Papers by Е. А . Маковецкий (Eugene A. Makovetsky)
5th SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS SGEM2018, Ancience Science

Byzantium, Europe, Russia: Social Practices and Interrelations of Spiritual Traditions. Archive of the Conference. Vol. 2: Materials of the International Scientific Conference (St. Petersburg, September 22–24, 2022), 2022
EDN ATFRRU В издании представлены статьи по материалам докладов второй международной научной конф... more EDN ATFRRU В издании представлены статьи по материалам докладов второй международной научной конференции «Византия, Европа, Россия: социальные практики и взаимосвязь духовных традиций», прошедшей 22-24 сентября 2022 г. в Социологическом институте РАН-филиале ФНИСЦ РАН. Конференция была посвящена интеллектуальной истории трех основных комплексов практик цивилизационного развития в европейском, средиземноморском и евро-азиатском регионах в исторических истоках их возникновения и существования-Византийской, Западноевропейской и Русской цивилизаций, а также цивилизаций, входящих в ареалы их влияния и взаимодействия. Статьи адресованы специалистам по философии, социологии, теологии, истории, филологии, политическим наукам, искусствоведению.
Философия и культура, 2013
К вОПрОСу О ПЕрСПЕКтивах КОНцЕПции КультурНОГО НаСлЕдия аннотация. В статье предпринимается попыт... more К вОПрОСу О ПЕрСПЕКтивах КОНцЕПции КультурНОГО НаСлЕдия аннотация. В статье предпринимается попытка объяснить ряд противоречий практики сохранения культурного наследия фактом существования идеологии культурного наследия. Однако, концепция культурного наследия может быть рассмотрена сквозь призму одной из наиболее значимых для культуры констант: деления мира на видимое и невидимое, или на материальное и духовное. На основании этого подхода может быть предпринята попытка скорректировать современный взгляд на прошлое.
Логико-философские штудии, Jul 16, 2016
Риторический памятник второй софистики
Логический квадрат, квадрига красноречия и еще одно перспективное направление исследований Второй... more Логический квадрат, квадрига красноречия и еще одно перспективное направление исследований Второй софистик
В издании представлены статьи по материалам докладов международной научной конференции «Византия,... more В издании представлены статьи по материалам докладов международной научной конференции «Византия, Европа, Россия: социальные практики и взаимосвязь духовных традиций», прошедшей 1–2 октября 2021 г. в Социологическом институте РАН — филиале ФНИСЦ РАН и Русской христианской гуманитарной академии. Конференция была посвящена интеллектуальной истории трех основных комплексов практик цивилизационного развития в европейском, средиземноморском и евро-азиатском регионах в исторических истоках их возникновения и существования — Византийской, Западноевропейской и Русской цивилизаций, а также цивилизаций, входящих в ареалы их влияния и взаимодействия.

The complete translation of cultural heritage into a digital format acutely poses the question of... more The complete translation of cultural heritage into a digital format acutely poses the question of art’s place in the digital era. The search for an answer is built upon the foundation of proposed evolutionary models of the genesis of art. Transitional periods from one historical cultural era to the next are characterized by a change in the most popular types of art. The establishment of one or another type of art is rigidly connected with the introduction of new data storage media and coding techniques. The constant increase in the variety of genres and media has culminated in the digital display. The appearance of a universal digital media must be reflected in the energetic reconstruction of the artistic world, but the birth of new types of art will lag behind. Moreover, the problem of the existence or non-existence of art also becomes relevant. In parallel with the elimination of literature, a virtual excarnation of object plasticity is occurring. It is possible that art is irreve...

In conditions of rough social changes and of ICT of development a museum-temple gives way to mode... more In conditions of rough social changes and of ICT of development a museum-temple gives way to modern post-museum. Whether the museum-temple era came to end, or its potential can be demanded? In search of the answer, combining the social-analitical view (Benjamin) with a psychological analysis (Vygotsky), we will address a question of aura which traditionally defined emotional influence of museum exposition. Since moment when Benjamin noted that technical reproduction washes away aura, a scales of high-quality reproduction in network environment grew in thousands times and decisively devaluated sacrality of a museum space. Besides a democratic museum is guided by inquiry of a mass visitor with his specific perception. An ability of museum collections to cause the strongest “power” influence, powerful passions does not raise doubts. However, attempts to find the concrete localization, material traces inducing a mysterious field and defining surprising impact on a viewer do not lead to ...
Byzantium, Europe, Russia: Social practices and Interrelations of spiritual traditions. Archive of the Conference

