Papers by Emad Al-Mahdawi

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
In this paper, the performance of porcelain and toughened glass suspension insulators artificiall... more In this paper, the performance of porcelain and toughened glass suspension insulators artificially polluted with desert contamination is investigated experimentally. The withstand flashover voltage (FOV), and equivalent salt deposit density (ESDD) of desert contaminated insulators have been studied and reported. Artificial pollution testing was carried out, and desert contaminations were prepared in advance for four solutions (NaCl, CaSO4, KCl, and CaO) of different concentration levels to investigate the influence of desert contamination on the insulators of transmission lines. The flashover analyses are completed on 11 kV insulators with artificial pollution coatings. The contaminations materials are (a) Desert Salt Pollution-Dry pollution (b) Natural Fog Condition. Results have proven that flashover voltage decreased with the increase in the dry dessert pollution level at constant pressure and temperature condition. However, the study has also revealed that in the case of natural...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Today, the electrification of various locations is a significant challenge for governments in sev... more Today, the electrification of various locations is a significant challenge for governments in several countries because of many challenges, especially in desert areas far from the national grid. The paper discusses employing renewable energy sources as an alternative solution for the national grid to feed rural areas in Oman because air pollution is escalating due to the fast growth and the industrialization. The research has taken the load estimation in an Omani desert village called Yanqul, which necessitates about 40 MW. The paper has finalized that installing 12 units of the wind turbine 36 MW with 30 MW Solar Panels is feasible. The approach has included the module sizing calculations using the Power World Simulator, and HOMER Pro software for economic consideration and operational costs. The paper has encouraged using renewable energy as an alternative method over the traditional transmission system due to the technical issues connected with losses, power factor, synchronizati...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
This study aims to analyze and implement methods for storing electrical energy directly or indire... more This study aims to analyze and implement methods for storing electrical energy directly or indirectly in the Iraq National Grid to avoid electricity shortage. Renewable energy sources are changing with time and climatology conditions. Therefore, the impact of weather on power generated and demand using renewable energy is considerable. This issue becomes a new motivation for developing new energy storage systems independent of time and weather. Stored energy ensures the smooth and clean transmission of electricity in conditions where the delivery may be interrupted or mismatched. Storage energy technologies are intelligent as they diversify energy sources, develop economic growth and produce more jobs. Technologies like Redox Flow Batteries (RFB), Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS), Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) and other forms were analyzed within this study. The PHS mechanical indirect electrical energy storage system is a great way to store large amounts of off-peak energy; howeve...

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2020
Power systems are considered highly non-linear because the environment in which they operate keep... more Power systems are considered highly non-linear because the environment in which they operate keep changing and hence require iterative mathematical techniques to analyse them. Such changes have a resultant effect on the system`s stability. Fluctuations in parameters are experienced in loads across the networks of the system, generator`s outputs, network topology and other operating parameters. Practically, there is no analytical solution exists for solving the problem of stability. On the other hand, there are techniques available to obtain an acceptable approximate solution of such a problem, known as digital simulation. Runge-kutta method is one of these techniques which has been used broadly as it calculates every step in a sequence of sub-steps. The method relies on a complex mathematical modelling of the synchronous generator with the help of Park-Gorev`s transformation, for the sake of simplicity and intuitiveness the method is used to analyse and study the complex equations o...

