both to tibetologists and general linguistics specialists.
The paper is devoted to Tibetan grammatical terminology. For this purpose Tibetan grammatical wor... more The paper is devoted to Tibetan grammatical terminology. For this purpose Tibetan grammatical works corpus was created. At the same time Russian translations of the works were added to the corpus, so it is factually a parallel Tibetan-Russian corpus. The corpus represents the collection of grammar treatises of the Tibetan grammatical tradition formed in VII-VIII c. The corpus is useful to researchers of the Tibetan linguistic tradition as well as to those specialized in linguistic studies of classical and modern Tibetan and its teaching. On the basis of corpus a specific grammatical lexical database is created. The database will be useful both to tibetologists and general linguistics specialists.

Ключевые слова -буддийская каноническая литература, методы перевода, санскрит, тибетский язык, ин... more Ключевые слова -буддийская каноническая литература, методы перевода, санскрит, тибетский язык, индийская лингвистическая традиция, тибетская лингвистическая традиция Трактат "Мадхьявьютпатти" (санскр. madhyavyutpatti, тиб. bye brag tu rtogs byed 'bring po, букв. "Среднее разъяснение"; альтернативное тибетское название -sgra sbyor bam po gnyis pa -букв. "[Трактат о правилах] использования грамматических показателей в двух разделах"), входящий в состав "Тэнгьюра" (тиб. Bstan 'gyur), второй части буддийского канона на тибетском языке (т. co, л. 131b1-160a7 в издании Дерге (тиб. Sde gde)), можно рассматривать как комментарий к другому сочинению из "Тэнгьюра", -"Махавьютпатти" (санскр. mahāvyutpatti, тиб. bye brag tu rtogs byed chen po, т. co, л. 1-131а4 в дергеском издании), -санскритско-тибетскому словарю преимущественно буддийских терминов, который, как предполагается, был составлен индийскими учеными-пандитами и тибетскими переводчиками-лоцзавами под руководством благочестивых тибетских правителей Тидэсонгцэна (тиб. khri lde srong btsan) и Ралпачэна (тиб. ral pa can) в первой половине IX в. с целью выработки систематического подхода при передаче буддийской терминологии при переводе буддийских канонических сочинений с санскрита на тибетский язык и включал в себя 9492 лексикографические единицы, объединенные в 277 тематических разделов (согласно изданию Исихама и Фукуда) [Ishihama & Fukuda, 1989]).
Тибетская письменность обладает более чем 14-вековой историей и является объ-ектом изучения во вс... more Тибетская письменность обладает более чем 14-вековой историей и является объ-ектом изучения во всем мире. Данная статья посвящена одному из наименее изученных ее аспектов – терминологической системе, столетиями складывавшейся для описания тибетской письменности и отражающей особенности традиционных представлений тибетцев о письме вообще. В статье дан анализ истории становления теоретичес-кой основы тибетской письменности – тибетской теории письма. Опираясь на изу-чение основных тибетских источников по письму и более чем двух сотен специальных лексических единиц, авторы характеризуют графические элементы тибетского пись-ма и отношения между ними, анализируют различные способы описания последних в рассмотренных источниках и проводят классификацию всех рассмотренных терми-нов. Дается характеристика терминологической системы тибетской теории письма и ее элементов.

Text linguistics is a relatively new field in language studies, which offers promising prospects ... more Text linguistics is a relatively new field in language studies, which offers promising prospects for the elaboration of different philological issues.
Tibetan philology is one of the oldest branches of Russian Oriental studies, traditionally associated with Mongolian stidies. Nevertheless, due to various reasons until now it has not been developing as intensively as other regional areas of Orientalistics (e.g. Chinese, Arabic or Indian studies). Applying the methods of text linguistics to the Tibetan material seems to be productive for the scholarly growth of the field. Text linguistics may be involved in analysis of different aspects of Tibetan language and literary studies.
Linguistically, it allows to investigate grammatical phenomena which can be traced only above the sentence level, that is on the text level (anaphora, ellipsis, thema-rhematic progressions etc.).
