Andrei Kokorin
Graduate student at Saint Petersburg State University.
Address: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Address: Saint Petersburg, Russia
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Papers by Andrei Kokorin
The present article represents the results of the textual analysis of Yuri Olesha’s A Strict Young Man four lifetime editions. The introduction is dedicated to the methodology of the
analysis description, the problem of a variant readings’ classification in particular. The main part describes various readings of A Strict Young Man. We divide them into two traditional groups: the typos and the variants that appeared because of the author’s rewrite or compositors’, content editors’ and proof-readers’ work. The analysis of all the various readings demonstrates that Olesha was losing the interest to his text with the passage of time, just as the level of proofreaders’ inadvertence was growing. In conclusion, the fact that the text of the last lifetime edition should be cleared of the typos and collated with Olesha’s manuscripts becomes apparent.
Здесь опубликован слегка отредактированный со стилистической точки зрения текст работы. В этом варианте также восстановлены некоторые курсивные написания зачеркнутых фрагментов рукописей.
Guskov’s and Kokorin’s article examines the contradictory creative Yury Olesha’s principles that had been showing themselves in the work process from mid-1920s till mid-1930s. This research is based on the archive sources as writer’s letters, drafts of the novel Envy and screenplay A Strict Young Man etc. Those sources are included in the text of the article and are published for the first time.
В сноске № 4 на с. 332 опечатка: должно читать «К. М. Симонов».
UPD. Как справедливо отмечает А. Яворская, фамилию Арнери Олеша позаимствовал у представителей одного одесского семейства, с которым был дружен в юности.
The article deals with the problems of commenting episodes of
Y. K. Olesha’s novel «Envy», which have references about confectionery
products of the last century 20ies. The author includes mentioned
episodes into the literary context of the era and draws conclusions
on the functions they perform in the novel.
The present article represents the results of the textual analysis of Yuri Olesha’s A Strict Young Man four lifetime editions. The introduction is dedicated to the methodology of the
analysis description, the problem of a variant readings’ classification in particular. The main part describes various readings of A Strict Young Man. We divide them into two traditional groups: the typos and the variants that appeared because of the author’s rewrite or compositors’, content editors’ and proof-readers’ work. The analysis of all the various readings demonstrates that Olesha was losing the interest to his text with the passage of time, just as the level of proofreaders’ inadvertence was growing. In conclusion, the fact that the text of the last lifetime edition should be cleared of the typos and collated with Olesha’s manuscripts becomes apparent.
Здесь опубликован слегка отредактированный со стилистической точки зрения текст работы. В этом варианте также восстановлены некоторые курсивные написания зачеркнутых фрагментов рукописей.
Guskov’s and Kokorin’s article examines the contradictory creative Yury Olesha’s principles that had been showing themselves in the work process from mid-1920s till mid-1930s. This research is based on the archive sources as writer’s letters, drafts of the novel Envy and screenplay A Strict Young Man etc. Those sources are included in the text of the article and are published for the first time.
В сноске № 4 на с. 332 опечатка: должно читать «К. М. Симонов».
UPD. Как справедливо отмечает А. Яворская, фамилию Арнери Олеша позаимствовал у представителей одного одесского семейства, с которым был дружен в юности.
The article deals with the problems of commenting episodes of
Y. K. Olesha’s novel «Envy», which have references about confectionery
products of the last century 20ies. The author includes mentioned
episodes into the literary context of the era and draws conclusions
on the functions they perform in the novel.