New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 2018
Fire is a major threat to remnant native woody vegetation in dry, lowland New Zealand. This is be... more Fire is a major threat to remnant native woody vegetation in dry, lowland New Zealand. This is because the woody flora lacks specific adaptations to survive fire, and seedling regeneration is constrained by summer drought, limited native seed rain and intense competition from non-native grasses that are often favoured by fire. In December 2000, a fire burnt a 41 ha remnant of mature Kunzea robusta (Myrtaceae) forest in the Wither Hills, Marlborough, a dry region with little remaining native woody vegetation. Shortly after the fire the area was fenced to exclude grazing animals and oversown with pasture species to stabilise the soil. A study was then initiated in June 2001 to determine the rate and direction of native forest recovery using 15 randomly located monitoring plots. Plots were re-measured in summer 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2015. Additional strategically located plots monitored the survival and re-growth of burnt individuals of Kunzea robusta, Sophora prostrata (Fabaceae) and Clematis quadribracteolata (Ranunculaceae). In spite of the dry climate, limited seed rain, oversowing and absence of grazing, woody biomass has started to recover after fire in the Wither Hillsbut slowly as non-native grasses are overwhelmingly dominant. After 15 years, woody biomass and cover are less than 5% of the original estimate for the area. However, while fire-damaged Kunzea mostly died, Sophora and Clematis individuals have recovered through resprouting. Our study site is typical of many dryland areas in New Zealand in which native biodiversity is part of a productive landscape and is under threat from fire, weeds and grazing. It is inevitable that a proportion of dryland reserves will be burnt each decade and our results underscore the need for conservation planning to incorporate fire and for experimental investigations to assist with accelerating native vegetation recovery.

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
In practice, energy management encompasses several activities that give objective data on the pri... more In practice, energy management encompasses several activities that give objective data on the principal users of fuel and energy, the energy efficiency of various developments and certain types of products, and energy conservation reserves. This research investigates the benefits and stages of EMS that must be adopted in Iraq. The work considers the significance of using EMS technology at Baghdad International Airport. Airport infrastructure necessitates much energy due to its vast size and particular design. Annually, the airport consumes nearly 9.2M KWh, costing 1.2 billion Iraqi Dinars/KWh. As Iraq's current energy crisis is massive, the energy audit will show an accurate picture of the energy consumption. EMS aims to increase the organisation's stability (including financial) and improve its competitive position by reducing costs and increasing management efficiency. The work has accomplished that Iraqi companies need a modern management strategy-energy consumption manag...

International Journal of Management and Humanities, 2022
This study aimed to analyse how the trend towards internationalisation for higher education has b... more This study aimed to analyse how the trend towards internationalisation for higher education has been constituted considering the perspectives of solidarity. Internationalisation is understood as integration among worldwide higher education institutions in the current scenario. Thus, the term does not conform to the definitions of globalisation as a phenomenon. The work discusses the process of the UK universities internationalisation and analyses how this process has occurred, where the internationalisation was the result of a formal policy of the institution or if, in reality, internationalisation was the result of actions predominantly determined by individuals. The paper explores internationalisation and Brexit with higher education in the United Kingdom. It focuses on the impacts of globalisation on universities caused by Brexit. It also emphasises the concepts such as internationalisation and mobility, globalisation and higher education and research, collaboration, and EU fundi...