General categories of the text include communication participants and events participants; events and processes; temporal parameters; spatial parameters; evaluation. These and other parameters may be used as a foundation for the strict typological classification of Tibetan texts and functional genres.
Other important trends of textual studies deal with the ınvestigation of production and perception stages of textual activities, both written and oral, monological and dialogical ones, and cognitive aspects of the text.
Technically, contemporary text linguistics require development of annotated text corpuses, formed and built along explicated functional and quantitative principles. For fuller representation, text samples will include specimen from different chronological stratas and regional variants of the Tibetan language, as well as from various literary genres. Translated texts (mainly fron Sanskrit, but also Chinese, Mongolian etc.) may be also included.
Realization of the above issues in Tibetan text linguistics will meet various still unfulfilled needs of Tibetan philology: classification of literary genres, grammatical analysis of the text, analysis of composition and structure of various oral and written texts.
Papers by Pavel Grokhovskiy
For the most part Tibetan compounds belong to grammatical, religious philosophical and general scientific terms. Therefore the paper specifies the processing principles of subject area compounds, including areas, identified by Tibetan linguistic picture of the world.
dedicated to the theory of vocal music production and composition techniques (with a small part relating to musical instruments), the treatise seems to be very important for getting deeper knowledge of the medieval Tibetan vocal tradition. The translation and multidisciplinary analysis of this source, aided by consulting other written sources of
Tibetan music and main research conducted in that scientific sphere, displayed various features of Tibetan vocal system as it was perceived by Sa skya Pandita, e.g. close relations between articulated phonemes and melodic movement, lack of scale or mode system, rhythmic structure utterly dependent upon the poetical meter, and many others.
Taking into account highly developed vocal (and musical) systems of the neighboring countries in the period under consideration, the tradition of singing described in detail in the "Treatise on Music" seems to have been a unique product of the Tibetan world. Archaic as it was, this tradition would have had little opportunity to become known to the scholars of the modern times if it were not a Tibetan Buddhist scholar trained in the
lines of Indian scholastic tradition who described it in his treatise. As there is still not so many scientific works dedicated to the history of Tibetan music, these findings can contribute to the construction of a consistent narration about the development of musical art in Tibet. Used in worldwide context, they may help to define some general trends in
the history of music of various ethno-cultural societies.
traditional grammar treatises which is proposed to date back to 7-8l h centuries C.E. The corpus will be useful to scholars focusing on Tibetan traditional grammar treatises and as well for linguistic research on classical and modern Tibetan language, its description and teaching.
grammatical tradition that formed in the 7–8th centuries AD. On the basis of the corpus, a special lexical base
of grammatical terminology is formed that could be of interest for Tibetologists and specialists in general lin
guistics. The corpus can be used for linguistic research, teaching, and the study of the classical and modern
Tibetan language, as well as the Tibetan grammatical tradition.
Tibetan philology is one of the oldest branches of Russian Oriental studies, traditionally associated with Mongolian stidies. Nevertheless, due to various reasons until now it has not been developing as intensively as other regional areas of Orientalistics (e.g. Chinese, Arabic or Indian studies). Applying the methods of text linguistics to the Tibetan material seems to be productive for the scholarly growth of the field. Text linguistics may be involved in analysis of different aspects of Tibetan language and literary studies.
Linguistically, it allows to investigate grammatical phenomena which can be traced only above the sentence level, that is on the text level (anaphora, ellipsis, thema-rhematic progressions etc.).
General categories of the text include communication participants and events participants; events and processes; temporal parameters; spatial parameters; evaluation. These and other parameters may be used as a foundation for the strict typological classification of Tibetan texts and functional genres.
Other important trends of textual studies deal with the ınvestigation of production and perception stages of textual activities, both written and oral, monological and dialogical ones, and cognitive aspects of the text.
Technically, contemporary text linguistics require development of annotated text corpuses, formed and built along explicated functional and quantitative principles. For fuller representation, text samples will include specimen from different chronological stratas and regional variants of the Tibetan language, as well as from various literary genres. Translated texts (mainly fron Sanskrit, but also Chinese, Mongolian etc.) may be also included.