The article discusses rationalistic and existential approaches to the problem of existence. The c... more The article discusses rationalistic and existential approaches to the problem of existence. The comparison of Sartre's pre-reflective cogito and Descartes' reflective cogito makes it possible to define how Sartre’s thought moves from the thing to consciousness and from consciousness to the thing. At the same time, in Being and Nothingness Sartre does not only define the existence of the thing in its passivity—which in many respects corresponds to Descartes' philosophy, but also as an open orientation towards consciousness, the latter concept not being fully developed by him. This statement may be regarded as a hidden component of Sartre’s key thesis about the role of the Other in the verification of our existence. The most important factor in understanding this is the concept of the look. Detailed analysis of Sartre’s theses in Being and Nothingness enables us to demonstrate that the concept of the look makes it possible to consider the identity of being-in-itself and be...
ΣΧΟΛΗ. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition
The Imagines of Philostratus the Elder is a well-known monument of the Second Sophistic. The book... more The Imagines of Philostratus the Elder is a well-known monument of the Second Sophistic. The book has a rich manuscript and publishing history. No less significant is the research tradition that has developed around the Imagines. Our goal is to try to answer the following question: Can the Imagines be considered as a source for the art of memory? In this regard, we intend to solve two problems at once: first, to find elements of the art of memory in the text of the book, and second, to determine the degree of probability with which the Imagines can be considered as a textbook on the art of memory.
ΣΧΟΛΗ. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition
The Imagines of Philostratus the Elder is a well-known monument of the Second Sophistic. The book... more The Imagines of Philostratus the Elder is a well-known monument of the Second Sophistic. The book has a rich manuscript and publishing history. No less significant is the research tradition that has developed around the Imagines. Our goal is to try to answer the following question: Can the Imagines be considered as a source for the art of memory? In this regard, we intend to solve two problems at once: first, to find elements of the art of memory in the text of the book, and second, to determine the degree of probability with which the Imagines can be considered as a textbook on the art of memory.
В статье рассматриваются исследования богословия св. Григория Паламы, вышедшие в XIX — начале XX... more В статье рассматриваются исследования богословия св. Григория Паламы, вышедшие в XIX — начале XX веков, производится общий анализ этих ра-бот, выдвигается предположения о причинах возникновения интереса к исихастскому богословию именно в кризисные эпохи. Ключевые слова: Св. Григорий Палама, русская патрология, исихазм, по-литический исихазм, кризис
E.A. Makovetsky Saint Gregory Palamas in the Russian researches of XIX — the beginning of XX century The researches dedicated to St. Gregory Palamas which came out in XIX — the beginning of XX century are considered in this article. The general analysis of these works has been made; it suggests the explanation of causes for the development of special interest to hesychast theology exactly in the eras of crisis.
Майстер Экхарт и св. Григорий Палама: актуальность духов-
ного опыта: Альманах / Под ред. О. Э. Д... more Майстер Экхарт и св. Григорий Палама: актуальность духов-
ного опыта: Альманах / Под ред. О. Э. Душина. — Издательство Псковского государственного университета, 2015. 248 с. (VERBUM. Вып. 17).
Papers by Е. А . Маковецкий (Eugene A. Makovetsky)
E.A. Makovetsky Saint Gregory Palamas in the Russian researches of XIX — the beginning of XX century The researches dedicated to St. Gregory Palamas which came out in XIX — the beginning of XX century are considered in this article. The general analysis of these works has been made; it suggests the explanation of causes for the development of special interest to hesychast theology exactly in the eras of crisis.
ного опыта: Альманах / Под ред. О. Э. Душина. — Издательство Псковского государственного университета, 2015. 248 с. (VERBUM. Вып. 17).
E.A. Makovetsky Saint Gregory Palamas in the Russian researches of XIX — the beginning of XX century The researches dedicated to St. Gregory Palamas which came out in XIX — the beginning of XX century are considered in this article. The general analysis of these works has been made; it suggests the explanation of causes for the development of special interest to hesychast theology exactly in the eras of crisis.
ного опыта: Альманах / Под ред. О. Э. Душина. — Издательство Псковского государственного университета, 2015. 248 с. (VERBUM. Вып. 17).