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2020
In this paper, the analysis is focused on the methodology of installation design and cable sizing... more In this paper, the analysis is focused on the methodology of installation design and cable sizing assessment. Cable overheating leads to melting of the insulation, resulting in exposed conductors and short circuits or electric shock, and possibly fire. Therefore, reliable power network, supply and operation have gained an increasing importance for the modern world. Cabling in a system is the means by which the source of energy is distributed to load. The size of the cable is directly proportion to the size of the load. Selecting a small size cable for a load could lead to overload and a catastrophic failure. Hence the correct selection procedure for the cable is of critical importance for both functionality and safety. This paper is addressed to electrical installation design engineers, learners and programmers with an interest in the optimisation of the cabling design by following the Instructive Cable Sizing Flow Chart (ICSFC). The proposed ICSFC, attached in Appendix A in this ar...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Many small island states in the Caribbean like Antigua and Barbuda depend heavily on petroleum-ba... more Many small island states in the Caribbean like Antigua and Barbuda depend heavily on petroleum-based products for power generation. Given the fluctuating oil prices, there is now an urgent push for increased energy security. Antigua is one of the fastest-growing islands for grid-connected Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Whilst the increase in grid-connected RES improves the islands’ energy security, and it is equally important to understand the impact that RES have on the network’s reliability and security. Thus, a base case model of the power network was built, and the following areas were analysed: load flow, contingency analysis, and fault analysis. The Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA) 69kV power network is used as a case study for this project. PowerWorld and Homer Energy software have been used to simulate and model the grid. Results from the project show that RES changes the power flow and could help to improve the system voltage profile if placed correctly. Whilst in...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The UK is dedicated to dropping its greenhouse gas emissions by not less than 80% by 2050, compar... more The UK is dedicated to dropping its greenhouse gas emissions by not less than 80% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels. Therefore, the economy of the UK should be changed while confirming secure, low-carbon energy supplies to 2050. In most organizations, energy is one of the most substantial manageable costs. Energy-saving expands profitability along with reducing CO2 emissions and dropping impact on the environment. In this study, to determine the current energy usage of the gymnasium building, an Energy Survey was conducted at the facility assessing the following areas: a. Lighting and switching. b. Heating and Insulation. c. Appliances. d. Water usage. e. Windows. f. Building structure. These features are taken into the current study considerations for green buildings: Efficiently use of energy, availability of renewable energy sources, water resources, reduction in the waste, usage of non-toxic materials, enable reuse and recycling, good indoor air quality, and consider the quality ...

In the Modelica software environment, a mathematical model of the Iraqi power system region has b... more In the Modelica software environment, a mathematical model of the Iraqi power system region has been developed. This work aims to study the stability and develop proposals to improve the southern Baghdad region's electrical power transmission reliability. Due to the long-lasting political conflicts, Iraq's infrastructure has devastated since 1980. Some of the transmission lines` supports are damaged or partially damaged. As a result, some of the lines work as single circuits. This drastic change creates stability problems on these lines. It is shown that under the prevailing conditions, the parallel operation's stability is not secured without additional measures. The application of modernised automatic excitation regulators for forcing a "strong" excitation control regulation, quick automatic shedding of a part of the load and a short-term artificial voltage drop at one of the district's primary substations are considered in this study for stability and reliability improvement. The results showed that the short-term artificial voltage drop has the most remarkable effectiveness. This measure's usefulness is maintained even in the operating conditions of existing (not modernised) generators' excitation systems. Besides, the cost and management are achievable. The study did not consider the surrounding temperature, which may reach 50 o C during the summer.

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
In this paper, the performance of porcelain and toughened glass suspension insulators artificiall... more In this paper, the performance of porcelain and toughened glass suspension insulators artificially polluted with desert contamination is investigated experimentally. The withstand flashover voltage (FOV), and equivalent salt deposit density (ESDD) of desert contaminated insulators have been studied and reported. Artificial pollution testing was carried out, and desert contaminations were prepared in advance for four solutions (NaCl, CaSO4, KCl, and CaO) of different concentration levels to investigate the influence of desert contamination on the insulators of transmission lines. The flashover analyses are completed on 11 kV insulators with artificial pollution coatings. The contaminations materials are (a) Desert Salt Pollution-Dry pollution (b) Natural Fog Condition. Results have proven that flashover voltage decreased with the increase in the dry dessert pollution level at constant pressure and temperature condition. However, the study has also revealed that in the case of natural fog conditions, the flashover voltage of porcelain and toughened glass disc insulator became much lower than the dry test. From the results, it can be detected that engineers can predict and plan for the maintenance schedule of the poor performance of the insulators under different effluence environmental conditions. The study tested the effect of AC voltage flashover on the suspension insulators. However, the DC voltage is suggested to be used and results to be compared with the current study.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
View the article online for updates and enhancements. Content from this work may be used under th... more View the article online for updates and enhancements. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Today, the electrification of various locations is a significant challenge for governments in sev... more Today, the electrification of various locations is a significant challenge for governments in several countries because of many challenges, especially in desert areas far from the national grid. The paper discusses employing renewable energy sources as an alternative solution for the national grid to feed rural areas in Oman because air pollution is escalating due to the fast growth and the industrialization. The research has taken the load estimation in an Omani desert village called Yanqul, which necessitates about 40 MW. The paper has finalized that installing 12 units of the wind turbine 36 MW with 30 MW Solar Panels is feasible. The approach has included the module sizing calculations using the Power World Simulator, and HOMER Pro software for economic consideration and operational costs. The paper has encouraged using renewable energy as an alternative method over the traditional transmission system due to the technical issues connected with losses, power factor, synchronization, and pollution. The Levelized cost of renewable energy was found $1,366.56, which is cheaper than extending the national grid. This reduction has appeared on annual electricity bill per capita, which dropped to $581.3. Environmentally, the study has shown a reduction in 2 emissions by 22 tons, making value to air quality. The future study will discuss the reactive power compensation of the wind turbine technologies to improve power transmission.