Realization of the above issues in Tibetan text linguistics will meet various still unfulfilled needs of Tibetan philology: classification of literary genres, grammatical analysis of the text, analysis of composition and structure of various oral and written texts.
For the most part Tibetan compounds belong to grammatical, religious philosophical and general scientific terms. Therefore the paper specifies the processing principles of subject area compounds, including areas, identified by Tibetan linguistic picture of the world.
dedicated to the theory of vocal music production and composition techniques (with a small part relating to musical instruments), the treatise seems to be very important for getting deeper knowledge of the medieval Tibetan vocal tradition. The translation and multidisciplinary analysis of this source, aided by consulting other written sources of
Tibetan music and main research conducted in that scientific sphere, displayed various features of Tibetan vocal system as it was perceived by Sa skya Pandita, e.g. close relations between articulated phonemes and melodic movement, lack of scale or mode system, rhythmic structure utterly dependent upon the poetical meter, and many others.
Taking into account highly developed vocal (and musical) systems of the neighboring countries in the period under consideration, the tradition of singing described in detail in the "Treatise on Music" seems to have been a unique product of the Tibetan world. Archaic as it was, this tradition would have had little opportunity to become known to the scholars of the modern times if it were not a Tibetan Buddhist scholar trained in the
lines of Indian scholastic tradition who described it in his treatise. As there is still not so many scientific works dedicated to the history of Tibetan music, these findings can contribute to the construction of a consistent narration about the development of musical art in Tibet. Used in worldwide context, they may help to define some general trends in
the history of music of various ethno-cultural societies.
traditional grammar treatises which is proposed to date back to 7-8l h centuries C.E. The corpus will be useful to scholars focusing on Tibetan traditional grammar treatises and as well for linguistic research on classical and modern Tibetan language, its description and teaching.
grammatical tradition that formed in the 7–8th centuries AD. On the basis of the corpus, a special lexical base
of grammatical terminology is formed that could be of interest for Tibetologists and specialists in general lin
guistics. The corpus can be used for linguistic research, teaching, and the study of the classical and modern
Tibetan language, as well as the Tibetan grammatical tradition.
Tibetan philology is one of the oldest branches of Russian Oriental studies, traditionally associated with Mongolian stidies. Nevertheless, due to various reasons until now it has not been developing as intensively as other regional areas of Orientalistics (e.g. Chinese, Arabic or Indian studies). Applying the methods of text linguistics to the Tibetan material seems to be productive for the scholarly growth of the field. Text linguistics may be involved in analysis of different aspects of Tibetan language and literary studies.
Linguistically, it allows to investigate grammatical phenomena which can be traced only above the sentence level, that is on the text level (anaphora, ellipsis, thema-rhematic progressions etc.).
General categories of the text include communication participants and events participants; events and processes; temporal parameters; spatial parameters; evaluation. These and other parameters may be used as a foundation for the strict typological classification of Tibetan texts and functional genres.
Other important trends of textual studies deal with the ınvestigation of production and perception stages of textual activities, both written and oral, monological and dialogical ones, and cognitive aspects of the text.
Technically, contemporary text linguistics require development of annotated text corpuses, formed and built along explicated functional and quantitative principles. For fuller representation, text samples will include specimen from different chronological stratas and regional variants of the Tibetan language, as well as from various literary genres. Translated texts (mainly fron Sanskrit, but also Chinese, Mongolian etc.) may be also included.
Realization of the above issues in Tibetan text linguistics will meet various still unfulfilled needs of Tibetan philology: classification of literary genres, grammatical analysis of the text, analysis of composition and structure of various oral and written texts.
The book is intended for specialists in the Chinese and Tibetan studies, as well as for all those interested in the Tibetan and Chinese literatures.
“Issues of far eastern literatures”
June 25–29, 2014
Abstracts and papers of the panel
Modernizing the Tibetan
Literary Tradition