Papers by Александр Сергунин

Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriâ 4. Istoriâ, regionovedenie, meždunarodnye otnošeniâ, Mar 1, 2024
Introduction. The article examines cooperation between Russia and the US on Arctic research in th... more Introduction. The article examines cooperation between Russia and the US on Arctic research in the context of the Ukrainian crisis. One of the accompanying tasks is to study the motivations of both sides for continuing such cooperation. Methods and materials. The article uses the so-called liberal intergovernmental approach as a research method, aiming to explain the reasons for cooperation between countries with different socio-political structures and national interests on the world stage. The empirical basis for the study was the documents of international organizations, US and Russian state institutions, as well as research organizations in Russia and the US involved in the study of the Arctic. Analysis. The article demonstrates that currently there are four main levels of US-Russian scientific cooperation in the Arctic: interpersonal (individual), institutional (between various Russian and American organizations), state (government exchange programs), and international (within the framework of multilateral organizations of a global and regional nature). Results. It is concluded that despite the unfriendly actions taken by the US against Russian scientists and organizations, the "mechanism of interdependence" created in previous years did not allow to completely interrupt scientific ties between these countries. Both sides are well aware of the value of cooperation in this area and therefore try to maintain certain channels of interaction. Natural science topics (climate change, meteorology, environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, oceanology, glaciology, etc.) dominate the priorities of US-Russian scientific cooperation in the Arctic. However, socio-humanitarian and interdisciplinary issues (local communities, indigenous peoples, gender studies, urban development and planning, etc.) have recently become increasingly important. The authors believe that scientific cooperation between Russia and the US in the Arctic will revive as the international situation and bilateral relations between the two countries normalize after the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict. Authors' contribution. V.N. Konyshev: Introduction and Analysis. A.A. Sergunin: Abstract, methods and materials, results, and design of the scientific apparatus.
Полис. Политические исследования, Mar 25, 2013

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Nov 1, 2014
The paper examines how the Russian northern subnational units use paradiplomacy as a resource for... more The paper examines how the Russian northern subnational units use paradiplomacy as a resource for problem-solving and ensuring their sustainable development. Particularly, this study focuses on three specific questions: First, the basic motives laying behind the subnational actors" international activities are examined. Second, the main paradiplomatic strategies, instruments and institutions are identified. Third, the negative and positive implications of paradiplomacy for the centerperiphery relations and Russia"s foreign policy are explored. Particularly, the paper focuses on the following paradiplomatic strategies: making direct agreements with international partners; attracting foreign investment; creating regions' positive image; cooperation with international organizations; establishing representative offices in foreign countries; city-twinning; participation in Euroregions and other sub-regional arrangements; capitalizing on national diplomacy and federal infrastructures, etc. The institutional framework available for the sub-state actors in the Arctic region is examined. The authors believe that paradiplomacy will remain an important resource for the Russian northern subnational actors in terms of capacity-building and positioning domestically and internationally.
Россия и Америка вXXI веке, 2023
Высшее образование в России, 2011

The Journal of international studies, 2011
Over the last two decades city-twinning became quite popular in Europe, including not only West E... more Over the last two decades city-twinning became quite popular in Europe, including not only West European and Nordic countries with their long-standing cooperative experience but also the post-socialist states. Twinning is viewed by many European municipalities as an instrument available for both solving local problems and ensuring sustainable development. This study aims at discussing the dynamics and meaning of twinning in a broader, more principal and critical perspective. It is argued that in Europe twins became city-pairs that do not just aim at bridging and intensified international cooperation as 'border cities' but also at creating-in varying degrees-communality and joint space across national borders. In particular, the question is posed whether the transnationalization on the level of cities is carried by the cities themselves linking up with various forms of regionalization, Europeanization as well as internationalization at large, or if it rather reflects the policies pursued by the states to which the cities belong. It is also argued that the model of cities re-imagining their borders, activating them through increased cooperation and pooling resources not only impacts and changes the local landscapes but may also entail broader state-related and European consequences as well.
Корпоративное управление и инновационное развитие экономики Севера, 2021
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Routledge eBooks, Jan 6, 2023

Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 4. Istorija. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija
Introduction. The article examines the features of the main stages in the evolution of the U.S. A... more Introduction. The article examines the features of the main stages in the evolution of the U.S. Arctic strategy in the period after the end of the Cold War that helps to understand the future of American regional policy. The United States is one of the main participants in the Arctic policy, on which the state of security and cooperation in the region largely depends. Methods and materials. The empirical basis for the study was the documents of various institutions and departments involved in the planning, implementation and control of the U.S. Arctic policy. These documents include the directives and public papers of the president, documents of the Department of Defense, the Arctic strategies of ministries and departments, reports of the Congressional Research Service, documents of “think tanks”. Analysis. The article concludes that the Arctic became a priority of U.S. policy only in the early 2000s after the revival of Russia’s activity in the Far North. The U.S. strategy was fina...
Avrupa Birligi’nin 2009 yilinda Dogu Ortakligi Programini devreye sokmasi Rus uzman ve karar merc... more Avrupa Birligi’nin 2009 yilinda Dogu Ortakligi Programini devreye sokmasi Rus uzman ve karar mercilerinin kafasini ciddi anlamda karistirmistir. Zira Rus karar mercileri soz konusu programin Sovyetler Birligi’nin dagilmasiyla bosalan sahada Rusya’nin hâkimiyet kurmasina sorun teskil edip etmeyecegi veya AB ile bolge ulkeleri arasinda bir isbirligi platformu olusturup olusturamayacagi konusunda hala somut bir sonuca ulasamamistir. Konu ile ilgili bircok yanlis anlasilma ve algilamaya ragmen yazar, Avrupa Birligi, Rusya ve Guney Kafkasya ulkeleri arasinda ortak bir isbirligi stratejisinin gelistirilmesi icin bir firsat araligi olustuguna inanmaktadir.
International Organisations Research Journal, 2011
International organizations are an important resource for developing Russia’s Arctic cooperation ... more International organizations are an important resource for developing Russia’s Arctic cooperation bothtoday and in the foreseeable future. The Arctic Council and Barents-EuroArctic Council are crucial. TheAC should be reformed in a way to become the key international organization in the region that makesbinding decisions. The BEAC is instrumental in developing bilateral and multilateral cooperation at theregional level (including the “soft security” sphere) as well as Russia’s Arctic regions. However the NATOArctic activities do not conform to Russia’s interests.
Routledge Handbook of Russian Foreign Policy, 2018
Papers by Александр Сергунин