In the Modelica software environment, a mathematical model of the Iraqi power system region has b... more In the Modelica software environment, a mathematical model of the Iraqi power system region has been developed. This work aims to study the stability and develop proposals to improve the southern Baghdad region's electrical power transmission reliability. Due to the long-lasting political conflicts, Iraq's infrastructure has devastated since 1980. Some of the transmission lines` supports are damaged or partially damaged. As a result, some of the lines work as single circuits. This drastic change creates stability problems on these lines. It is shown that under the prevailing conditions, the parallel operation's stability is not secured without additional measures. The application of modernised automatic excitation regulators for forcing a "strong" excitation control regulation, quick automatic shedding of a part of the load and a short-term artificial voltage drop at one of the district's primary substations are considered in this study for stability and reliability improvement. The results showed that the short-term artificial voltage drop has the most remarkable effectiveness. This measure's usefulness is maintained even in the operating conditions of existing (not modernised) generators' excitation systems. Besides, the cost and management are achievable. The study did not consider the surrounding temperature, which may reach 50 o C during the summer.

British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2018
The process of socioeconomic and technological change has provoked new training needs for higher ... more The process of socioeconomic and technological change has provoked new training needs for higher education, which has the difficult task of preparing for a globalised world without frontiers, centred on knowledge. Internationalisation, a current trend in higher education, includes technical cooperation and the intercultural dimension in all aspects of education and research. This bibliographical and documentary study undertakes a critical analysis of internationalisation within UK higher education, including principles of solidarity. UNESCO defends solidarity to promote more progressive justice and social equity. Solidarity is also the trend advocated by the World Trade Organisation, as cooperative internationalisation may promote the possibility of the commodification of education. This study is of how the internationalisation of higher education has taken into consideration the perspectives, values and principles of solidarity. Presently, "internationalisation" is the integration of students and staff among global higher education institutions. A combination of economic and social factors can control the majority of internationalisation schemes, such as institutions in host countries benefiting from full fee-paying students from abroad. From the perspective of the university's social mission, greater international awareness develops among intercultural students, enabling the students to compete better in the global economy (OECD, 1999). The prospective impacts of Brexit on the internationalisation of higher education in the UK include positive and negative influences. Digital media, transnational education and satellite campuses are among the most helpful solutions to support educational goals.

American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), 2019
Education has a strategic role in cultivating the character and civilisation of the nation and co... more Education has a strategic role in cultivating the character and civilisation of the nation and conserving its dignity in the vein of the intellectual life of that nation. Therefore, the good behaviour and relationship of educators play a major role in the education system. This paper highlights the importance of the teachers` behaviours and the relationship between teachers and students inside educational institutions. The findings show that for an effective teaching and learning process, friendly, open-minded and a positive attitude from teachers are mandatory. The students also expect the teacher to be patient, well organised, decisive, determined, honest, caring, able to interact with students, and to use attractive teaching methods. On the other hand, teachers feel that students should have a sense of responsibility and be learners that are more independent. The paper proposes several techniques, by which good relationship can be enhanced between the teacher and student, making the students more concerned about their careers and more responsible in the future. The paper also encourages a love of learning and learners` intellectual curiosity. In addition, the paper recommends some practices to bridge the gap between the teacher and the student, and make the process of teaching and learning an enjoyable activity.

American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), 2019
The method of assessment is the most important part of the education process to help learners pro... more The method of assessment is the most important part of the education process to help learners progress from one-step to another. Assessment is about measuring student learning; it is about diagnosing misunderstandings in order to help students to learn more effectively [29]. Assessment and feedback are considered the key principles of the learners` lives; they reflect the integrity of the learning and teaching. The learners become more self-reflective when a process of assessment and feedback supports their achievement. Assessment and feedback are intended not just to test the learners` knowledge, but also to help them develop their knowledge, skills and confidence. Assessment can be in the form of written or oral responses, interviews, quizzes, tests, workbooks etc. Scouller found that learners were likely to employ surface strategies in a multiple-choice (MC) format [31]. This study aims to consider the impact of learners and Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) on assessment methods and practice. The study also shows how these methods can be affected by the feedback practices. The paper admits that contemporary experiences of assessment and feedback have shown great achievements in the area of teaching and learning. Engaging assessments emotionally and/or cognitively encourages students to spend time on the assessment task. The paper emphasises that the feedback should hold these attributes: Timely, Personal and individual, Articulable and Developmental, Manageable and Empowering.

IJEAT, 2020
In this paper, the analysis is focused on the methodology of installation design and cable sizing... more In this paper, the analysis is focused on the methodology of installation design and cable sizing assessment. Cable overheating leads to melting of the insulation, resulting in exposed conductors and short circuits or electric shock, and possibly fire. Therefore, reliable power network, supply and operation have gained an increasing importance for the modern world. Cabling in a system is the means by which the source of energy is distributed to load. The size of the cable is directly proportion to the size of the load. Selecting a small size cable for a load could lead to overload and a catastrophic failure. Hence the correct selection procedure for the cable is of critical importance for both functionality and safety. This paper is addressed to electrical installation design engineers, learners and programmers with an interest in the optimisation of the cabling design by following the Instructive Cable Sizing Flow Chart (ICSFC). The proposed ICSFC, attached in Appendix A in this article, is considered a phase-gate technique planned and designed to get better results with less effort. Due to the fact that every installation is different, this paper aims to show the major principles and decisions involved in cable sizing as well as giving a prescriptive step-by-step flow chart to do the job precisely.

IJEAT, 2020
Power systems are considered highly non-linear because the environment in which they operate keep... more Power systems are considered highly non-linear because the environment in which they operate keep changing and hence require iterative mathematical techniques to analyse them. Such changes have a resultant effect on the system`s stability. Fluctuations in parameters are experienced in loads across the networks of the system, generator`s outputs, network topology and other operating parameters. Practically, there is no analytical solution exists for solving the problem of stability. On the other hand, there are techniques available to obtain an acceptable approximate solution of such a problem, known as digital simulation. Runge-kutta method is one of these techniques which has been used broadly as it calculates every step in a sequence of sub-steps. The method relies on a complex mathematical modelling of the synchronous generator with the help of Park-Gorev`s transformation, for the sake of simplicity and intuitiveness the method is used to analyse and study the complex equations of the three-phase synchronous generator. Generally, the system is said to be stable if the opposing forces within it are balanced and at a perfect equilibrium. The aims of this research are to establish the effects of synchronous generator`s design and transient conditions upon power system stability with the help of Embedded Microsoft Excel Sheet based on Power System Stability Analysis (EMES-PSS), using the Runge-Kutta integration method. The study has proved that EMES-PSS can find the limits of Salient and Non-Salient machines stability when changing their essential parameters. The optimisation solutions of the power system stability problem can be achieved by using basic computational resources. The software can also be used on a number of modern tablets e.g., Apple`s tablets.
Papers by Emad Al-Mahdawi